2011 IBR - The Inside View

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I got a question for you rally guys...on the GPS do you follow at route with multiple points or do you have the GPS take you to each point independently. Hence once you make point A load up the GPS take me to Point b, then C etc etc.
Being a hardened veteran of exactly 1 rally, I found I didn't have enough time (30 minutes) after analysis to create a 'route'. So it was a combo of paper maps and point to point routing.

It should be different for the Rendevous Rally, where we get a rally pack a week ahead of time (reminds me, I still need to register!)

Is 151 sleeping at his house? He/she is in the middle of a subdivision for some time now. I thought that was a no-no, since once you are in your own bed it is too easy to stay there.
This is a guess on my part...he/she might know someone and is getting maintenance or repairs done? I think that's ok as long as the rider is doing it themselves and not letting someone else do it while the rider sleeps. I could be wrong, I haven't read all of the details.

The other possibility is that the SPOT wasn't enabled and that was the last-known check-in for the device. The rider could be at the checkpoint.

AWESOME weather for Checkpoint One check-in today... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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I got a question for you rally guys...on the GPS do you follow at route with multiple points or do you have the GPS take you to each point independently. Hence once you make point A load up the GPS take me to Point b, then C etc etc.

I know when I travel I have a bunch of points I want to hit and generally have a route (GPS) that I follow, but also have an index card with all the Waypoints in order in case I decide to go off route. The route allows me to figure out my arrival time for the end of day point. The index card permits on the route planning.

With multiple GPS's you got the best of both worlds. Basic routing and what if i did this routing.

Just a curiousity thing.

The first option - route with multiple points, though I've reverted to the second option if something has gone screwy with the GPS.

I also started doing the index card thing so I can easily look up a waypoint by number.

My system when entering waypoints is:

bonus number - points value - town name/hours

For example, if a bonus said "3. Duluth, MN - 137 points - 24 hours. Write down the name on the bench at the NW corner of Superior Street and Third Ave."

My waypoint would read:



AWESOME weather for Checkpoint One check-in today... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They should be thankful today is checkpoint day. It's been raining hard and steady up this way for the last 36hrs. That's just a little dank. :D

Okay..... I don't think I like this very much..... :unsure:

#184 in Indiana happens to be a FJR guy..... who's not moving terribly fast.... as of 6:30am PDT, he has 579 miles to go, ASSuming he makes a straight bee-line to Cheektowaga:


~ 10 hours remain... 579 miles... that's a right stout average speed to keep up in the congested Northeast.... :unsure:

Hopefully... his SPOT is simply turned off, and he's much closer than he appears....

edit: HA! No sooner do I post this, then a SPOT refresh indicates he's on the move, halfway between Terre Haute and Indianapolis.... roll on, #184! :D

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You know, I have not seen anyone mention or consider another possibility. A 'Hyder' type bonus on legs 2 and 3. Everyone has just been going on what we know, which is all we really can do, but you have to consider other possibilities. Hyder is not a capital, yet was an extremely big point bonus requiring big miles to tempt/distract riders on leg 1. What's to say they won't do the same thing on legs 2 and 3?

For example, on leg two get a receipt from Wichita, Kansas for a whopping 7000 points!

Or on leg three, get a receipt from Sturgis, South Dakota, for 12000 points!

I mean they did it once on leg 1 - whose to say they won't do it again on the successive legs for even bigger points? Something like tht would surely throw the whole Hyder, and especially 4-corners, points out the window in terms of value.

Send 'em in! I'll stamp their passports. As an aside, it's a shame I'm so far out of the beaten path, it kinda makes my FJR graveyard of parts less useable.

Could fatigue be clouding # 130's judgement or am I missing something here.
The latter.... this rider just slept many hours near Harrisburg... and is surely well-rested.

As others have alluded to, I suspect #130 has an particular agenda that we all are simply not privy to yet.

This rider is a fairly seasoned vet, so it'll be interesting to watch what happens here... B)

Dover, Trenton, Albany, Cheektowaga maybe?


Personally, of all the capitols, I'd think that Trenton and Boston would be the biggest concerns. Boston is a disaster to drive in at any time, and Trenton, in addition to the traffic on the NYC/Philly corridor is regularly one of the most crime-ridden cities in the US, meaning I'd not personally want to take my expensive rally bike with even more expensive LD gear there at certain times of he night (and I've ridden in Nuevo Laredo on a B2B.)
You are confusing Trenton with Camden, New Jersey. Trenton is not bad and traffic would not have been a problem if 130 picked up the NJ State House last night. Downtown Boston is also not very bad in the middle of the night. I missed 130's overnight travel so I don't know did he go to Augusta, ME. When I checked Spotwalla this morning he was near Concord, NH. It appears he is not going to Montpelier, VT.

You are confusing Trenton with Camden, New Jersey. Trenton is not bad and traffic would not have been a problem if 130 picked up the NJ State House last night. Downtown Boston is also not very bad in the middle of the night. I missed 130's overnight travel so I don't know did he go to Augusta, ME. When I checked Spotwalla this morning he was near Concord, NH. It appears he is not going to Montpelier, VT.
You're right, I was thinking of Camden. My mistake.

Dale, thanks for the uhh, "update". Good to know it looks like they are going to make it, even if they resemble beef jerky when they get there.

IronMaiden - I'm also watching the 1088 and Iggs.

You are confusing Trenton with Camden, New Jersey. Trenton is not bad and traffic would not have been a problem if 130 picked up the NJ State House last night. Downtown Boston is also not very bad in the middle of the night. I missed 130's overnight travel so I don't know did he go to Augusta, ME. When I checked Spotwalla this morning he was near Concord, NH. It appears he is not going to Montpelier, VT.
Looks like he just crossed the border around Kittery and then headed west, from the best I could tell. But I'm not hawking constantly.

Dale, thanks for the uhh, "update". Good to know it looks like they are going to make it, even if they resemble beef jerky when they get there.

IronMaiden - I'm also watching the 1088 and Iggs.

Where you watching the 1088 at. Go Iggy. From the track it looked like he is already ahead of several IBR riders going to NY.

Only a couple at the Checkpoint this morning... in addition to #184, these guys in southern Indiana need to pick it up some.....

I'm really looking forward to getting a look at the leg 1 Bonus listing. It looks like #130 picked up a couple of capitals east of NY. I would have guessed those would not be avail til leg 2.

If it's true as posted previously that they can pick up capitals from a different leg at reduced points, then they must be aware of the point value's for all the capitals.

That would change a lot of my previous assumptions.

Dang it all... IBR'rs are rolling into Columbus for the capitol bonus and I'm f'n stuck at work and can't go down to give 'em the bird. :angry2:


Outta curiosity, are there ever international bonuseseseses? Maybe something in Canada (a poutine bonus?) or Mexico (fish taco bonus)?

Just curious.

Outta curiosity, are there ever international bonuseseseses? Maybe something in Canada (a poutine bonus?) or Mexico (fish taco bonus)?
There's been many a Canadian bonus in past IBRs... doesn't look likely this time, however.

We have never had a bonus location in Mexico.

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IBR Rider Wendy Crockett needs help:

Wendy was hit in the eye last night by a bug or other foreign object and her eye ball has swollen substantially. She has not lost vision but the swelling has made it difficult for her lower lid to close over the eye. She has tried some eye drops that have helped reduce swelling in the past in addition to a short nap, but that has not fixed the problem. She is still riding in a minor amount of pain but has decided to bee line to the checkpoint for safety sake. If you are an optometrist or are friends with an optometrist who understands the nuance of rallying and Wendy's unwillingness to stop her rally to "go to the doctors office" I beg you to please contact her directly via her cell at 559-788-8562. Please, eye care professionals only. She is looking for advise that can keep her on the road. Thanks you for your help and support.

Wendy's Husband
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Looks like a group of them are rounding the bottom of Lake Erie and headed in.

And thanks for the weather update Dale. At least their bikes will be clean of any bugs they picked up in the mid-west.

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