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Beginning to be a bit concerned for 184

Phew! He's movin'

He is 1 hour 50 mins from the Checkpoint

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Spotwalla (at 7:52 EDT) is showing that 184 is in Mentor, OH. That's roughly 170 miles to CP1. He'll have to wick it up like he's not done yet to get there in time. Tougher yet is that I90 along that section may be heavily enforced. Traffic on a Friday night may be heavy too since it's Erie and a bunch of other towns along the way. He's cutting it awfully close.

While close mile-wise, 887 doesn't have the benefit of I90 to speed his trip along. He's mostly state highways between him and the landing pad. US219 appears to be mostly state-highway like (2 lane undivided?) between where 887 is now and Springville.

Spotwalla just updated while typing this. In that 10 minutes, 184 has moved from Mentor to Conneaut (about 50 miles). This is a perfect example of the lag on web refresh in combination with the tracker refreshing. It's obvious that he's not going 354 mph. Sadly, 887 isn't making that same type of progress between refreshes.

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Beginning to be a bit concerned for 184
Yeah, riders 184 and 887 have not shown any movement for quite awhile now. Hopefully it is because Spotwalla is not receiving any updated signal and they are actually moving. But even if they are moving I do not have high expectation of them avoiding a DNF at Checkpoint #1. :(

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Beginning to be a bit concerned for 184
Yeah, riders 184 and 887 have not shown any movement for quite awhile now. Hopefully it is because Spotwalla is not receiving any updated signal and they are actually moving. But even if they are moving I do not have high expectation of them avoiding a DNF at Checkpoint #1. :(
184 is moving, Mike. He's on track with 10 mins to spare. In reality, he's probably a bit ahead of that.

Could someone please post a link to the LDRider site? I've searched for it but only come up with a web-hosting service.


It isn't a site, it's an email list. I don't have the link to hand.

Could someone please post a link to the LDRider site? I've searched for it but only come up with a web-hosting service.


LDRider Mail List


Iron Butt Association Forums


Thanks, Mike and Twigg. I just signed up.

Now......back to the action!!

Damn it, it's 1am in the morning and I can't stop refreshing this page and the Spotwalla page! This is so exciting, and it's only Leg 1 lol.

I'm going to be so wasted by the end of this rally !!!

I am guessing here that Rider 184 decided he could "grab" Michigan and get to the checkpoint before it closed.

That was a brave move this morning, which will save him having to get Michigan on the second leg, but only if he makes it.

At the last calculation, it will be minutes.

Beginning to be a bit concerned for 184

Phew! He's movin'

He is 1 hour 50 mins from the Checkpoint
Yeah, but unless I am reading Spotwalla's "show traffic" graphic incorrectly (and I hope I am), he's got a traffic backup problem in front of him where 90 and 79 intersect just southwest of Erie. Being where he is this late would be the kind of stress level that I would REALLY not enjoy. Just under 2 hours to get it to the barn now.

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Traffic cams along I-90 show little traffic for our lost number 184. He must be in a time warp taking his time to NY.


Beginning to be a bit concerned for 184

Phew! He's movin'

He is 1 hour 50 mins from the Checkpoint
Yeah, but unless I am reading Spotwalla's "show traffic" graphic incorrectly (and I hope I am), he's got a traffic backup problem in front of him where 90 and 79 intersect just southwest of Erie. Being where he is this late would be the kind of stress level that I would REALLY not enjoy. Just under 2 hours to get it to the barn now.
It's about 2 miles and might just be construction .... Hoping

Beginning to be a bit concerned for 184
Yeah, riders 184 and 887 have not shown any movement for quite awhile now. Hopefully it is because Spotwalla is not receiving any updated signal and they are actually moving. But even if they are moving I do not have high expectation of them avoiding a DNF at Checkpoint #1. :(
184 is moving, Mike. He's on track with 10 mins to spare. In reality, he's probably a bit ahead of that.
I hope so. Google Maps say he has 122 miles to go and that it will take 2 hours and 12 minutes which will make him 20 minutes too late. Hopefully (s)he can beat that schedule. Google Maps traffic and 511NY do not show any delays so the only worry are LEO if he wicks it up.

Beginning to be a bit concerned for 184
Yeah, riders 184 and 887 have not shown any movement for quite awhile now. Hopefully it is because Spotwalla is not receiving any updated signal and they are actually moving. But even if they are moving I do not have high expectation of them avoiding a DNF at Checkpoint #1. :(
184 is moving, Mike. He's on track with 10 mins to spare. In reality, he's probably a bit ahead of that.
I hope so. Google Maps say he has 122 miles to go and that it will take 2 hours and 12 minutes which will make him 20 minutes too late. Hopefully (s)he can beat that schedule. Google Maps traffic and 511NY do not show any delays so the only worry are LEO if he wicks it up.
I'm using Streets and Trips to do the timings .... Spotwalla is showing a slight delay just ahead of him? .... Hopefully it's just a construction slowdown.

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Google Maps shows construction in Fairview and a traffic accident impacting flow south of Cheetowaga (eastbound i90 at exit 50).

I'd pretend I was from Californ-eye-eh and lane share the hell out of any backups. Not that i'm advocating that for rally riders...

Go man, GO!

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Spotwalla is refreshing so slowly that I'm gonna have to take up nail biting real soon here. I keep hoping 887 turned of his/her SPOT and will suddenly appear at the CP, and that 184 will refreshto show he/she is halfway through the upcoming New York section of 90. :unsure:

EDIT: Wish nearly granted! 184 is almost to the NY border!! :clapping:

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Spotwalla is refreshing so slowly that I'm gonna have to take up nail biting real soon here. I keep hoping 887 turned of his/her SPOT and will suddenly appear at the CP, and that 184 will refreshto show he/she is halfway through the upcoming New York section of 90. :unsure:
Your wish for 184 was just answered :)

He is still calculating at 20 mins to spare

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My spies in CheekyTown believe 887 is indeed at the checkpoint, regardless of the Spotwalla page. I guess we will know in the AM.

You guys are killing me with all this conjecture! They make it or they don't. And I don't trust the Spotwalla page for that accurate of info - at least not for the fine type of calculations you guys are making. Oy vay! I need to step away from the computer for a while. This is more nerveracking than riding in the damn thing! :lol:

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