2011 IBR - The Inside View

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On the latest shot it looks like he might be heading south again to Toledo, if that's true he can make it.
If 184 hits no road construction delays, breezes through a few toll booths, and doesn't need to stop for gas... he should arrive at the checkpoint at approximately 10:40 PM

I-75 through Detroit at 5:00pm? Just to get north of the city is two hour propostion. Might be able to reach Port Huron in three hours if he is lucky/crazy.

Looks grim for him.....
On the latest shot it looks like he might be heading south again to Toledo, if that's true he can make it.

That would probably be his only chance. I forgot to mention that this is Friday, where all good Michigander's go "Up Nort'". Summer Fridays add 50% to my commute, 100% on holiday weekends.

On the latest shot it looks like he might be heading south again to Toledo, if that's true he can make it.
If 184 hits no road construction delays, breezes through a few toll booths, and doesn't need to stop for gas... he should arrive at the checkpoint at approximately 10:40 PM
In other words, he's toast.

Yea, he/she's definitely headed south again. From my year in Cleveland I can say that depending on his/her route through there it could be smooth or it could be bad. Luckily I've found that in most cities traffic is lighter on Fridays than the rest of the week due to folks taking off or leaving early. Maybe, just maybe he/she can make it in to not get a DNF by the skin of his teeth, but wow, it's gonna be a close finish for that one.

On the latest shot it looks like he might be heading south again to Toledo, if that's true he can make it.
If 184 hits no road construction delays, breezes through a few toll booths, and doesn't need to stop for gas... he should arrive at the checkpoint at approximately 10:40 PM
Streets and Trips has Toledo to Cheektowaga at 4 hours 35 mins. That leaves a few minutes for gas and he can make the window. Yeah ... traffic is key.

Anyway ... I have EVERYTHING crossed for him

I am hoping 184 has some local knowledge of Toledo and is detouring around rush hour traffic. He/she is on Shoreland Blvd roughly parallel to I-75 heading south. If he/she can keep up a good pace and and get back on the interstate soon, and can get through Cleveland without delay, my mapping programs (S&T and Mapsource) say roughly 4.5 hours to Cheektowaga. That's squeeking in right around 10 PM!

In fact, allowing for the Spotwalla delay, he may be better off than it appears.

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Streets and Trips has Toledo to Cheektowaga at 4 hours 35 mins. That leaves a few minutes for gas and he can make the window. Yeah ... traffic is key.

Anyway ... I have EVERYTHING crossed for him
High drama here, people..... **** yeah!!! :lol:

And here is some more high drama... ready?

Recall our wayward Rider #872 here, who has not moved from Lima all day?


I can now tell you that this was Eric Vaillancourt's wife CLETHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As we had thought, Cletha simply failed to have her SPOT start tracking again after she sent a custom message this morning (hence yellow marker). So as it sat at its last known location - all day - and no phone calls from Cletha, this makes for a nervous spouse (staff don't like it either!)

All is good.... Cletha is at the Checkpoint, she has stopped her clock, and is preparing to be scored.

Whew..... :blink:

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On the latest shot it looks like he might be heading south again to Toledo, if that's true he can make it.
If 184 hits no road construction delays, breezes through a few toll booths, and doesn't need to stop for gas... he should arrive at the checkpoint at approximately 10:40 PM
Streets and Trips has Toledo to Cheektowaga at 4 hours 35 mins. That leaves a few minutes for gas and he can make the window. Yeah ... traffic is key.

Anyway ... I have EVERYTHING crossed for him
Yep, you're correct that Streets and Trips says that the 307 miles between Toledo and Cheektowaga should take 4 hours, 35 minutes. I was too lazy to get on my PC and use Streets and just used the Internet on my laptop to look up the distance and time on Google Maps and Mapquest.

872 just turned on their Spot. In Cheektowaga, at the checkpoint. :)

Dang Warchild beat me to the post.

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On the latest shot it looks like he might be heading south again to Toledo, if that's true he can make it.
If 184 hits no road construction delays, breezes through a few toll booths, and doesn't need to stop for gas... he should arrive at the checkpoint at approximately 10:40 PM
Which is 40 minutes after the Checkpoint closes so (s)he will be DNF. :(

Good going through Toledo for 184, he/she is past all of the Toledo traffic heading east on I90. Looks like he/she will at least have a chance to make it in time now.

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Streets and Trips has Toledo to Cheektowaga at 4 hours 35 mins. That leaves a few minutes for gas and he can make the window. Yeah ... traffic is key.

Anyway ... I have EVERYTHING crossed for him
High drama here, people..... **** yeah!!! :lol:

And here is some more high drama... ready?

Recall our wayward Rider #872 here, who has not moved from Lima, IL all day?


I can now tell you that this was Eric Vaillancourt's wife CLETHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As we thought, she simply failed to have her SPOT start tracking again after a custom message this morning (hence yellow marker), so as it sat at its last known location - all day - and no phone calls from Cletha, this makes for a nervous spouse (staff don't like it either!)

All is good.... Cletha is at the Checkpoint, she has stopped her clock, and is preparing to be scored.

Whew..... :blink:
That is indeed excellent news.

Cletha is one of the few I have met (and Eric), I would be gutted had she missed the Checkpoint. Not, maybe, as gutted as she would be.

On Michael Hickman's Prep Rally, Cletha Over-estimated what she could do on Leg Two ... and under-estimated Leg One.

Seems like the Prep was time very well spent.

Go Cletha!!!

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Rider 184 Fan Club signing in from Norway after lurking the past days. Loving all of the updates, makes for great drama. Go 184!!!!!

What's the penalty per minute after the checkpoint opens and is the missing the checkpoint a dnf?

High drama here, people..... **** yeah!!! :lol:

And here is some more high drama... ready?

Recall our wayward Rider #872 here, who has not moved from Lima all day?

I can now tell you that this was Eric Vaillancourt's wife CLETHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As we had thought, Cletha simply failed to have her SPOT start tracking again after she sent a custom message this morning (hence yellow marker). So as it sat at its last known location - all day - and no phone calls from Cletha, this makes for a nervous spouse (staff don't like it either!)

All is good.... Cletha is at the Checkpoint, she has stopped her clock, and is preparing to be scored.

Whew..... :blink:
Whew is right!! Go, girl!!

"Hope Hwy 219 is faster than it looks on the map. Will be a tests for rider 887."

"+1 for Wendy.

As for 219. I've ridden that 4x. It's not a haul ass road. Lots of 30mph small towns."

Bungie, does 219 straighten out a bit after Johnsonburg? It looks like the rider make it though most of the slow stuff, now it's just all of those small towns.

184 needs to hold BBG pace just to make the end of the checkpoint window.

Note that this also a hour after dinner has stopped being served, they will be have only a few minutes to get their stuff together and into scoring, and be late getting to sleep. Even if they make it on time, leg 2 bonus distribution at 0400 tomorrow will come very early for this rider.

I hope he stays within his limits. Staying safe is far more important than getting to the check or finish on time.

So what's up with rider #230 still showing in Harrisburg? Another forgot-to-enable-SPOT-tracking issue (I hope)?

EDIT: Nevermind. The cache on my computer musta been doing weird stuff. 230's moving now.

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