2011 IBR - The Inside View

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Hey Dale, Did the Alaska bunch make it or will they make it before the penalty window opens?

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The word on LDRider from Jason is the Trident is in Cheektowaga :yahoo: but no word on whether he beat Ken Meese.
More great news ..... If the Triumph had been to Alaska AND beaten Ken Meese, I would be voting to give him 1st now, and let everyone go home to a warm bed :D

Wendy Results:

From Lisa Landry at Cheektowaga Checkpoint:

Wendy is back from the Doctor and all is well. Her eye is bruised and hegave her some drops and cold packs to bring down the swelling. It's all

good and she is getting her paperwork together now.

Stick a eye patch on her, put a pirate flag on her bike, and send her back out! :lol:

She now can openly carry that Red Rider BB Gun. GO! WEND-eye GO!

I see that Ignacio (Utah 1088) is closing in on the "cheek"point :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Go Cletha!!!
And another shot from the other side during the start!


I see that Ignacio (Utah 1088) is closing in on the "cheek"point :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
The light bulb just came on here in SAT....The 1088 troops are mixing in with the IBR? Now I have to keep track of two Spot windows!! Doesn't get much better than that.

Love this sport and admire the participants.

Even 512 is moving with what looks like a chance to make it. It will be amazing if they all get there. Did we ever get an answer on penalty points per minute?

Great news for Wendy.

Hopefully I can keep watching over this busy weekend!!!!


Now looks like 184 has about 20 minutes to spare on the window .... Time for a sandwich :)

Absolutely outstanding commentary folks. So pleased that John Young and his Triumph Trident have made the checkpoint.

Any news on Phil Weston, the other English rider ?

Thanks Dale, I can go to sleep tonight safe in the knowledge they've made the 1st check point. It's just after midnight here in England lol.

Could someone please post a link to the LDRider site? I've searched for it but only come up with a web-hosting service.



Could someone please post a link to the LDRider site? I've searched for it but only come up with a web-hosting service.


It isn't a site, it's an email list. I don't have the link to hand.

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