2011 IBR - The Inside View

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is it a problem, advisable, or allowed to physically ride out to watch or visit riders

I'm mainly wondering if us in the audience could learn of a checkpoint at a point to visit it

if it happens to be within reasonable riding distance, go there to watch the drama first hand.

Looking for advice on this point pleeeeze...

(I'm in Nawlins' and the published route some/most might take is close by in two directions)
Hey Mike, where ya been? Peeps have been discussing and doing that for quite a while already. Sure it's ok.

is it a problem, advisable, or allowed to physically ride out to watch or visit riders

I'm mainly wondering if us in the audience could learn of a checkpoint at a point to visit it

if it happens to be within reasonable riding distance, go there to watch the drama first hand.

Looking for advice on this point pleeeeze...

(I'm in Nawlins' and the published route some/most might take is close by in two directions)
Hey Mike, where ya been? Peeps have been discussing and doing that for quite a while already. Sure it's ok.
so if I want to visit a checkpoint...how will I know where and when...


Friday, June 24, 2011

Millennium Hotel Buffalo

Cheektowaga, NY

Best time to watch: ~ 3pm till 8pm, local time


Monday, June 27, 2011

Ramada Conference Center

Jacksonville, FL

Best time to watch: ~ noon till 5pm, local time


Friday, July 1, 2011

Doubletree Hotel Ontario Airport

Ontario, CA

Best Time to watch: ~ 4am til 8am, local time

Which is why, quite frankly, that I think that Hyder is ill-advised. We expected the more self-aggrandizing rookies to take this bait, not several veterans. Assuming they even make it to Checkpoint One in time - and that's a mighty big "if" - they will be 100% smoked-meat-on-a-stick in NY. What if Rally Staff throws them a curve ball at Checkpoint One with some rough equivalent to "Red Pill/Blue Pill" ala the 2003 IBR? These guys won't even know their names, much less be able to handle a tough academic exercise...
Wait, isn't Meese one of the riders heading to Hyder. Oh you said rookies, nevermind. :)

Given the limited knowledge of bonii and point values, I'd say the 3 riders heading to AK are in the money. A good route is less than 5,400 miles and includes 6 capitols. Certainly doable without undue stress for the caliber of riders heading north.

I think it is going to get more evil once they start getting to checkpoints.... ;)
I sure hope so. :evilsmiley03:

I was just looking at that myself and the finish check in window seems incomplete.

Finish � Friday, July 1, 10 am
Is it 8 to 10 or 10 to 12??
The former, HOWEVER.....

The *best* time to watch riders come in... is when they *actually* come in, which is typically 3-5 hours before the opening of the two hour window.

Once the 2 hour Checkpoint window begins, PENALTY POINTS ARE ACCUMULATING! Therefore, virtually all riders coming in a good couple hours before that 2 hour window, and "stop the clock" before Penalty points begin accuring.

Therefore, if the window is like the Florida checkpoint (5-7pm), the best time to see riders would be 4-5 hours before that checkpoint opens - roughly, noon to 5pm

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Well, damn.

I'm not gonna get a damn thing done for the next week+.

Too damn cool, though. Loving following this along and checking out the SPOT.

I'd read otherwise some where on the internet. So the riders headed for Hyder don't know how many points they might miss out on chasing Northern states in later legs.

Which is why, quite frankly, that I think that Hyder is ill-advised. We expected the more self-aggrandizing rookies to take this bait, not several veterans. Assuming they even make it to Checkpoint One in time - and that's a mighty big "if" - they will be 100% smoked-meat-on-a-stick in NY. What if Rally Staff throws them a curve ball at Checkpoint One with some rough equivalent to "Red Pill/Blue Pill" ala the 2003 IBR? These guys won't even know their names, much less be able to handle a tough academic exercise...

Me, I think I would have done Blaine just to keep that in my hip pocket so that *if* I determine I could indeed still do the 4-Corners bonus when I get the Checkpoint One, I still could do so. But if you didn't get Blaine right outta the gate, you've tossed away even the chance to get it.

This is a devilishly twisted and simple format.
I think it is going to get more evil once they start getting to checkpoints.... ;)
I would agree. From my arm-chair rally position, I'm afraid those guys might not have looked very far past checkpoint one.

It seems to me that getting just the required part of the 48 states that the 'optimal' route has between checkpoint 1 and 2 plus the upper right 4th corner is gonna be tight, skin on a hotdog tight. If they blew their wad going to hyder, they are going to be meat on a stick for the rest of the rally.

Then again, all 3 of those guys are monsters. It just doesn't take much to f*ck it all up though. Tight indeed.

My guess would be getting Maine after checkpoint one and having to leave Key West and the CA corner for leg 3. No doubt the evilness will be cranked up by then, which makes that 4 corner question I asked very important. It appears to me (having not been there) that you could burn 300 miles or more to try and get 4 electronic receipts for those 4 states.

Dale, will you be in NY?


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FIRST OUT THE GATE!! My personal hero, John Young, on his ancient 1969 Triumph Trident..... gawd, I hope this fucker makes it....
Me too (and Phil and Gerhard of course). Mind you, if he does we'll never hear the last of it but I guess he'll be entitled.


I'd like to add that I'm glad that the IBA has allowed us to see the spot tracking this year. While the reports are always fantastic, this makes the event so much more of a spectator event. I am certainly enjoying this from the comfort of my desk chair. Thanks!

Sticking with the theme here and seeing that the last checkpoint before the finish on the west coast is Jacksonville. I half expect to see a 50CC as a bonii for the last leg...


I noticed on the published (shortest route) to the lower 48, it appears that the route hits the 4 corners spot (UT|CO|AZ|NM).

Just from poking around I don't see an 'easy' way to get (4) receipts from each of the states. Are they allowed to use that marker as proof of those 4 states? Some thing else?

The latter, I believe.

The rules thus far say a computer-generated receipt of some sort (food purchase, fuel, etc) depicting city, state, time and date. Photographs are needed for the state capital buildings to claim them for the bonus - but receipts are needed for proof that you hit a state correctly.

Dunno if there is any computer-generated receipts available at the Four-Corners...
I was just there last month. It has a Native American trading post and food trailer and thats about it. IIRC, there isn't anything on the CO and NM side of the monument. Not much else around there either, a long way to a "computer generated" receipt. Would be interesting to get a clairification

Approaching Four Corners



Looks like "RW" finally turned north to get Pierre, SD. Me thinks that he/she will continue up ND, maybe backtrap to Bismarck and continue east from there.

This SPOT watching is fun! :yahoo:

Looks like "RW" finally turned north to get Pierre, SD. Me thinks that he/she will continue up ND, maybe backtrap to Bismarck and continue east from there.

This SPOT watching is fun! :yahoo:
Yes, it is fun!

How about that "T_H"? Snagged Cheyenne, and now looks to be headed to Denver. Wonder what the points values are for those capitals? Got a lot of ground to cover to go north still however.

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Yes, it is fun!

How about that "T_H"? Snagged Cheyenne, and now looks to be headed to Denver. Wonder what the points values are for those capitals? Got a lot of ground to cover to go north still however.
I was watching "T_H" too. Wasn't sure if they were heading in far enough to get just the state, or capital for CO. If Denver, that'll make for an interesting route to get back to SD and ND. By way of NE? We shall see.

Interesting, since from what I wrote down yesterday "T_H" did not go to Olympia in WA state. Just picking some up as he/she goes I suppose.

How about 30,000 plus hits on the Spotwalla page in the last 24 hours. WOW!!

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