Some more killer pics..... courtesy of forum member PatL!!
Lots of FJR pilots in this shot... I am in the Yamaha Racing shirt, that is Nancy Oswald (Ms Kitty) in the sunglasses and scarfs; there is Dick Peek (GoFar) taking a knee in front of Ms Kitty, and seen between me and Bob Higdon is Dave Hembroff, who's FJR is one of the best prepared bikes on the Starting Grid:
FIRST OUT THE GATE!! My personal hero, John Young, on his ancient 1969 Triumph Trident..... gawd, I hope this ****** makes it....
His countryman Frazer Phil leaves the Start Line:
Wendy Crockett (BionicPelvis) heads out..... awesome photo....
Eric Vaillancourt's wife Cletha, as she heads out on the Eric-prepared BMW F650:
FJR1300 COMING THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dick Peek (GoFar) pulls away.... look at the facial expression on this man... is he focused, or WHAT?!
Colin on his horrendously overstuffed FJR... his front tire mileage should be excellent...
Nancy Oswald (Ms Kitty) couldn't get her FJR lowered in time, so she took her BMW Atomic Cockroach again this year...
More FJRs departing the Start Line.....
I think this is Doug Barrett below.... note the SkooterG-inspired Hula Girl below the right mirror....
The Kid, 24-year-old Brian Bray:
Probably the most experienced, hard-core 2-up couple in Endurance Riding today: Tom and Rosie Sperry:
Here I discussed with the Rallymistress how a Beemer managed to leave the Impound Lot illegally....