2013 FJR - Product announced!

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Are you saying that you don't have time to do this but you want someone else to do it for you?

Oh and thanks for the red minus. That tells me I hurt the feelings of a lazy sack of crap.
There was a link to Ash's site, no discussions about the negatives of the bike.. by merging it, it's swept away and no one else chimes in with their opinions of that Ash said. I was just very surprised that he said the bike has poor low end thrust and it did not hold its line in the curves, so I wanted to get owners' feedback..

You ASSume I gave you a red minus... I am an infrequent user of this site, so I'm not familiar with the red minus and what that does.

At any rate, with the arrogance on display from you and the other guy... I would have thought I was on a BMW site. :clapping:

I apologize for asking questions and attempting to initiate a discussion regarding the '13 FJR outside of the 2013 everything thread.

Are you saying that you don't have time to do this but you want someone else to do it for you?

Oh and thanks for the red minus. That tells me I hurt the feelings of a lazy sack of crap.
There was a link to Ash's site, no discussions about the negatives of the bike.. by merging it, it's swept away and no one else chimes in with their opinions of that Ash said. I was just very surprised that he said the bike has poor low end thrust and it did not hold its line in the curves, so I wanted to get owners' feedback..

You ASSume I gave you a red minus... I am an infrequent user of this site, so I'm not familiar with the red minus and what that does.

At any rate, with the arrogance on display from you and the other guy... I would have thought I was on a BMW site. :clapping:

I apologize for asking questions and attempting to initiate a discussion regarding the '13 FJR outside of the 2013 everything thread.
Actually, I did not assume that it was you giving me a red minus. You ASSume too much. There are now over 10,000 members of this forum. I am certain that more folks than you read that post. The only way I see that post would irritate anyone is if they are too lazy to read what has already been posted. It was not aimed at anyone else.

Regarding my arrogance, did I not make an effort to give honest answers to your questions? Did you not get all of your questions answered, if not by me than by other forum members? I thought for the most part everyone was nice until you made it plain that it was better to start your own thread than to read what had already been posted.

As far as the other arrogant guy, I assume you mean Ignacio? Good luck with him.

Since it has gotten this far, why not let it all go? IF you knew anything at all about this bike, you would know that it is known for its torque curve. IF you or Ash knew enough about a motorcycle to know where to put the key you would know that something as simple as different tires or, God forbid, a suspension adjustment would have a profound effect on how a motorcycle holds its line in a curve. My best advice is to trust what Ash said. You would never be happy with an FJR.

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The point being made about searching, etc. was a valid one. After nearly a decade, the forum has seen a lot of repeated requests from folks who haven't looked at the pinned tips on how to search or the different threads that took the authors hours to record and then put on line for us to use so that frequent questions don't go ignored or casually answered in less than stunning detail.

An excellent explanation on how to search is at:


And the Forum Guidelines (Rule #6) address having a thick skin as part of participation at:


Everyone's happy to have new people here but the (admittedly curt) point about each person doing their homework like everyone before them did is a reasonable one.

As for feelings of persecution... have you read some of the posts between a few of the longer-lived members (say between #750 and 800 of this thread)?

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Rocketdoc, where'd you see #14 at a dealership? I ask because this was at the Dallas Motorcycle Show last weekend.


You have no idea the number of butts that were rubbed on that seat. I even felt the need to pass gas on it.

Oh, and in true FJRForum tradition, I hid a booger somewhere on that bike! :D

But I am going to wait for the 2014, that will have the inverted forks and electronically adjustable suspension like the AE in Europe.
Wait, are you saying the inverted forks are coming in 2014 on the non-AE model? Or wishful thinking on an AE in 2014?
Now how would HE know about something coming out on a bike issued a YEAR from now???

C'mon man - THINK!

No! :p And I refuse to grow up too!
But I am going to wait for the 2014, that will have the inverted forks and electronically adjustable suspension like the AE in Europe.
Wait, are you saying the inverted forks are coming in 2014 on the non-AE model? Or wishful thinking on an AE in 2014?
Now how would HE know about something coming out on a bike issued a YEAR from now???

C'mon man - THINK!

No! :p And I refuse to grow up too!

Got something to add? Or are you just speechless? :p

Purely speculation, but when you think about it, it makes complete sense. Introduce the major changes to the bike in Europe in the AE format that is still popular there. Give North America the clutch model(because they can't give away AE's in N.America) with the basic up grades to keep the price competative, and then next year add the electronic suspension and the inverted forks for those prepared to wait.

Face it, Yamaha has always considered Europe the real market for the FJR. In North America we are always a year or so behind.

When I think of the 10's of thousands of miles I've done on my Gen I and II bikes without electronic suspension, I'm not concerned about not having it. Once I've gotten each bike sorted to do what I like, they've been fantastic in either twisties, slabbing or in between. Technology is moving so quickly these days "gee whiz" sometimes trumps a truly functional upgrade.

For those who in general find stock suspensions adequate, the electronic version MAY be OK. I'm only thinking that on almost ever bike you know, somebody has developed improved aftermarket products to correct some design inadequacy. In the FJR's case, the original suspensions have been lacking. The rears were undersprung, had a lack of range, and no compression damping adjustment. The fronts were fairly adequate IMHO because they had preload/compression/rebound adjustments (some bikes don't have any of those), perhaps a little undersprung as well. But many have made aftermarket changes with GP/RaceTech, etc.

So, with the new design, Yammy has upped the spring rate in the rear, MAYBE tweaked the damping?.... minor change. Fronts reduced to only one side remaining adjustable (I'll be waiting to see what changes the GenIII owners think are necessary after they get a riding season in the books). Will the electronic be both sides adjustable, and isn't the gimmick simply being able to adjust on the fly based on your road conditions...... is that really necessary? I mean, I do twisties, then I change the suspension softer because I'm gonna ride slab? Why for? Then, who among us will think the spring rates or damping is inadequate in time and dive into these more expensive electronic forks to make changes....... I personally don't see the hype for the most part over electronic suspension. Maybe on a touring bike where you're constantly changing one up/two up... all for convenience of not having to stop and make an adjustment manually.... I mean, I never really have felt the need to twiddle with the suspension all that much once I have it set up.......... I think too many are obsessed with gadgetitis after drooling over BMW or other marketing koolaid.

Ok brought FJR #65 home today - 10 mile ride. Comparisons from 2012 FJR.

-Wind - needs an after market windshield or taller - I have a CeeBaileys +3 curved on the 2012 - at this point the 2013 is no comparison to wind adjustment there

-Seat - same

-Engine - Wow! Oh so smooth - no vibration perceived

-Gauges - love the visibility - still need to play -

-Suspension - seems to handle a little sharper than the 2012 - easier transitions

-Transmission - seems to shift smoother - more snick - less clunk

-Brakes - hmmm...seems like we are missing some grip power here vs. the 2012 - maybe just needs some break-in time

You know what the 2013 looks like from Fairliner's awesome pics, so I'll get some pics of my pair in the sun. The wife gets the 2012. Now, if we could just hold the white stuff back a few weeks might be able to get some miles on it yet this year.

Ok brought FJR #65 home today - 10 mile ride. Comparisons from 2012 FJR.

-Wind - needs an after market windshield or taller - I have a CeeBaileys +3 curved on the 2012 - at this point the 2013 is no comparison to wind adjustment there

-Seat - same

-Engine - Wow! Oh so smooth - no vibration perceived

-Gauges - love the visibility - still need to play -

-Suspension - seems to handle a little sharper than the 2012 - easier transitions

-Transmission - seems to shift smoother - more snick - less clunk

-Brakes - hmmm...seems like we are missing some grip power here vs. the 2012 - maybe just needs some break-in time

You know what the 2013 looks like from Fairliner's awesome pics, so I'll get some pics of my pair in the sun. The wife gets the 2012. Now, if we could just hold the white stuff back a few weeks might be able to get some miles on it yet this year.
Thanks......this is the best ride report to date......hope you can ride a few more miles before winter arrives and give us more comparisons to your 2012.

And I'm not interested in your pair. You can PM those pics to Beemerdons, Bustanut, and the rest.... :p

Regarding brake difference, are you perhaps looking at a tire difference?

Ok brought FJR #65 home today - 10 mile ride. Comparisons from 2012 FJR.

-Suspension - seems to handle a little sharper than the 2012 - easier transitions

-Brakes - hmmm...seems like we are missing some grip power here vs. the 2012 - maybe just needs some break-in time
Sharper handling? What brand of tires on the '13 compared to the '12, that may be why?

Need more than 10 miles to get the brakes bedded in I would think.

Should be able to get the tires scrubbed in nicely on all of those roundabouts in Oshkosh! ;)

Checked out the '13 FJR yesterday at the San Mateo show. I like the visual changes except flor the mirrors. Why has Yamaha not gotten the message the mirrors need to be set out enough to eliminate the blocked rear view. There has been so much negative comment on this you would think they would have made what is a very easy modification. I wonder if the FZ1 mirrors will fit now that they have a recessed mount point. Hopefully next change will be an overdrive gear box.
