Purveyor of Crooked Facts
I spoke with Dennis McNeal, a senior executive with Yamaha Motorcycle Division about the cruise control issue. He said that until my call he was unaware that there was any issue about the cruise control. At the risk of misquoting him, I don't think he knew that there was a speed limit on the CC. Several days later, I was called by the manager of customer service who had researched the cc issue. He said that he had been unaware that this was an issue, that the cc limit decision was made in Japan, that it might be changed (but might not be changed), that I was the only prospective buyer who has complained, and that the chance of a change is not likely if only one customer asks for it. So,...
It can't hurt if those of us who would like to see the 80 mph cc limit raised, or eliminated, write a respectful snail mail letter to
Dennis McNeal
Yamaha Motorcycles
6555 Katella Avenue
Cypress, CA 90630
and express your feelings, RESPECTFULLY.
Maybe, just maybe, if enough of us write, they might get the idea that a modification of the cc limit is a good idea.
Well done Howard! An excellent idea. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.