newbs need the forum
+1 on the throttle bodies. This is exactly what I suggested earlier in this thread. You've checked every thing else. Have it checked.I would suggest that when the bike gets past the 600 mile check you have the throttle bodies sync'd while it is running at 3500 RPM in neutral. The air bypass screws need to be closed off when this adjustment is made. Once the throttle plates are adjusted to a dead even flow at that RPM then the air bypass screws can be adjusted at idle. The bike will be a lot smoother at the speeds you intend to run at. Our very own Fred W came up with that procedure. Search it out.
darksider #44
PS: to those of you who say that all large inline 4's are "vibratie," have you ever ridden a BMW K1200LT? It is indeed an inline 4. It is seriously S-M-O-O-T-H, and that is not a matter of just this rider's opinion. Go ride one and you'll never make that statement again.