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Since we gave up the 'Shusssh!, it's secret!' back in elementary skool...

(So far) we have meeting up in Bradford PA at Kennedy St Cafe Thurs 5/12 9am.

- KJ & Debbie (Top Speed)

- Tim (Madmudder)

- Mike (Wine Guy)

- Jon (LilttleJon)

ETA @ MIcrotel will be Beer-30, the usual.

I'm coming. But it won't be Thursday morning. I'm torn between making a mad dash Thursday after work or taking a much less stressful ride Friday morning. Mad dash means I get 2 days riding in Ohio, but at the cost of not enjoying the ride down so much. I'll make the call when we get closer.

I'm coming. But it won't be Thursday morning. I'm torn between making a mad dash Thursday after work or taking a much less stressful ride Friday morning. Mad dash means I get 2 days riding in Ohio, but at the cost of not enjoying the ride down so much. I'll make the call when we get closer.
It's okay Jon...all the cool kids won't be arriving till Friday.

I think you're going to have to take me off of that list.

Stupid job.
WTF? sounds like it's time for a new job. That really sucks

Funny thing, Joe. I did just recently submit my resume'/application for a new job. If I actually get it, that would probably curb my trips for the year. No SEOR, no NAFO, no NERDS. Seniority is great, as is the vacation time I've earned over 9 years. I get first dibs on time off, because I run the joint. Unfortunately, I've found it's way easier to do that when I'm actually there.

I think you're going to have to take me off of that list.

Stupid job.
WTF? sounds like it's time for a new job. That really sucks

Funny thing, Joe. I did just recently submit my resume'/application for a new job. If I actually get it, that would probably curb my trips for the year. No SEOR, no NAFO, no NERDS. Seniority is great, as is the vacation time I've earned over 9 years. I get first dibs on time off, because I run the joint. Unfortunately, I've found it's way easier to do that when I'm actually there.
Just hold off with starting the new job till October

Canadian invasion, left flank.

I'll be riding down with Brian. He'll be on a FJR, leaving his ST3 at home this time, I think.

The back road route down more or less from the border.

We will have to suffer a few miles of slab.


Hope ya can swing it buddy. If not, I'd say leave Friday am, enjoy the ride in. That's usually half the fun.


We did your exact route 2 years ago. Wasn't bad, around Youngstown is slow. Either way, you wanna avoid Pitts and that always seems to be right in the middle of everything coming from the North.

Are you coming down Thurs or Fri?

Canadian invasion, left flank.
I'll be riding down with Brian. He'll be on a FJR, leaving his ST3 at home this time, I think.

The back road route down more or less from the border.

We will have to suffer a few miles of slab.
If you stick with this route, a stop just outside of Morristown OH to Food by Jane (you'll run right into it prior to taking a right turn). Awesome chow, mega 5 star reviews, a def must stop eating hole.

(Me and Mike the Wine Guy, 2014 SEO)


Canadian invasion, left flank.
I'll be riding down with Brian. He'll be on a FJR, leaving his ST3 at home this time, I think.

The back road route down more or less from the border.

We will have to suffer a few miles of slab.
If you stick with this route, a stop just outside of Morristown OH to Food by Jane (you'll run right into it prior to taking a right turn). Awesome chow, mega 5 star reviews, a def must stop eating hole.

(Me and Mike the Wine Guy, 2014 SEO)

Food by Jane Sounds good! If we have time, and it's a looong day, we'll stop in. Thanks for the tip!

Actually, my route between Youngstown and New Castle is fairly quick, and is all country roads.

Man - I'm really (REALLY) getting excited about this. Hopefully somebody brings a wide angle lens because my chicken shit camera ain't gonna cut a group picture this size very well.

Been thinking about my own route to get to OH. I haven't seen much of central Tennessee or Western/Central Kentucky. That plays better into the overall shortest way to get there. If anyone has any thoughts on can't miss roads, things to see, etc. in these regions, I'd love to hear about it.

I'm going to have to bail on SEO this time.

I have to be in London, Ontario early Sunday for a dirt bike event on that weekend. With all the scoring equipment I take to the races the logistics was just getting too complicated and I just would not enjoy the weekend thinking about all the stuff I have to do. Plus if I had a boo boo in SEO that would really screw things up so in the end there was only one reasonable choice to make.

See you down the road.

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Wow...the 'Nuckians are bowing out in droves this year. First Steve, then Fitter.

At least John will show up.

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Southland northern infiltration will be guerrilla style...unannounced.
Canadian Invasion scout will be in the neighbourhood......... if'n you wanna disclose your intended route up, it will be held in strictest confidence.
Okay, but don't tell anyone.
OK, don't tell anybody I'm starting out in someplace called King George, VA on Sunday, heading southwesterly... don't worry, I wouldn't go anywhere near those boring roads you got in SC or thereabouts, but I could end up going thru KY pointed to SEO in a roundabout way at some point. Plan is to arrive Marietta Wed. or Thurs...

SEO will be great and I'll make it there for sure. I have FYB's Tech Day 1st weekend in May followed by SEO the next weekend. Then the Wellsboro ride Memorial Day weekend with Mike and Laura's Tech Day the following weekend. 4 trips in 5 weeks! Woo Hoo!
