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Hey...if Bob doesn't work, the hospital doesn't have power to save that child's life. It's important!

Sorry Bob...here's to a good trip to make up for it.

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Right now it is not looking good. I wasn't going to quit until October of next year. I might just quit sooner. This was to be my last major outage and it is really sticking it to me.

Hey Bob, I hope you make it. would like to see you again.

Anyone need to share a room?
Art, if Bob has to bail on this one...I'll have a room to share, for Friday and Saturday night. Still hoping Bob can make it.
I hope Bob can make it also, but if not I'll share that room with ya.

Anyone going to the Ramble interested in a West Virginia Delorme Atlas and Gazetteer?Our local K Mart is going out of business and they had these for 90% off so I bought 12.I'm keeping 2 so I could bring the others to the Ramble.They were so cheap that I'll just let you have them for free...a little Ramble swag.

These are a great resource for exploring a state and finding the little known roads...the hidden gems.

I'm reserving one for hppants so when he gets home he can say...I rode all the way to Southestern Ohio and all I got was this lousy atlas,and it isn't even from that state!

Everyone else just post up if you want one.

Debbie's going to miss rubbing your belly FYB.

You're showing up.
Dude...don't get him going...I have to share a room with him