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Personally I don't care, it's what you guys want, and I know the website & name tags took a lot of time away from you, and the one who created them bitched like hell! ;)

I'm good with an Amish meet. It works.

I'm sure we all know each other...and if someone doesn't, maybe they should make an effort to...or maybe not

From past experience, the ST guys don't seem to fare to well in SE Ohio. One totaled at the 2014 SEO Ramble, another one totaled this past fall. Let's not have anymore of that.

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From past experience, the ST guys don't seem to fare to well in SE Ohio. One totaled at the 2014 SEO Ramble, another one totaled this past fall. Let's not have anymore of that.
They need to be reminded to ride their own ride and not overstretch themselves. No more accidents for sure!

Hey guys,

Let's face it you can choose to ride what ever machine suits your riding needs. That being said, IMHO, the ST's are great bikes for

going down I 77 or touring around the interstates of America, where the roads are 2 lanes of concrete and are basically flat and straight.

We joke about how straight and boring the roads are around here, but we all know that that couldn't be farther from the truth.

We put that out there on the Forum so we don't get our favorite riding area turned into another nightmere like they have in the

"Dragon" areas.

But honestly for anyone who's considering coming to the "Ramble" these are some of the most technical roads you'll find anywhere, and compound that with the speeds that most of us ride it is the recipe for disaster, as El Toro Joe so elequently has stated, trying to keep up with the Fjr"s on these roads on an ST is again IMHO nothing short of "Sheer Lunacy"

Allen, you can tell the riders to ride at there own pace, but it goes in one ear and out the other. We welcome anybody to come and enjoy themselves at the "Ramble" and all of us crazy guys, But...........

If.....and that's a big If.......if they ride together and have someone who really knows there way around here and wants to show them some great riding, they"ll be fine. But there are way to many blind turns, reducing radius turns, and blind over the top hilltops, that come up on you in a "blink of an eye", and that sneak up on even the best of us, you( I mean everybody) have to be really, really careful.

For all the newbies, don't take my word for it, helicopter rides out of here are no fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Hey, what do I know.

Dastardly Dave


Hey while I'm typing I should add one more thing, along with having having better suspensions than the ST's coming right out of the factory, box stock, many of us have aftermarket suspensions added to are already nimble mounts.

Ohlins, Race Tech, Penski, Triple Clickers, only to mention a few, make it only that much more impossible for the ST riders to keep up.

Again the ST's are nice bikes, I've ridden my buddies any number of times, but everybody already knows.......You need to be bringing your "A Game" when your down here.

Is it Spring Yet?..............Dastardly Dave

I will bring my slow FJR to the Ramble, and ride my slow pace...y'all move on ahead. No need to wait for me.
Yep, Mark is the only guy I know who rides at a pace that couldn't blow out a candle...

That's how all those nails and screws have so much time to work their way into his tires.

Thanks Joe for pointing me toward this ride. Sounds like fun. Have cleared my calendar for the SEOR! Will try to keep up with the Speed Racers!

Let them go..Ride your pace...whether it is faster or slower than those around you makes no difference.

I've organized this ride in the past have seen bad things happen when people try to keep up with people they haven't ridden with.

Having people wait a minute for you at a turn is no big deal, lots better than ditch surfing and wrecking your bike or worse.

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Thanks Joe for pointing me toward this ride. Sounds like fun. Have cleared my calendar for the SEOR! Will try to keep up with the Speed Racers!
Like Mark said, Mike...If you do choose to come and join us in SEO, please ride your own ride ( there will be several groups to ride with). One of the last rides I did this past fall, did not end well. Actually we had only gotten about 20 minutes into our ride, when someone's day ended badly. He ended up getting a helicopter ride from Cambridge up to Metro General Hospital, in Cleveland. Maybe when I get the new bike, we can head down there for a play day, so you'll have some idea of what to expect.

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Is it Spring Yet?..............Dastardly Dave
Pretty darn close...50 today and 55 tomorrow.Time to get the bikes out.
No...first I need to get the new bike.
When you get the new bike I would be interested to hear a review on the headlights with the L.E.D.s for cornering.I ride at night a lot more than I should.

Great weather for a ride today,I got the KLR out for a few hours.

I'm sure I'll be down for a ride, as soon as possible, after I get the new bike.
