26 Motorcycles Crash on I-5

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The local HD dealer has a ride once a month for his customers, we cal them "suicide runs" and someone I know was almost killed when one of them stopped, turned to pick up his protective "dew rag" and caused a large pile up involving about 10 bikes. Totaled his bike and broke his leg and shoulder in two places. We warned him! he dosen't ride anymore as a result, and was sued by the guy who stopped and was hit by the other riders. Nice guy! :dribble:

You guys are all such angels from up on high........
Oh, the irony!

I wonder what the total area in square inches was of road rash, since they mostly count on their pipes for protection. Not long ago, we had a PGR guy who went down at ~20 mph, and he was out of service for five months due to the road rash on his arms. He wears a textile protective jacket now, and sunscreen on his new scar-skin....

Watch the ride video on the brother speed site. There is a link in the story.

Most of them seem to prefer lane sharing and many have no or novelty helmets.

Groups like this are just traveling roadblocks.

I couldn't blame any motorists (2 or 4 wheel) that get upset with them.

I really feel bad for them, I do, what with all the injuries and damaged motorcycles. It's a shame. The video on their website shows them riding in a VERY unsafe manner, IMHO, side by side with minimal following distances. I'm sure many have ridden like this for a long time without incident, but it doesn't take a lot of common sense to see that if the bike in front stops or swerves suddenly, that you will NOT have time to react before hitting something...

Yesterday, I came up on two bikers (guess the brand/style of bike) that were occupying the TWO leftmost lanes on the freeway, forcing all traffic (including myself on the FJR) to pass on the far right.

FWIW, a few points to clarify. OR has a helmet law. This doesn't mean some of them weren't wearing novelty helmets, but all would have had some form of lid on. I have no doubt that they ride w/o helmets when they can. A common theme in the HD community.

Yes, they were riding side by side, (CHiPs style), and closer together than we generally promote as safe. It's a 'thing' in that crowd. Also, this was a group ride with members from a variety of chapters, both in and out of state.

Traffic gets ugly in this location. A rapid slow down caused a SUV to stab the brakes and the lead two bikes went around the SUV in avoidance mode. Unfortunately, the next pair didn't do so well. This caused a cascade effect with a lot of panic rear wheel skids and bike to bike collisions. Lots of hip and shoulder injuries.

Yes, Brothers Speed is a 1%er outlaw biker club. They are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year and I believe this ride was part of that celebration.

A little less 'us Vs them' attitude folks. We may not share many of their choices, but they still represent riders and the general public still equates them and us as part of the same group. Just like Sport bikes, every dumb or good thing they do reflects upon us as well in the average citizen's attitude towards all motorcyclists.

Yesterday, I came up on two bikers (guess the brand/style of bike) that were occupying the TWO leftmost lanes on the freeway, forcing all traffic (including myself on the FJR) to pass on the far right.



Yesterday, I came up on two bikers (guess the brand/style of bike) that were occupying the TWO leftmost lanes on the freeway, forcing all traffic (including myself on the FJR) to pass on the far right.

As did I on the way home from EOM. They would match speeds with anyone in lane two. I passed in lane number three.


... but they still represent riders and the general public still equates them and us as part of the same group. Just like Sport bikes, every dumb or good thing they do reflects upon us as well in the average citizen's attitude towards all motorcyclists.
Agreed. Excellent points. But what can we do besides promote safe motorcycling and condemn these unwise practices by other motorcyclists?

I just gotta add my comments that neither add to the topic nor pick at this group directly.

This is actually a prime example of why I don't do group rides anymore. Sure I enjoy going out riding with friends and what not, but I will not ride in a large group anymore. To me it seems the larger the group, the chance for an accident rises exponentially.

First off you get the whole 'group' mentality going where alot of people will ride outside of the comfort zone while in a group. It doesn't matter how many times you stress "ride your own pace" if you have a large group of bikes riding together some will always push it a little more than usual. I know I've pushed myself while in a group before, and I'm sure most of us have.

You also get people who don't watch traffic as much as they would out on their own. They ASSume the person in front of them is watching out so hey, just follow the leader right? Along with this, you get the whole slinky effect where the riders in the back of the pack play catch up all the time. Not good of these are the normally 'slower' or inexperienced riders. Now they are pushing harder just to keep up.

I'll ride in smaller groups and with people I know and trust, but I do not do these large rides anymore.

A little less 'us Vs them' attitude folks. We may not share many of their choices, but they still represent riders and the general public still equates them and us as part of the same group. Just like Sport bikes, every dumb or good thing they do reflects upon us as well in the average citizen's attitude towards all motorcyclists.
Very SAD !! But somewhat true ... The first thing folks ask when they find out you ride is: "You ride a Harley ?"

( I want to say,,, Not only NO ,, But Hell NO!!! ) But, I tell them ,, "No I ride a Yamaha Sport-Touring bike."

As far as I'm concerned ,,, it is pretty much 'us Vs them' .. And I don't want to be considered ANY part of Them ... :angry2:

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