26 Motorcycles Crash on I-5

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Their fun may really begin for these guys after the cops are finished making an "inventory" of the crash site. I'll lay money contraband is gonna be found. Several members of that club got big federal prison sentences a few years ago in Idaho for drug running, and it looks like this group was from Idaho....

OCfjr: Eric, is there truth to the rumor that pgrhodes1 was the individual operating the SUV that stacked up Brother Speed??
Unlikely, I understand her lowered Hummer is having problems with it's suspension settings...

late to the party, but...

When I heard about this in another thread, I wondered how the hell can you get a 26 bike pile up

Then I looked for details and just shake my head. I do wish the injured a speedy recovery however I want it to be clear that I in no way wish to be associated, even anecdotally, with this type of group. I hope that this incident causes this type of rider to rethink their practices. I will continue to attempt to be a safe rider, promote positive opinions of motorcycling in non-motorcycling community, and disassociate myself from this type of group. I do, however, feel bad for the safe, responsible motorcycle riders who choose to ride that style of bike because of the stereotype that is placed upon them.

...A little less 'us Vs them' attitude folks.

Sorry OCfjr, in my book it will always be 'us Vs them', where 'us' is safe, responsible riders that promote positive opinions of motorcycling and 'them' is unsafe, irresponsible riders that give us all a bad rep. The line between can get blurred but we all tend to one side or the other, some more than others.

Their fun may really begin for these guys after the cops are finished making an "inventory" of the crash site. I'll lay money contraband is gonna be found. Several members of that club got big federal prison sentences a few years ago in Idaho for drug running, and it looks like this group was from Idaho....
Our priority was getting I-5 back open on a Friday afternoon, not searching bikes or bikers for drugs after they scattered across the freeway.

This is me not commenting on this thread, by the way.


Their fun may really begin for these guys after the cops are finished making an "inventory" of the crash site. I'll lay money contraband is gonna be found. Several members of that club got big federal prison sentences a few years ago in Idaho for drug running, and it looks like this group was from Idaho....
Our priority was getting I-5 back open on a Friday afternoon, not searching bikes or bikers for drugs after they scattered across the freeway.

This is me not commenting on this thread, by the way.

Good Job, Pigster! Where yah been? PM me!
Good ridance..these groups-people are no different from any gang, faster they leave this world the better. Riding Bikes just helped nature along.

Group rides..just proved my thoughts on them..a accident waiting to happen, get to show this to my Harley ridding best Friend who says I can't ride cause I don't stay 10' off his ass like real riders do.

I gotta admit I ain't loosing much sleep over this, particularly after learning the true nature of these clowns.This is an good example where "us vs them" is not an inappropriate stance. I don't want these 'Tards representing the motorcycle community, because they DON'T!! Yet the sheeple comprising the general populace will know no better, and that's is the real harm here.

And, yeah, 'tis a bummer a number of them got hurt, but *********, maybe they could learn that sticking a fork in a 220-outlet - or riding too close - can frequently cause pain.


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I gotta admit I ain't loosing much sleep over this, particularly after learning the true nature of these clowns.This is an good example where "us vs them" is not an inappropriate stance. I don't want these 'Tards representing the motorcycle community, because they DON'T!! Yet the sheeple comprising the general populace will know no better, and that's is the real harm here.
And, yeah, 'tis a bummer a number of them got hurt, but *********, maybe they could learn that sticking a fork in a 220-outlet - or riding too close - can frequently cause pain.


Very well said. Sad to say but these 'Tards are what Joe Public remembers when he thinks of motorcycles. Darwin has a way of dealing with them.

And will they learn from this? Will there be dozens of posts on their forum trying to analyze what they did wrong and what they could do better next time? One of the joys of this forum is that most members are willing to admit the part they played in their own get-offs, and want to do what they can to avoid letting it happen again. While one never enjoys reading about a forum member seeing the shiny side down, we can all learn from our mutual mistakes.

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One of the joys of this forum is that most members are willing to admit the part they played in their own get-offs, and want to do what they can to avoid letting it happen again.
I don't care what part of the lane you choose to ride in behind me, just stay two seconds back and look ten seconds up the road, and we'll do just fine....

And will they learn from this? Will there be dozens of posts on their forum trying to analyze what they did wrong....
Timely. Yesterday I had a tattooed man in my office. He rides with "an affiliate" to the Jokers. He rides side by side in a group performing what I call the centipede formation. I couldn't help it, I asked why. His answer was interesting. It boiled down to the leader said it had to be done that way, so it will be. Second, he has a high need to be accepted by the group, and will do what it takes to be accepted -- he feels socially isolated and emotionally unaccepted on a chronic basis. Third, he is in denial anything can go wrong for him.

He admits it isn't the smart way to ride, but insists he will continue. Some people you just can't help before they do stupid things. Maybe I planted a seed of common sense that will grow before bad things happen. In my biz, sometimes that's all you can hope for.

Today a local newstation is reporting that one of the injured riders that was airlifted out has died. LINK

RIP biker-dude.

After listening to the video, it sounds like the SUV driver is at fault and may have intentionally caused the accident. If this is true, my outrage is directed to the driver and I hope he gets what he deserves.

RIP biker dude.

After listening to the video, it sounds like the SUV driver is at fault and may have intentionally caused the accident. If this is true, my outrage is directed to the driver and I hope he gets what he deserves.
RIP biker dude.

The witness on the video does make it sound like the SUV driver intentionally stopped hard for no apparent reason.

Whatever reason they had is hard to imagine.

Sounds like the investigation is still ongoing.

Hopefully they will get the facts.

It astounds me that riders would choose to ride in close formation with all its attendant risks and opt for do-rags as head covering.

Thats makes about as much sense (maybe less) as riding a track day without a helmet. I bet the deceased guy wasn't wearing a helmet. He probably didn't have REALLY loud pipes either.

It astounds me that riders would choose to ride in close formation with all its attendant risks and opt for do-rags as head covering.
Thats makes about as much sense (maybe less) as riding a track day without a helmet. I bet the deceased guy wasn't wearing a helmet. He probably didn't have REALLY loud pipes either.

What ever his choices were you just chose to sound like an ass.

It astounds me that riders would choose to ride in close formation with all its attendant risks and opt for do-rags as head covering.
Thats makes about as much sense (maybe less) as riding a track day without a helmet. I bet the deceased guy wasn't wearing a helmet. He probably didn't have REALLY loud pipes either.

What ever his choices were you just chose to sound like an ass.
That did sound a bit ass-ish. Certainly ignorant.

The dead guy had a helmet. It wasn't the SUV's fault. She is not supposed to have to drive into stopped traffic just because motorcycles are on her butt.

'Nuff said. Going back into hibernation.

My apologies to you kumbaya-fellow-biker types, but I do not consider members of the Brother Speed "fellow bikers" or "fellow motorcyclists". Not in my book. Just because they're riding on 2 wheels does not make them fellow anything. The Brother Speed is an outlaw biker gang comprised of people that I wouldn't want to live next to, invite over for a beer, or introduce to my children. These are people that generally live on the edge (or well outside of) of what would be considered lawful behavior. (Ask FJR_pig to qualify this statement.) To say that these are fellow motorcyclists would be to say that an armed robber is a fellow gun enthusiast.
well said, i have known a few brother speed member and they can be nice people but make no mistake that they walk a different line. The wouldn't claim us as fellow motorcyclist no need to claim them.
