26 Motorcycles Crash on I-5

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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After watching the Brother speed video I have only one thing to say.


The wouldn't claim us as fellow motorcyclist no need to claim them.
This is so true!!!!
It's far too easy to justify one's response by crawling into the gutter with the one we are judging.

Regardless of how one feels about their "branch" of motorcycling, another human being is no longer among the living. Like it or not, he was someone's son, possibly brother or husband. Maybe even a father. At least THAT deserves better than some are posting here.

And, this accident and death will be counted in the motorcycle facts as a fatal accident that will affect everyone's insurance rates.

It seems to me that there are enough riders throwing their FJRs down the road (I'm one of many who've totalled an FJR) for us to act "high-and-mighty" about another's choice of motorcycle and/or riding style.


There's been enough mud slinging and name calling.

The wouldn't claim us as fellow motorcyclist no need to claim them.
This is so true!!!!
It's far too easy to justify one's response by crawling into the gutter with the one we are judging.

Regardless of how one feels about their "branch" of motorcycling, another human being is no longer among the living. Like it or not, he was someone's son, possibly brother or husband. Maybe even a father. At least THAT deserves better than some are posting here.

And, this accident and death will be counted in the motorcycle facts as a fatal accident that will affect everyone's insurance rates.

It seems to me that there are enough riders throwing their FJRs down the road (I'm one of many who've totalled an FJR) for us to act "high-and-mighty" about another's choice of motorcycle and/or riding style.


There's been enough mud slinging and name calling.
