71 year old cage driver

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To Whom it may concern:

Yep, I reckon I'd better put ol' Bess up fer sale since I'm well past the age of becoming unreasonable, unstable & generally unable.

dobias :glare:

PS: Since I'm well over the hill, you wouldn't mind me dating your SO, would you? (Forget it if she's close to retirement age).

There are 2 things that are important here...

1) You are going to be OK. It wasn't good but it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

2) Wether this was a nice elderly woman or a complete ogre makes no difference. From here on out you will be dealing with an insurance companies lawyers. They will cut you no slack. Cut them none.

She doesn't know what she admitted to. She has no business on the road. These fucking people...with them and the deer...we're fighting a losing battle.
Lordy! Oh darn :(

Well, here goes: FOR SALE, 2003 FJR, 2006 GL1800, 2005 HONDA ELEMENT. AVAILABLE IN THE YEAR 2015, SINCE THAT'S WHEN I WILL BECOME ONE OF THOSE 'FUCKING PEOPLE'. I too will be 71 years old

and totally out of it. Shit!

I better start looking for a Rascal to ride around on (remember George on Seinfeld? I guess I'll need to turn in my class A CDL and just sit at home remembering the 'Good Old Days', dodging old geezers and deer. Then again, I probably won't be remembering anything. You know how those 'fucking people' are. Of course we all know that everyone else drives perfectly.

Damn! Guess I'd better use these next 9 years wisely, since then it'll be all over for me.



I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Sounds like you were in the right place (Fire Station) at the wrong time. Hope you heal soon.

I usually keep the bags on, but I never really considered that fact that they can offer extra protection. Better a crunched bag than a lost leg...I'll be keeping mine on after hearing the details of your accident.
Okay Okay I figured I'd get ripped in here for that. I don't mean to lump ALL senior citizens into that category. Of course there are competent drivers of that age...I just think you should be retested at some point, to double check. ;) I apologize...didn't mean to offend my elders...which on here seems to be everyone. But you can't tell me when you see a little grey haired lady driving near you on a bike you don't pay extra attn to her. Just like the super soccer mom on the cell. Sheesh so sensitive.
At any given age, those more than ten years older are senile and those more than ten years younger are dumb asses...

Sucks for sure. Your damage could have been much, much worse, but it sounds like you got banged up pretty bad as it is.
Get your PDP in now so you can be first in line to bitch about the '07.
Holy shit! Cross thread bashing! You rule, Ari! :rofl:
Indeed... nicely done, Ari!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

What you say about having your bags on makes sense. I usually ride without them but am leaning towards putting them on again. Good luck, heal quickly.

WOW guys !

thanks for all the well wishes ,,

1 I have a pit bull for a lawyer ,, only does personal injury cases ,, he's the kind of guy that when they find out you have him in the court room ,, people get there check books out !!

2 71 ?? cute ?? I know I am 52 but thtas a little old for me !!!!

but my nurse was 26 and ... well ... lets just say she was HOT !!!

3 gear !! jeans ,, Chipawa cowboy work boots ,, Icon helmet ,, Alpine Star gloves ,, T shirt ,, it was 96 yesterday ,, the asphalt was hot as hell as they were workin on me ,, thats when I wanted my jacket !!!

4 saw the bike forks are bent and maybe the head too ,, the moko support for the lft side Skyway slider was bent back away from the frame ,, looks like it did some damage to the car !!! lft mirror shot ,,windscreen trashed ,, kevlar armor on the stator is gauged ,, numerous scratches and both bags were damaged ,,

I have a feeling it will be totaled ,, if the steering head if bent ,, or frame damaged ,,

if it is ,, how do I get it ?? do I make a deal with the insurance wheezzlez ,, I would like to have the motor for a land speed bike ,,

again thanks for all the kind words !!!!

Most insurance companies will allow you to keep the bike for a lesser settlement. (original settlement, less what they would expect to reveive from the salvage sell.)

>>I know it's hard to train yourself to think this way, but in the future, when dealing with a moving vehicle....remember to "stear to the rear." Don't "lead" the vehicle in an attempt to go around the front of a moving vehicle. GET ON THE BINDERS AND AIM FOR THE REAR OF THE VEHICLE. I guess it's kind of like driving into the smoke in NASCAR, you want to go were they have already been, not were they are going! It's hard to remember, but it works......sorry, you really can't practice this one until it happens for real.<<

Cannot argue with your point, but when approaching oncoming traffic that might turn left ahead of you, your lane position should already be toward the right wheel track of your lane. This gives oncoming cars a better perspective of your approach speed, which this galxy5 gave (25 mph, IIRC) as reasonable IMO... and gives cars the idea that they have to clear the ENTIRE lane to clear you. IOW's they won't try to slip ahead of you as you approach. THEN, if they turn try to go around the rear as you said.

galxy5, I hope you do well. Very sorry about your travails and as others said, these situations are out there waiting for us. Heal quickly.


Not good, but could have been worse, glad to hear your OK or will be soon. Did this 71 year old babe get issued a ticket ?? <_<

Ya'll need to exercise a little PC and quit crackin' on the elderly. Rad is gonna get his feelings hurt. My god, you've all seen the pictures of the ravages the years and gravity have had on his man-boobs. Show a little sensitivity, eh?

Find out who her insurance co. is. Some are better to deal with. Most will let you have first chance at buying the bike for a very low price if "totaled".

Be glad you had a good helmet and not one of those little "beanie" helmets some wear.

You are out of the hospital -- WOW --that makes me think you are one lucky dude. 25 MPH is not fast but way too fast to stop in the side of a cage. That close to home and you were geared up pretty good -- good for you. (Maybe 7you are just "tough" LOL)

Yea -- I too will "wear" my bags more -- rather smash them than my legs. Never really thought of that before.

Do what the doctors tell you. The more you spend on doctors the more you get as a settlement. I got over eager and had to have my metal plate replaced (bent it). Not fun.

You will be back on the bike before you know it. Do the rehab when the time comes -- that gets you back to 100%.

Wish it hadn't of happened but still think you were very lucky.

Sorry to hear of your accident. Hope everything heals right, and you are back up and riding a new bike soon.

Go Hokies!

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4 saw the bike forks are bent and maybe the head too ,, the moko support for the lft side Skyway slider was bent back away from the frame ,, looks like it did some damage to the car !!! lft mirror shot ,,windscreen trashed ,, kevlar armor on the stator is gauged ,, numerous scratches and both bags were damaged ,,I have a feeling it will be totaled ,, if the steering head if bent ,, or frame damaged ,,
No doubt about it. That bike is t-o-a-s-t.

if it is ,, how do I get it ?? do I make a deal with the insurance wheezzlez ,,
They will almost always proposition you to buy it. If they don't, just tell the adjuster you want to buy the salvage. It's easy to do.

I would like to have the motor for a land speed bike ,,
After all the kind words, couldn't you at least have the decency to build something like this for us, instead? ;)

Got hit last year out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road .. women was ticketed and I eventually ended up with back surgery .. long story short . my attorney got me $100K .. and of that I got $67.5k clear.

Hope your accident will pay off as well.

That's why the new FJR for me .. was my reward for injury!

:unsure: Sorry to hear about your accident, glad to hear your still able to motivate. Hope you heal up one hundred percent and am back on the road with the rest of us two wheelers ASAP.

Here's to your lawyer dissecting the lady and her insurance company to you complete satisfaction...maybe the judge will even take away her license so she isn't a menace to the rest of the motoring community.

:unsure: Sorry to hear about your accident, glad to hear your still able to motivate. Hope you heal up one hundred percent and am back on the road with the rest of us two wheelers ASAP.
Here's to your lawyer dissecting the lady and her insurance company to you complete satisfaction...maybe the judge will even take away her license so she isn't a menace to the rest of the motoring community.

Best of luck to you and hope you heal fast as possible, and yes let the lawer work the case he'll get you more in the long run. Thats how my wife got a new 02 wing after she got rear ended at a light.

rogerfjrfaster :D
