905 Crash Bars

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Alright guys - help me out here.

I called 905 today to chat with them about the crash bars. No answer. Left a voicemail, no response as of yet. I realize it's only been about 10 hours since I called, but I thought I recalled somewhere reading they travel a bunch for races, etc. I'm just trying to nail down a good time to contact them to chat about the crash bar availability.

mtnhigh - were you expressing a desire to work with 905 on mods to the current design? Just want to make sure I'm not pestering them with things other may be working on with them. ;)

*sigh* - might end up with sliders for now, it seems...

I want to claryify that for normal riding and fun rides the bars were fine. I never had an issue with them until i went on a trip with my normal camping buddies(others on sportbikes). We head for the twisties. Most of our rides are going through mountainous areas. I may ride my bike a little harder than most Feej owners on these trips, I'm not sure. I switched from a Vstar 1100 to an FJR because I wore the pegs out, if that gives you an example. We don't ride like jackasses, but we don't slow much in the turns.


The bars were hitting on the lower front bar at the front edge of the bolt hole. I would like to talk 905 about trying to "tuck" in the front bar about 1-1.5 inch. I have a few ideas on how to do that, but it would require some cut and paste work. I like 905's workmanship and would preferably like them to do the mods. I have not yet talked to them about this as of yet. I will be ridiing out to LA in Sept. and thought that if they were willing I would swing by and see if we could work something up.


I have been leaned over a lot more before I put these bars on and only touched the peg feelers once. I did not hit the pegs when the bars hit. I will say I was not ready for the bars to hit, but when they did I had to think about it afterwards. Grounding out would be a better term. I turned around and found a 5ft gouge where they dragged the asphalt. It didn't really upset the bike too much, which really surprised me. I thought if I hit those things I would slide out , but didn't.

When I find my camera, Which has been missing since that trip , I will post a pick of the bar.

I have a stock suspension setup, i am about 190lbs, when on these trips I have both side bags loaded, and a tent and sleeping bag on the tail.

mdisher:I have been leaned over a lot more before I put these bars on and only touched the peg feelers once. I did not hit the pegs when the bars hit. I will say I was not ready for the bars to hit, but when they did I had to think about it afterwards. Grounding out would be a better term. I turned around and found a 5ft gouge where they dragged the asphalt. It didn't really upset the bike too much, which really surprised me. I thought if I hit those things I would slide out , but didn't.

When I find my camera, Which has been missing since that trip , I will post a pick of the bar.

I have a stock suspension setup, i am about 190lbs, when on these trips I have both side bags loaded, and a tent and sleeping bag on the tail.
I'm headed next Wed to moto mecca for 5 days through Sunday, Deals Gap and surrounding area. We'll be hitting the BMW MOA rally on one of the days be all the others will be 300+ mile twisty days so I'll get to check them out first hand.

I just installed a new (to me) penske shock. When I installed my bars, a buddy and I layed the bike over on one side and my pegs will hit well before the either of the bars and that's not with the suspension compressed so I'd imagine the pegs would hit even sooner, I don't know.

I'm still skeptical though, wondering if you dragged somthing else like center stand? :)

I'm still skeptical though, wondering if you dragged somthing else like center stand? :)


The bar definitely was the item hitting. There is little more than an 1/8 inch of the crash bar ground off of the edge. The center stand is untouched. Maybe I just have an unusual riding style. I don't want to be scraping these bars, but they did hit and I will have to make them work for me. I do like these bars though, and it is only a matter of time before I get them modified and back on. Hopefully I'm am the only one who has the issue.

Deals Gap! Damn, I'm jealous. I went there for the first time last year and loved it! Have fun and ride safe.
Sounds like something a little time with the angle grinder can fix :)

How far are you from Winchester? There's great riding not far from you :)


I scraped my crash bar on the way home today from work. Normally the onramp I take is congested, but I left early and had a chance to go faster.

I leaned over to the right and heard a scraping sound. The bike jerked a little and I started to straighten up. As I did so, I heard another scraping sound and the bike pulled. The rear end felt skittish. Luckily I was steady on the throttle and nothing else happened, but as I straightened up completely and finished my ride home I wondered what would have happened if I panicked and pulled the break or rolled violently off of the throttle.

I thought it could have been the peg feeler, but I have leaned the FJR further than this before. After all, I ride this onramp at least five times a week. I was concerned it was the 905 bars, and as soon as I got home I noticed this:



and the peg feeler for reference, with a scrape from before I put the crash bars on:


I wrote to 905 and attached two of the pictures. I hope they have some advice as what to do. Between this and the broken weld problem reported in another thread, I am taking these off as soon as the weather cools down today.


I was looking for the "dragging the 905 bars" post and found it. I hate to double post but I'm going to leave this here for the time being since I think it's important.

For the record, I have a stock suspension and the ride stiffner (wrong term?) is set to "hard." I had five pounds of gear in my Givi top case, about five pounds of gear in each side case, and a near-empty tank of gas. I weigh 170 pounds, so the bike was definitely not overloaded.

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