We never really know how we can touch someone's lfe with a simple act of kindness. I have been raised with the notion of kindness and I guess, for me, it just is something you do. Not something you do with any expectations. Just do. A simple smile, a quick note, giving a bit of time, reaching out with a story or experience in your life to someone, or just listening... you just never know what kind of effect that small gesture might have on someone.
I have been starting out on the CaringBridge site from the beginning as I was kinda out of it when Jaime was reading me many of the responses. I was amazed at how many people reached out, shared a story, offered support... and many of the stories were of something that I had shared with them which, again, I found to be something out of the ordinary... something you just did. And it made my heart smile that I had been able to touch someone's life that way... and in that moment, I remembered a quote that I have often told others (don't you hate it when your own words come back to haunt you?? lol)... sometimes it's a gift to receive. I have learned to accept the small things, the offers of help, the stories, the love that flows each and every day... to give that gift of acceptance and making someone else's heart smile at the ability to do something out of kindness.
One of the silver linings of this journey has been reconnecting with friends from the past and bonding more strongly with those who have been close all along. I feel so blessed to have these spirits cross my path some for longer than others but always having an impact on my life.
The past week and a half have been wonderful - Sue is a wonderful and gracious hostess and her home is lovely and I so appreciate the hospitality she has extended to me. It's amazing what a little fresh air, good food, a glass of vino, and friends can do for a girl. Oh yeah, and a trip to the hair salon!! lol It's nice to go back to the hospital for therapy appts and not be recognized or have people do double/triple takes!
Therapy has been going well... I can walk on my own accord for the most part but balance is an issue so that's what we are focusing on in PT... rebuilding the muscles, stretching, and balance... things that used to be so easy that need to be relearned.
I got to visit my own home last week with some friends... I stood in my living room, gazing at the photos and beloved knick knacks that are a part of my home and I cried at the joy of being among them again. I even climbed the stairs to my room (with backup - thanks Jane & Kim!) and laid down on my own bed... it was hard to tear myself away!!
This past Saturday was a fundraising dinner for the burn unit that I spent 2-1/2 months in. Man, talk about special people... those nurses and doctors are a breed unto themselves. It was such a special evening... I had about 64 friends, family members, and coworkers attend with me. I was awarded a courage award by the burn unit director which was a total surprise. You'll find this difficult to believe but I cried. I stood on that stage and looked at all the people in that room that were so special and a part of my healing... yes, I chose to fight but I had some damn good troops along side me. I thanked my surgical doc for not giving up on me... she said that she believed I had the potential and was glad to see that she was right! There were some picture takers at the event so you can peruse if you'd like:
I had a follow up with the surgical doc Monday morning and my graft surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday, Nov. 17th. I should be in the slammer, um, I mean, hospital for about a week and, if all goes as planned, I will be out by Thanksgiving. She said this will be a piece of cake compared to what I've been through already... I hope she's right again!
After having a taste of freedom, I have to be honest... I don't wanna go back to the hospital!! But I will hoist myself back in and git 'er done and then will look forward to continuing to heal, get stronger, and getting my life back on track. I can't wait to be in my own home, with my own kid, my pets, my bed, my newly remodeled bathroom (many, many thanks to the angels that have been a part of that!)... again, all those things that we tend to take for granted but I don't think I ever will again.
So my dear friends from near and far, my wish for you today is one of kindness... to yourself and to others. May it be given freely and returned tenfold. I wish you each the realization of gratitude for what and who you have in your life. I wish that if you need someone to help that you'll reach out and that if you're the person being reached out to, you'll give back. Wishing you all peace in your hearts.