Home. Dorothy in her infinite wisdom (and FABulous ruby red slippers) never uttered truer words... there really is no place like home. Shannon and I moved back into our humble abode last weekend and reveled in our own beds and closets and dinners together and snuggling and laughter. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the "little" things in life are the most important! We will forever be indebted to Sue and my sister, Jaime, for taking care of us when we needed a home away from home... their gift of friendship and support will be cherished and appreciated forever. And also to the elves and angels that took care of the house while we were gone and did the remodel of the downstairs bathroom... it looks SO beautiful and I'll spend the next year inviting everyone over to utilize it at some point!
I went back to the office this week for a few hours and got caught up with my coworkers. It felt really good to be back in that environment as I am blessed to still have a job with people that I truly enjoy being around. When I expressed my appreciation to our CEO and my boss, Bruce, he said just "pay it forward" (if you haven't seen that movie of the same name, I highly recommend it!) which I will continue to do in his honor, as well as the honor of the friends who have stood by me through the past six months. Sometimes, when I think about it, it is just overwhelming and I get leaky eyes... but I've always had that problem since the birth of my daughter although it seems to have intensified these past few months.
I also went to the gym this week with my PT to set up an exercise regime as we've sort of run our course of what we can do at the hospital and at home. It felt good to work some muscles but I was good and didn't push it. While the brain is ready to rock and roll, the body is still trying to catch up! The last graft surgery went very well but I still have one tunnel wound on the hip that is taking some time to heal, requiring three dressing changes a day. It gets old quickly but given the magnitude of my injuries, I guess I should shut up and be grateful that my legs, now a mosaic of grafting art, are standing by me (pun intended) and moving me forward in my life.
Many have asked the question as to whether I'll ride again and I honestly cannot answer that. Right now I am not physically able to so there is no question. As for the future, I don't know... I have a different answer every day, hour, and minute! Today I have to focus on continued healing and that is where my energy will go. I have been cleared to drive again and was fortunate to be able to finagle the acquisition of a 2004 Toyota Solara convertible... that will be my "thrill" for now.
I also need to continue to heal the inside part of myself - heart, mind, and soul. While I have come a long way, there are still days when I think, "F*ck, this is not what I wanted" but it is what it is. Doesn't mean it's easy some days but I am blessed with such an amazing array of friends and family (and a great therapist!
, that I know I'll get through whatever lays ahead. A very good friend sent me a plaque that made me laugh... it said "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it." He was afraid that I might be offended but sent it anyway... I'm glad he did as it helps me in the tough times.
My home address, if anyone would like to send a card or letter (I love getting them!) is:
Tyler Risk
1031 Clyde Ave. #402
Santa Clara, CA 95054
I will close with a wish for each and every one of you who has shared your energy with me, that it is returned to you tenfold today, tomorrow, and every day. This world is an amazing place and I hope that it shares its treasures with you and that you remember to keep your mind and heart open to them. May you have a blessed holiday surrounded by light, love, and laughter that follows you well into the New Year!!
P.S. If you are looking for an organization to make a donation to this holiday season, consider www.CaringBridge.org as a recipient. This site has been a godsend to many over the past months and it has been much appreciated for being available to all of us!