I'd rather stand on my head in a pile of manure than ride on an airline. The airlines are bad enough, but to make it worse is the security system where you have to wait in line till it feels like the mortor vehicle department.
But the fact that they suck so bad is the reason I have a job. Corporate aircraft mechanic.
Those people would rather buy their own planes, crew them, and maintain them rather than put up with the airlines and the terminals. They arirve at the airport and park 50 ft from where the plane is already running. Someone takes their bags from their trunk. (They do have to push the button to open the trunk so it isn't really effortless for them.) They step on the $25M plane and are rolling in less than 3 minutes. A stew is on board and has coffee ready, or a drink, and askes what time they would like their gormet dinner served. Then she starts getting out the china and crystal. The plane smells nice because of the fresh bouqet of flowers in the $4K vase that is set into a deep recepticle so it can't tip. If it's an extended flight the couch pulls out into a bed for sleeping. The aircraft has between 12 and 13 hours of fuel on board so you can make a mark on the globe just about anywhere and make it non stop. There is a video screen on the front and back cabin walls that constantly show your position on the globe along with the altitude, airspeed, time of arival etc. If you don't like that just pop in a DVD and watch a movie, hook you laptop to the plug in the wall for high speed internet access via satelite for $3 a minute, or talk on the satelite cell phone. And they can rest assured knowing that if their US citizen maintenance crew even suspects there may be something wrong with one of the aircrafts gizmos, it, and any other like it will have been replaced as a precaution so we can maintain our 99.8 % on time dispatch reliability rate.
Now that's air transportation! B)