Altitude surging on 07 fix

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Where is the ECM located. I sure hope they do not have to take the bike apart to change it.

Under the seat, behind the air filter cover, on top of the air box.
So about a 10 minute deal to fix put the new one in.
Maybe, after you get to it and also if you don't count putting all the plastic back together. Loads of fun, though...
Great, I hoped it was just out in the open--less chance of a screw up! I guess mine will be in Tuesday or Wed next week -I guess I have a excuse to ride out to Taos to see if it works! Take a couple of days off of work for "testing".

Shouldn't need to. The Barbarian Mod is external to the ECU. It's a change at the main wiring harness so it should still work.
I think he was referring to the need to re-set the B/M to '+7', or whatever you had before. But could be wrong.

Now that I brought that up, am curious if you had it before, and if you feel the need to do it again. Or does it feel just fine at 5,18,18,21? Thanks.


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I have noticed something today that really disappoints me with the new ECU. I no longer get the bike to buck, jerk, or surge under normal riding conditions! I no longer have the thrill and mystery of "when" it will happen next!

There's more testing to come, but so far it's looking pretty bleak for the surging.

While I have an '05 model and have never had any of this surging BS, I have followed this situation with great interest....primarily to see how Yamaha would deal with it, and of course hoping for some quick relief for fellow FJR owners.

Yamaha may have responded as soon as they could have anyway, but certainly the reaction of, and efforts taken by, members of this forum were instrumental in getting this issue addesssed and resolved in the present manner.

Many were involved in communicating with Yamaha and credit should go to all those folks who helped, by any means, to bring closure to an aggravating issue. Special kudos, however, to TruWrecks for all his exceptional efforts in this whole matter. Many thanks to you.

Hey TruWrecks, do you know the part numbers for the ECU? I just took my bike into the dealer to get on the list with Yamaha. The service manager is calling Yamaha on Monday. I recomened he call Steve at Yamaha that Medium Al taked to from his quote below. I thought I would also try to give him the part number for the new ECU before he calls Steve.

I sounds like your new ECU is woriking out well so far. I cant wait to see how it is working in the mountains after this weekend.

OK, heard back from Steve on "official" Yamaha position.
1) They are aware of the problem and working on the fix. Fix applies to all affected bikes, 07's included.

2) Fix will be done within 2 weeks (end of this month).

3) Allow approx. another 2 weeks for dealers to be notified & parts shipped.

4) We are to stay in contact with dealers to find out when fix is in, at that time will be asked to schedule an appointment for the fix, no charge to us.

I recommend everyone who hasn't to call Steve @ 1-800-962-7926 ex 7862, give him your VIN. Again he is the product specialist for the FJR at Yamaha Customer Relations.
Is it a big job to install the ECU? How long will it take the dealer to install it?


Hey TruWrecks, do you know the part numbers for the ECU? I just took my bike into the dealer to get on the list with Yamaha. The service manager is calling Yamaha on Monday. I recomened he call Steve at Yamaha that Medium Al taked to from his quote below. I thought I would also try to give him the part number for the new ECU before he calls Steve.
I sounds like your new ECU is woriking out well so far. I cant wait to see how it is working in the mountains after this weekend.

OK, heard back from Steve on "official" Yamaha position.
1) They are aware of the problem and working on the fix. Fix applies to all affected bikes, 07's included.

2) Fix will be done within 2 weeks (end of this month).

3) Allow approx. another 2 weeks for dealers to be notified & parts shipped.

4) We are to stay in contact with dealers to find out when fix is in, at that time will be asked to schedule an appointment for the fix, no charge to us.

I recommend everyone who hasn't to call Steve @ 1-800-962-7926 ex 7862, give him your VIN. Again he is the product specialist for the FJR at Yamaha Customer Relations.
I'm glad to hear Yamaha figured it out and bikes are getting fixed. From an owners perspective I know it was a long time coming to those who were involved early on.

I'm glad to hear Yamaha figured it out and bikes are getting fixed. From an owners perspective I know it was a long time coming to those who were involved early on.
A big thank you to all the folks who went the extra mile on taking down VIN's and making phone calls and letter writing. I kept my 2007 because I believed the folks on this forum that Yamaha would come up with a fix. I haven't taken mine in yet. Waiting for the dealership to be well aware and Yamaha having part available. Or maybe it's because the weather is just too great right now to have my bike in the shop. Loving the cooler weather and the fall colors.


I just got off the phone with yamaha customer service at 1-800-427-1204. I talked to a lady named lisa and a product specialist named ian, guess what? neither has heard of the ecu issue or a fix. Their suggestion was to make an appointment with my dealer and let them check it out. on my dime.

I called the dealer where I bought the bike and as expected they had no Idea what I was talking about.

I explained to everyone I talked to that ecu's are already being installed and that yamaha is very aware of the issue. all I got were standard responses.

What the hell is my dealer gonna do here in St. Louis besides empty my wallet and waste my time?

Does anyone have an extention to reach steve directly or an email? I re-read the entire post but cannot find anything more than the 1-800#,Probably cause I'm pissed!

Any suggestions? I did give truwrecks my vin quite a while back not sure if he got it though.

I explained to everyone I talked to that ecu's are already being installed and that yamaha is very aware of the issue. all I got were standard responses.
I always find this type of response interesting..and mildly entertaining from Yamaha.

If I remember right...this is like the fourth issue we've homed in as a community and detailed at some form of concensus issue as a forum. Maybe it's time we start our own technical bulletin numbering system? If a few thousand FJR owners start calling an issue by the same number and term and be consistent with Yamaha and dealers when we talk about them...maybe it will build some cred. I type makes more and more sense....I'm gonna have to follow up on this idea. :rolleyes:

Proposed Technical Issue Bulletins

001: Valve ticking/Premature Exhaust Valve Guide Seal Issue

002: Gen II: Throttle Abruptness Issue

003: Ignition Harness/Switch Issue

so let's reserve 004 for

004: Gen II '07: Altitude Surging Issue

...and I'll think of a way for the forum to highlight them to add credibility.

[SIZE=18pt]Steve Hamilton @ 1-800-962-7926 ex 7862[/SIZE]

Just to make Steve's number easier to find.

Canyonman, I had the same problem, got some women who patronized more than anything. Then I found Steve's ext from an earlier post and trotted on down to my dealer. You might try this approach: Told the service guy the situation, gave him my VIN, Steve's number, a description of the problem, and that I want the fix at Yamaha's cost. He said he'd get in touch with Steve to see what needs to be done and will get back to me. Did this on Friday, he's got until tomorrow to call me back. Good luck!

Iggy, like the idea of creating our own technical issue bulletins. Is there a way we can tie these to Yamaha's bulletin numbers or a full copy? Since this is my first experience with a fix, I don't know if we ever see a copy... or have the legal ability to post it here.

Is there a way we can tie these to Yamaha's bulletin numbers or a full copy?
That's the point. There aren't (with the exception of 001 and one that slipped through Australia) any Yamaha bulletins.

If they won't make one...we will. :aarambo:

Stay tuned.

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