Another ATGATT For Family and Friends

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It is bad enough when things like this happen to someone, it is much harder when it strikes close to home and to someone you obviously like and are proud of. You have my wishes for the best possible outcome as she heals.

Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for this young lady and her family.

I wear full gear all the time and just this Sunday had one of my wife's friends ask me if I wasn't hot or uncomfortable. I told her I'd rather sweat than bleed.

Please keep us posted.

It looks like we are in for a long haul situation. In a several hour surgery yesterday the docs performed a tracheostomy and installed a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy -- feeding tube. They also verified that she has broken bones in her neck. Unfortunately, the neurological response in her hands is becoming reduced. Her meds have been changed to help the long term induced coma.

It remains a matter of time to get basic healing done before things move forward.

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Appreciate the update Allen, you have lots of folks here pulling for Jennifer. I shared her story to my nephew (Harley guy in Mn -no helmet law) who has a baby on the way. Gotta make him think!

Progress! Jen has been fitted with a helmet. How ironic that she didn't wear one on the motorcycle but now has to wear one all the time to protect her head until they can replace the missing skull pieces.

Jen has been moved out of ICU and into Acute Rehab where they are now slowly allowing her to return to consciousness. She is aware enough to squeeze someone's hand on command and instinctively tries to sit or stand if put in that position but she is still bed ridden for the most part. She can react to an immediate stimulus but isn't really aware of what is going on in the bigger picture.

One small thing at a time, success aren't very big right now but they are moving in a positive direction. It's still going to be a long journey, when Jen is aware enough I'm going to ask her if she is interested in writing us (family) a 'ride report' on her ride back from the edge.

Good to hear positive news. The young human body does some amazing things. Still sending good mojo for recovery.

This is an awful thread to read, and it was far, far beyond awful to start, I know. Sometimes it helps just to share the kinds of feelings that led to the first post, and I hope this was one such time. The support of your friends can help in the same way too, I really hope. But thank you, too, for posting it for the benefit we all can get from another always-needed reminder about the dangers out there, and the precautions we should always take against them.

And of course, like everyone else who has posted and I'm sure all the rest of us as well, I wish for healing and comfort for Jennifer and all of your family.

So sorry to hear that story. When I think of my highside back in '11 it reminds me of the value of a full face helmet. After I came off the bike, the order of impact was right shoulder then face shield directly on the road. The impact tore off the face shield and left big gouges in the chin bar. If I'd been wearing a skid kid or open face helmet I probably wouldn't have much of a face left.

Not that what I've got is so nice to look at, but I've gotten used to it and not in a big hurry to leave it on the asphalt somewhere.

I hope your niece and family come out of this in some kind of repaired condition.

What we remember, that can never be again. Hopefully, what is inside will shine again.


As others have written, this has been a tough thread to read. But read it I did. It was kind of conflicting to have "Like"d your first post ionbeam because of just how tragic this situation is, but because one of your reasons (I believe) for posting this was to remind the rest of us to be diligent and not slack off about being ATGATT. She's not too much unlike me in that occassionally we just make a wrong decision. I suspect many of us do at one time or another. Jennifer just got snake bit badly this time.

I hope you can continue to report more good news. It just pains me to think of what her road to recovery will be like.

Appreciate the update Allen, you have lots of folks here pulling for Jennifer. I shared her story to my nephew (Harley guy in Mn -no helmet law) who has a baby on the way. Gotta make him think!
You want me to go BONK him on the head for you Bug?
