Another reason lane splitting needs to be legalized everywhere

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Was likely edited so as to not catch heat for his illegal maneuver I'd imagine - but either way, I doubt his "line skipping" in the drunk *******'s mind was cause for brutality.....

Just my simple take on it, I think that America has just gotten used to the idea that everyone is privileged and I will not be skipped in line - they get infuriated....

I own a carwash in a pretty affluent area, avg $100,000 cars all day long, where people act like privileged ******** all day, every day..... In the winter time with heavy road salt usage here, we will get a line of cars 30-40 cars deep at a time and you wouldn't believe how people go out of their way to cut others off and make attempts to skip others in line. I have seen people jump out of their cars and square off against each other over a ******* car wash.... Seriously ?!?!

Needless to say - I make it a point when they are playing the "How long is this going to take bit" I tell them - I can wash 100 cars an hour, how long do you think your actually going to wait....?!?!?

Let's put another spin on it.... We dont know what the rider did. I suppose the real lesson here is don't do something stupid that will piss the other guy off (even though there are some crazies out there). You don't know what condition he's in or what he's going to do. Whole thing may have been avoided.

No. Absolutely nothing that the rider previously did could possibly justify the ****** getting out of his car and assaulting the two people on the bike waiting at the light. So what if they were breaking a law? Who made this drunk the sheriff? Who made any other drivers sheriffs?

I'd have to say that impaired driving is far more offensive than a bike passing or illegally lane splitting. But what do I know?

The only thing that could have been better in the video is if the biker was legally carrying, and after the drunk swung at his passenger, rider turned around and plunked him in the nutz.

Darwin is failing us every day in this country.

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According to the info accompanying the youtube vid, the assailant suffered a broken ankle when the motorcyclist took him to ground.

At least Karma was satisfied, if not justice.

Absolutely I would never say the ****** was justified, but you don't know who the road ragers are or whether they have a hair-trigger, drug or alcohol induced or not.... we don't know what the rider did, cut him off, passed on a double yellow, maybe speeding at the same time. Dunno. Dunno if your state teaches defensive driving........

I unfortunately have experience..... 4 times passed folks on double lines, got the finger or the lecture when they caught up to me asking me why I thought I was God and could break the law. Coulda been worse. One time in the Live Free or Die state, I passed a car at speed on open highway double yellow, miles of room between me and the oncoming car, which after seeing my pass decided as I got closer to swerve into my lane half way and give me the finger. Justified, no. Me broke the rules. If I didn't, none of that woulda happened.

Am I cured? Follow me to find out.

No. Absolutely nothing that the rider previously did could possibly justify the ****** getting out of his car and assaulting the two people on the bike waiting at the light. So what if they were breaking a law? Who made this drunk the sheriff? Who made any other drivers sheriffs?
I'd have to say that impaired driving is far more offensive than a bike passing or illegally lane splitting. But what do I know?

The only thing that could have been better in the video is if the biker was legally carrying, and after the drunk swung at his passenger, rider turned around and plunked him in the nutz.

Darwin is failing us every day in this country.
Thank you Fred.... country is going way south - bad......

If I found myself in that same situation, no mater what - If I'm not trapped like that guy on the bike, and I get the feeling like someone is coming at me, I'm Out !!! The Throttle and my reaction time on my FJR has never failed me to get me out of a situation lickity split !!!! No easy chance for anyone to catch me.... He clearly had an out, first at the light in the right hand turn, I'm out - He allowed that dude to walk right up to him still sitting on the bike... poor choice IMO. Could have been way worse and gotten a tire iron...

Just like I don't sit parked behind a car, knowing the guy behind me coming up fast in the mirrors is going to rear end me cause he's enthralled in his facebook chat...

You got an out - take it....

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My best guess is the rider passed this idiot at a light to avoid following his impaired driving or passing him on the open road. I have done this many times, and watched my six. I would have been long gone before this idiot tried to punch me. More than one idiot here.

<stands on soap box>

Sorry, there's no way that this event has ANYTHING to do with legalizing lane-splitting. Given where the bike was (along curb,) rider was more likely riding along the right, which, if I'm not mistaken, is illegal even in CA. Had he been lane-splitting, he would have likely been stopped along the broken white line. If he was splitting, and weaved/swerved right, he may well have "cut off" the cager.

Either way, the rider and pillion are victims of a violent a-hole who had no business driving (drunk), but not necessarily angels, and certainly not poster children for lane-splitting.

<steps down from soap box>


I think the important lesson here is the value of on-board video. Can't argue with that!

We can speculate on the circumstances all day and never get it right. Did the guy have any right to assault the rider and girlfriend? NO. Could the rider have done something differently to not provoke the guy? Possibly, but we really don't know. Something can be legal and will still piss people off that may kill you. I agree with the comments about avoiding situations and defensive driving (irrespective of this situation). Pedestrians have the right of way on a road pretty much everywhere I know of, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to cross the road in front of a car. It may be legal, but that doesn't mean it is smart.

Sorry to reply so late, I went riding instead of sitting at my computer this weekend. I didn't say the old guy was right in what he did, I'm saying we don't really know what happened before the camera showed him getting out of the car. He was cited for driving "impaired" it didn't say drunk. You all really think this old guy just rolls around drinking, and looking for "innocent" people to assault just for the hell of it? Wouldn't he have a record of that and that would have been mentioned in the news article? I would like to see the gopro video completely. I was just sayin I don't think "sport bike guy" was a totally innocent victim.

As long as the motorcyclist did not physically assault the 'impaired' *******,,, then they were completely innocent.. Nothing the rider could have done on the road could or would justify any reaction from drunk cager. So stop taking up for this *******. And stop trying to incriminate the rider!!!! We all ride our own ride for whatever reason and it's not up to you or any other asswad to judge and meter out punishment. Deadly force would have been justified and that's probably how I would have handled it. Now that's nuff said.

I wager it would have been much more amusing to sloooowly ride away, say along the highway shoulder, staying just out of reach of the drunk fat fool, to see how far he'd be willing to stagger along.

I sure as hell wouldn't have let the raging clown get close enough to attack my pillion or myself.


you 2 are my new Forum Intellectual Heroes

WARPDRV is expressing the point I making in my last "silly" post, different thread.

....Sorry Bigjohn

RUSHES, Right on brother, "The whole needs to relax.....

As long as the motorcyclist did not physically assault the 'impaired' *******,,, then they were completely innocent.. Nothing the rider could have done on the road could or would justify any reaction from drunk cager. So stop taking up for this *******. And stop trying to incriminate the rider!!!! We all ride our own ride for whatever reason and it's not up to you or any other asswad to judge and meter out punishment. Deadly force would have been justified and that's probably how I would have handled it. Now that's nuff said.
So, if the rider passed that guy and then jammed on the brakes, nearly causing the old sissy to crash, that wouldn't be enough reason to "assault" the rider? What if the rider tried to force the guy into the ditch? What Bud is saying is correct, no matter what your knee jerk reaction is. I have been the victim of an edited video. They took out the part that led up to a use of force. I was in a world of **** until someone else popped up with the full facts. I'm not pointing the finger at the rider, but just because he's a rider with a girl on the back doesn't mean he's not a douche. Without the full video, we'll never know. I do think it's suspicious he didn't post that. Making a single, simple pass would have made the driver seem even more out of control. What did he do that he didn't want anyone else to see?
AND, deadly force?? The guy parked his car and got out of it, obviously unarmed. He wasn't holding anything in his hands, and never made any indications he was armed. He threw a couple punches at two people wearing full MC gear. He proved he was stupid, but riding away from him was also an option. Deadly force would have landed you in jail, and you would have lost your house in the civil suit.

Now, an honest ass kicking would have been appropriate, but the rider did a good job keeping it under control. Still want to see the rest of that video though.

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Thanks Hotrodzilla, thanks for reminding me that when a "Crazy Eyed White Man" comes out of no where with the intent of causing you harm.......he's "not armed" he "doesn't want to kill you"......therefore.....

There is no resonable presumption of fearing for your life..

....He just wants to Bitch slap you a bit.

RUSHES AND WARPDRV are now my "super double intellectual hereos"


Thanks Hotrodzilla, thanks for remihinding me that when a "Crazy Eyed White Man" comes out of no where with the intent of causing you harm.......he's "not armed" he "doesn't want to kill you"......therefore..... There is no resonable presumption of fearing for your life..

....He just wants to Bitch slap you a bit.

RUSHES AND WARPDRV are now my "super double intellectual hereos"

That's absolutely not what I said. However, you used the correct word. "Reasonable." Would a reasonable person think shooting that guy, when there are plenty of other options available, is the best option? No idea, but I wouldn't want to be sitting at the defendant's table for that.

Why did that guy get off his bike? If a guy ON FOOT comes after my MC, he's gonna have a Hellavua time catching up. You have obviously never put your life in the hands of 12 strangers.

I'm glad you have your heros, and I'm glad I'm not one of them.

If someone thinks this was a situation where deadly force was justified, they probably shouldn't be carrying a gun. Beatdown perhaps. That said, I've found the ratio of dildos rocking go-pros to mature adults rocking go-pros to be decidedly lopsided in favor of the former group. In this case, a good macing or stomping was in order. Nothing more.
