Another reason lane splitting needs to be legalized everywhere

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Tell your explanations of either running from or not confronting people intending to harm you to the relatives of the dead Ducati rider in Ca..And again ,, making judgements about how one would go about protecting oneself and your passenger is best left to the one in danger. That's why there are laws allowing for just that. Not for any bunch of forum members to preside over. The situation was handled fantastically but what if it escalated from the cager??? There are enough dangers lurking for any citizen in this country, which is highly amplified when riding our bikes. We are vulnerable to the whims of a cage driver. I'll handle my safety my way and you can or cannot handle yours your way. And the state I live in thinks I should carry. That's the only opinion other than my own that means anything.

I'm with Zilla. I wouldn't think road rage just happens without some provocation, small or large or in between....... something must have happened prior, we just don't know what. I just witnessed a potential incident yesterday, where the bike rider was being an asshat. Hell, I wanted to yell at him for giving us a bad name and I'm not prone to road rage. Jes sayin...... unfortunate stupid outcome, but I doubt the rider is innocent.

The "video evidence" starts with the biker looking over his shoulder at the guy getting out of the car, correct? So this "innocent" biker just happens to be at a light looking backwards and just happens to turn on his camera at the very same moment as the old guy exits the car, then starts jaw jacking asking him what he wants? Seems just to coincidental to me, Me thinks the biker was expecting some "negative feedback" based on some "negative action" on his part. I guess it boils down to the fact that people handle things differently. We who reside in the "old west" only put up with shit for so long before we deal with it.

Just like people on this Forum would be a lot politer if people could shoot through your web cam at you.

I would hate that, because I enjoy razzing my friends, and sometimes they might have had a bad day and not be in the mood for it.


Just don't point your webcam at your balls, Mark.


Wasn't putting words anywhere, rather was commenting on the racial irony in your comment giving the current state of stand your ground laws most areas.

Personally I would have just ridden off.

Just cause I don't wear a law badge doesn't mean I don't know what it's like to be in fear of my life. It can be just as unnerving when it's just you and your partner when a dieing patient and really angry ignorant family members decide you're not doing enough.

The pretentiousness here is getting rough,

Rushes...your right brother, "the whole world needs to relax".

Time to move on

Free clue- in that situation, if you shoot the guy, the state will not allow you to continue to carry (they don't think you should carry now, they allow you to do so), and a jury will be hard pressed to decide whether you should be free to roam amongst the public. How you feel does not determine the level of force that is reasonable to use. Fear alone can help you get a restraining order or substantiate other charges, but it is not a standalone justification for the use of deadly force. In this case, a shoving match doesn't equal a good shoot. I'm all about folks' right to defend themselves. But some are confused as to when a firearm can reasonably be employed to do so.

Tell your explanations of either running from or not confronting people intending to harm you to the relatives of the dead Ducati rider in Ca..And again ,, making judgements about how one would go about protecting oneself and your passenger is best left to the one in danger. That's why there are laws allowing for just that. Not for any bunch of forum members to preside over. The situation was handled fantastically but what if it escalated from the cager??? There are enough dangers lurking for any citizen in this country, which is highly amplified when riding our bikes. We are vulnerable to the whims of a cage driver. I'll handle my safety my way and you can or cannot handle yours your way. And the state I live in thinks I should carry. That's the only opinion other than my own that means anything.
The "video evidence" starts with the biker looking over his shoulder at the guy getting out of the car, correct? So this "innocent" biker just happens to be at a light looking backwards and just happens to turn on his camera at the very same moment as the old guy exits the car, then starts jaw jacking asking him what he wants? Seems just to coincidental to me, Me thinks the biker was expecting some "negative feedback" based on some "negative action" on his part. I guess it boils down to the fact that people handle things differently. We who reside in the "old west" only put up with shit for so long before we deal with it.
When I am stopped at a light or in traffic you can bet that I am watching the traffic behind me so I can get out of the way if needed. I do the same thing when driving my car. I can't tell if the rider had just turned his camera on or not. As far as I know those cameras save to a chip so there would be no reason to be turning it on and off, especially in traffic where covering the clutch and front brake are so important. I am in the ride away camp, as soon as that driver got out of the car I would have been making a right turn to get away.

The guy was definitely looking for PRECIOUS.
I knew I had seen that face before somewhere.
Haha...The look on his face was priceless. I thought it was funny that he seemed surprised when he ended up on his ass. He probably bullies his family the same way without them fighting back.

I thought the Good Samaritan with the blanket was funny. No idea WTF is going on, but he's gonna bring a blanket and shade the asshole's eyes. He's been running around for 2 years with that blanket, just waiting for his chance to help a crash victim.

More proof that people are funny and weird as Hell.

Could the "Stand Your Ground Law" be applicable here?

Not that I would use it, because I don't carry. Mainly because I don't trust myself with a gun when I get pissed. :grin:

Could the "Stand Your Ground Law" be applicable here?
Not that I would use it, because I don't carry. Mainly because I don't trust myself with a gun when I get pissed. :grin:
It might be, but what if it isn't? Most of those laws state something along the lines of a person not having to back down or run away if confronted. What they don't do is.protect someone from an overzealous prosecutor or civil liability.

I will say this: If at any point, one thinks, "I wonder if this is the right thing to do." The answer is probably NO. When it is right, there won't really be time to think about it. When that time exists, that means there is also time to explore other options. THAT is what will get armchair quarterbacked to death. Supreme Court rulings exist for law enforcement involved in deadly force situations to prevent using hindsight. Don't know about regular people who are not in a LEO capacity.

What I do know is this: If you shoot someone, you better have $100k just lying around. If there are criminal charges, it will cost $30k IF the evidence can get you cleared by Grand Jury. If it goes to trial, the sky is the limit. Good attorneys are $250/hour and up.

The civil case is a whole other deal. As an example, the "go-away" rate for Law Enforcement in NM is between $30 and $50k. Meaning, you file some half-assed lawsuit, and even if it's mostly BS, the agency's insurance will pay you $30-$50 to go away. That is cheaper than paying the attorneys to go to trial and possibly paying the plaintiff attorney fees. Do you have a huge rider on your insurance to cover a judgement against you? How much is your house worth?

Remember those guys whose lives were destroyed because they shot someone and the media got ahold of it? Whatever you do, DO NOT be that guy.

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Funny how if you have $100K you need $100K. If you're FOB and penniless, nobody bothers you.

Gotta admit, I liked the dude's gloves.

As for the guy with the blanket, sorry Zilla, I thought that was a very compassionate act. Regardless of how long he'd been keeping it in his trunk.

As for what happened leading up to this, the dash cam audio explains it all. Ya just gotta listen.

Hell of a lotta Monday morning quarterbacks on this Forum

^^^I don't have anything against that guy either Bokerfork. Just caught my eye as interesting. That guy walked himslef into a situation, having no idea what was going on. In all honesty, it sure seemed like maybe the guy had been in a crash, or had a medical episode.

I knew where the Samaritan was coming from, but my twisted brain thinks, what if this was an armed guy scenario and that driver remembers he has a .45 stuffed in his pants and goes for it? Stupider shit has happened.

Just me thinking out loud. It's from almost 20 years of dealing with baloney every day. That shit puts a guy on edge sometimes. Haha...

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