Another reason lane splitting needs to be legalized everywhere

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Anyone run across an update article on this? Curious as to what determination the police came to.

a) the driver is an impaired, violent idiot for assaulting someone;

B) the rider is a sanctimonious ass for trying to make himself seem angelic;

c) the passenger is somehow involved, but how has yet to be determined;

d) arrests on both sides: assault (obviously). Withholding info and evidence, hindering prosecution, lying and hopefully anything else of that TV drama stuff that can be used to get yet another pompous, self-righteous rider off the street.

Just guesses, seems logical.

According to some of the logic in this thread, if some a**hat goes postal, the victim must have done something to provoke him. Victim blaming. By that logic those theater-goers must have done something to provoke Houser... Some people are just crazy and don't need an excuse. Anything will do.

According to some of the logic in this thread, if some a**hat goes postal, the victim must have done something to provoke him. Victim blaming. By that logic those theater-goers must have done something to provoke Houser... Some people are just crazy and don't need an excuse. Anything will do.
Absolutely correct. But by the same token if the biker is a completely innocent victim, why not show all the video? Granted, that may be all the video but I doubt the camera was turned on just in time to catch the guy getting out of his car. I'm not saying that any misdeed by the biker or passenger justifies assault- certainly not. I'm just saying that we aren't getting, and as in your example may never get, the whole story.

Has anyone thought the guy edited the video just so it was shorter and to the point? Doesn't mean he did anything wrong at all. I know I personally may not post an extra 10 minutes of video before showing the good stuff if I was in his place. Personally I hate when people have an excellent 30 second video clip, but you have to dig through 20 minutes of useless video to find it. Kind of like a guy that posts a video of his buddy splitting a deer in two with his bike, but you have to watch five minutes of their ride before seeing the accident. This video is nice and to the point.

None of us are angles.
Who of us has never with our bike passed on a double yellow, passed at 100 mph, pulled out in front of someone because we can accelerate like a bat out of hell (where we would not have pulled out with a car), squeaked in between two cars in a different lane at a stop light etc.? Even IF the rider did do something like that, it still does NOT justify the cager assaulting him and his GF. You get a license plate number and file a complaint, not get our of you car at a busy intersection and assault someone. It is not right for any of us to presume the rider is guilty of ANYTHING based solely on the LACK of evidence. We're in America where we're innocent until proven guilty after all. :)

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