If you've ever encountered a surprise situation like a car turning in front of you or one stopping unexpectedly in front of you, where in either case death looked imminent, you likely would have jammed all brakes as hard as you could, without thought. This is where ABS will save your ass and that's why they are a great safety device. In decades of driving they saved my ass 3 times in situations I'll never forget. Bill
I was content to just follow this thread silently. It always amazes me the way so many of you guys grapple back and forth with subjects like handling and braking. I guess in some ways I must be one of the black sheep of the FJR family. Uhhh... can you spell, "d-a-r-k-s-i-d-e?" I live and ride in Florida. Cold weather? Rare. Curves? More Rare. Opportunities to practice sport riding? Nearly non existent. I say that because though we do have curves, we also have speed limits. Exposing some of my black fur, I try to observe the speed limits, always.
My FJR just clicked over 26k, I've never ground a foot peg, and probably never will. I don't seek to become a better rider, in the sense that better rider = faster rider. I will go on, Lord willing, obeying the speed limits and riding as safely as I know how, until I'm too old to ride.
Which leads me to say that for me, and for every other guy out there like me, ABS is essential, therefore it doesn't matter if it fosters/creates bad braking habits.
I chose to write this today because yesterday on the way home from teaching at Gulf Middle School, a woman in a 40 foot long white station wagon (at least it SEEMED that long) pulled across the highway in front of me. As I approached at about 40 mph, I was busy listening to my iPod and just staring straight ahead, engrossed in my thoughts about just what to say to my daughter when I arrived in a few minutes. And in a split second, I was experiencing sensory overload with about 30 feet to get the FJR to a stop.
Slow motion replay
.103 second: eyes tell brain we have a large white problem
.209 second: brain tells right hand to let go of throttle and reach for brake
.214 second: oh yeah, right foot, this means you too (the legs are a little slower this year) Brain reminds both: ABS = go for it.
.256 second: eyes open significantly wider, neck muscles brace for emergency maneuvers, eyes looking for possible escape route..
.368 second: fingers reach brake lever just ahead of foot, which was actually hanging kinda sideways off the foot peg for who knows what reason: eyes tell brain, "she's actually going to do this, she's not hitting the brakes." Also, forget escape idea, nowhere to go.
.388 second: hand and foot begin to squeeze, brain reminds both we have a full fledged emergency here, can't you move any faster?
.402 second: front suspension begins to compress, rear wheel ABS kicks in, eyes report that this is a woman, she's not even looking in my direction, car is now half way into my lane, eyes to brain: you are GOING to crash.
.560 second: ABS on both wheels now fully engaged, we're at 22 feet now.
1.10 seconds: boat now spans the entire road, can't reach horn as there's too much weight on my hands. Brain: I hope the ABS works like it's supposed to...
1.8 seconds: wow, this braking system is powerful, looking like we might live to tell this story...
2.4 seconds: FJR at about 10 mph, rear bumper just clearing my path, glance in mirror, nobody in sight (thank God), eyes report that foolish woman seems totally unaware that anything just happened and that it looks like we're all clear...
Does ABS foster/create bad habits?
The question remains, but I'll leave that discussion to you fine fellas. But for me, as I've said on this forum, I will not own and ride a bike on the streets every day without ABS. That's one of the primary reasons I bought an FJR, and yesterday's experience simply reinforces that conviction. I ride every day surrounded by cages who sometimes don't see the guy on the bike. Does it really matter that stomping on the brakes, and thus depending on ABS, reduces one's ability to brake effectively without them? I own and FJR. I will probably always own an FJR. It
HAS ABS. It will very rarely ever get used: thus far twice in 2 1/2 years. For me, that's all that matters.
darksider #44