Apologies to those I have offended

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Robert,I don't recall reading any of your posts or replys that offended so I searched some of the threads that you participated in and still couldn't find anything. In the future, please make your offensive actions and remarks more blatantly obvious so those of us that rode the little bus can enjoy them also.....

Well to my knowledge you have never offended me either. I just learned really quickly on this forum to STFU and just read. When I did post something that I "thought" at the time to be real I was drug close to 500ft through the mud and basically hung from a billboard with an idiot sign on my forehead. After riding a while longer even I realize that what I thought happened could not have possibly happened, physically impossible, but I'll be damned if I know what did happen, guess I kicked it or something, god knows. Point being I personally don't have a freaking clue about riding so I just sit back and watch the world type by and read about it to help me out now.

You don't appear to have offended anyone to date so don't sweat it, stick around read and share when you feel the urge :)

Well, if nothing else,this thread has me thinking perhaps a kinder, gentler tone, from me anyway, towards n00bs, could go along ways towards their accepting the madness we know as FJRforum.com. However, once they've advanced outta FNG status, the gloves are off baby. But for 10 posts, call me


;) B)

Well I'm offended that you didn't take the time or think enough of me to offend me! :angry01: :angry01: :angry01:

Untill you decide to pony up and offend me I am no longer talking to you! :argue: :argue: :argue: :argue: :argue:

I came to this board to get &give information & comraderie over a specific motorcycle. I too enjoy fun & attempted to join in but became the bottom of the dogpile. I truly feel bad if I have hurt your feelings as that was not my goal. I just want to share a life of riding & get to know those that I would feel comfortable riding with & learn all I can on a new to me model bike. Apologies to all I have offended with my style postings & will step back and listen a bit more, as I did for some time before registering.....Robert

I dinsmell nuthin.........

One typical thing that happens to people new to the internet and this type of communication is they are hypersensitive to being misunderstood and hyper..... (long word, fuggik) to offending. I run two boards. the best thing to do is relax, and understand that those who roam the net on a regular basis dont take personal stuff to heart allowing for the vast void in this type of communication. They know that most poeple are good and intended good when a post "could" be taken in a bad day. A TRUE!! troll will stand out by blatent attemtps to upset others.

In other word, **bart simpson voice** CHILL MAN


OH OH OH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Look. I made friggin FJR Pilot **Bart simpson voice again** COOL MAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!!

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Robert I don't think you are doing very well with this offending thing, maybe these sights will get you started:

just a little offensive


now googling offensive is dangerous, there are some sick people out there <_< .

I know that I'm sorta' new and being sorta' new I pay a little closer attention; but for the life of me I missed it. Could ya' do it again. SLOWER this time. :dntknw:

I whish I could think of somethin whitty to say... but I guess I suck too...

{Just cause you dont fit in doesnt make u UN Kool }

This guy is a freakin' GENIUS! He has all of us apologizing for something we have no idea he did! On a serious note, sometimes ya just got to stick to yer guns and let the flack fly. Hey dude.. if WarChild sez no prob... yer golden.

...and Hice.. that's cool what you posted too.

Maybe we need a 'What the Fook Was I Thinking When I Posted That' thread.

I could have a couple... :huh:

This guy is a freakin' GENIUS! He has all of us apologizing for something we have no idea he did! On a serious note, sometimes ya just got to stick to yer guns and let the flack fly. Hey dude.. if WarChild sez no prob... yer golden.
...and Hice.. that's cool what you posted too.

Maybe we need a 'What the Fook Was I Thinking When I Posted That' thread.

I could have a couple... :huh:
Then I would be screwed....I hope....by some hot brazillian chick....with a rich father.....who would spank...er...nefvermin. :lol:

Then I would be screwed....I hope....by some hot brazillian chick....with a rich father.....who would spank...er...nefvermin. :lol:
Why would you rather be spanked by a rich guy than a middle income guy? Try taking a tour of your state's capitol. You might get lucky.
You should try harder at offending since you obviously didn't do a good enough job the first time. After a little practice I'm sure you'll do fine. You may even find it fun as I do on occasion. Although I've yet to actually become offensive on this forum. ;)

I came to this board to get &give information & comraderie over a specific motorcycle. I too enjoy fun & attempted to join in but became the bottom of the dogpile. I truly feel bad if I have hurt your feelings as that was not my goal. I just want to share a life of riding & get to know those that I would feel comfortable riding with & learn all I can on a new to me model bike. Apologies to all I have offended with my style postings & will step back and listen a bit more, as I did for some time before registering.....Robert

I read your posts and have no idea what you're talking about. Dude, you need to let it go. I've pissed a few folks off, so if you've upset someone, 99% chance it's their problems with their own issues, not yours.

Gotta remember, most people on bike-specific forums (or any product/brand-specific forums) are pretty hard headed and don't like to hear anything that could be construed as negative or "insulting" to their machine. It seems to reflect poorly on them and their choices.

Trust me. Go say something negative about the Concours or the Shadow or the VTX or any other specific forum and watch the sparks fly. Or just tell folks here the FJR blows donkeys and you're buying a BMW instead.

Nah, lighted up, make no apologies and live life. It's too short as it is.

Here is one thread I believe he is talking about

And I think I remember another, I'll be back...

Here Start at post 172

here post 90

Yes, I was bored.

Hell, I offend everday (guess I should shower more) but you don't see me apologizing. You make your decisions and live with the consequences. Good or bad. Live and learn and grow a thicker Skin. As a War Vet, you should know these things and say to hell with political correctness.

Every day common courtesy is a diff matter though. Be polite but speak your mind. Take a lesson from Thug. He wants to kill someone for making an ugly bike.

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I don't have a Horse in this race, but FYI I haven't been offended buy anyone here, ...but I sure have offended the guys over on the FZ1 forum. :lol: That's why I keep coming back here ...because I DON"T have a Horse in this race, so basically, nobody pays any attention to me. I fly under the radar. :p

However, I am sure that I almost offended Slapnpop buy making a quick pass in the 421 twisties while riding with him during one of the Friday EOM rides. The only problem was that I didn't get to make the ride.

Still on the injured reserve list. :(

I am truly sorry if I have pissed off any body that I have flown by on a ride. :yahoo:

Ooops! ...I forgot, they are all over on the Harley forum. ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It will all be okay Robert!


Red 06 FZ1 sitting collecting dust.

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As grass hopper would say , does not water begin a new journey when the water passes under the bridge,?

Now if you had offended me, me and my two buddies Mr.Smith and Mr.Wesson would have a serious talk with you at the O.K. corral partner..........

Thats all folks weekend rider :assassin: :eek:

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