Big Bear Ride

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Mr sissy pants Bluesman backed out on us. I will let him fill everyone in on as to why.

However the ride goes on. Now we only have the limeys to pick on. This should be fun.

Also can someone hold my hand and tell me how to post a map from google maps? I have the routes but I just cant get them to show up in the body of the post.

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Mr sissy pants Bluesman backed out on us. I will let him fill everyone in on as to why.
However the ride goes on. Now we only have the limeys to pick on. This should be fun.

Also can someone hold my hand and tell me how to post a map from google maps? I have the routes but I just cant get them to show up in the body of the post.
after you make your map(s) you click on the link icon (upper right of map), then right click copy it. next you set it up like a link

*url=",+92315&daddr=CA-173+%4034.277599,+-117.189740+to:CA-173+%4034.284570,+-117.205880+to:34.153863,-117.186356&hl=en&geocode=4200209236349745515,34.277599,-117.189740%3B795676418062186979,34.284570,-117.205880%3B4555964154041827392,34.241500,-117.219390&mra=dme&mrcr=1&mrsp=3&sz=11&via=2&sll=34.18615,-117.06044&sspn=0.263554,0.429153&ie=UTF8&ll=34.189654,-117.081299&spn=0.263543,0.429153&z=11"*l your route */url*

replace stars with [][] then it looks like this

your route

that is the best i can do with out pictures :lol:

I've been on vacation for a couple of weeks,but back now looking forward to our ride on Saturday.

You will be lucky if he even shows up. :clapping:
I resemble that remark.

Jordylad, tonyrob, Fairlainer... THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!! :eek:
Rule Britannia.

Bluesman, what's this about you dropping out, rumor is you have an appointment for a waxing.

who has bike to bike radios?
I've got a GMRS hooked into a Starcom system, but haven't had a chance to use it to get the bugs out. The previous Starcom Advance never worked correctly wrt the bike to bike radio :angry2: . But the Starcom Digital appears to be working, at least with the GMRS radio.

So, the answer is...maybe...? :dntknw:

Please add Paste007 to the list.

Unless I get a call out from work, I will ride down from Bakersfield, Saturday morning to the Starbuck's meeting site for an 8:30AM departure.


I do believe you can add John Dumke to the list also.

Ok i have to go ride now as i still only have 330 miles on the bike and i want to do the 600 before Saturday.


I have added a ride map for all those interested. There are only two absolute meeting points. 1 is the normal San Diego meeting point at the Starbucks across the 15 from North County Fair. The Second is the Starbucks in Redlands and address is on the first page of this post.

IF you have any questions please ask now.

I would like to be there but.... I lost my 98 year old grandfather. He lived a full life, rode motorcycles into his 60's, played tennis until his late 80's, played golf into his early 90's and drove until the day he died. A great man of God and he was in excellent shape for 98. He was taken quickly. So that's good.

The bummer part is, it looks like the family is doing a memorial service for him on August 23. I was hoping I could still do the Big Bear ride and make the service, but I think that would really be pushing it. My grandfather was a biker and he would understand, the rest of my family would not.

So I'm going to have to back out of this one.

When and where's the next ride? ;)

Mr sissy pants Bluesman backed out on us. I will let him fill everyone in on as to why.
However the ride goes on. Now we only have the limeys to pick on. This should be fun.
Thank you Mr. Girlie-man... I shall let the ride continue in my absence. I leave first in command Tonyrob. His job is to sack slappy, and ditch him any chance he gets. A CAUTION NOTE: Beware of the red coats... :p

This ride should be real fun. Enjoy yourselves and ride safe!!!!

I would like to be there but.... I lost my 98 year old grandfather. He lived a full life, rode motorcycles into his 60's, played tennis until his late 80's, played golf into his early 90's and drove until the day he died. A great man of God and he was in excellent shape for 98. He was taken quickly. So that's good.
Sorry for your loss Simon. No matter how old and how full a life, it's always tough.

See you next time, soon I hope.


Simon, sorry to hear of your loss. Hope to see you next time around.

just wondering,how many 2ups ?
I'll have a pillion. Not sure if anyone else will be 2up on this trip...?

Amansker, Pegscrapper, ynotride?

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Simon, sorry to hear of your loss. Hope to see you next time around.

just wondering,how many 2ups ?
I'll have a pillion. Not sure if anyone else will be 2up on this trip...?

Amansker, Pegscrapper, ynotride?
Sorry to hear of the loss Simon. Maybe we can make the next ride in a few weeks. It sucks wating a month :D

As for having a pillion my wife is on the fence still. She would rather be riding her own bike and doesnt really like to do super long days on the back yet. The pace I ride on mountain roads wth her on the back when we ride alone is alot slower then the pace we ride when we have 15 fjr's B) and I am not sure she would like that to much.

OK, today is the day I need an absolute who is going and who is a definite maybe. I would like a head count so we dont leave anyone at a GAS STATION like before.
