Big Bear Ride

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Doug5551, Having a yellow bike is bad enough but you have the chutzpah to ride a Honda amongs a herd of Yamaha's. Let me guess you and Bluesman share underwear to. Ill mark you and Gregfjr on the list. Greg, please post here tonight if you do or dont get those tires mounted. This is a long way to ride just to get left behind.

not the only honda,wifes bike


Slappy Will you post the addresses so i can put them in my Zumo..


These are the only two addresses we have so far

As of 8/22/08

We will be meeting up at Starbucks, 627 Orange Street Redlands CA, near the highway 10/30 intersection on August 23, 2008 and will be departing at 9am with the intent of having brunch/lunch in Big Bear. Miguel recommended the Old Country Inn as a good place to grab grub. It seems modestly priced with a very large menu. It is at 41126 Big Bear Blvd in Big Bear CA.

Slappy - Good luck on getting saddle sores and try not to use your training wheels. Don't lead everyone down a launch ramp into any lakes. I know you like to avoid sharp turns and going up or down hills. Also keep you eyes open when lane sharing. And don't order those froo-froo girlie drinks at Starbucks, people will then see you're really a girlie-man.

And most impotently, please don't piss off the Brits, or they'll kick your arse. :D

Everyone enjoy and have a safe ride. ;)

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Hi peoples, right now am at hotel 6 in San bernardino 111 w redland blvd room 214.

as side note no one told me it be almost 100 FOKING degrees out side. i left home with it about 62 so.

going order a pizza, am hungry right now, any one know any place neat/cool to hangout tonight?

if you got the SOCAL list i do have my cell phone with me and on. if you don't PM me

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Hopefully it will be a bit cooler up the mountain..

for those of you that have GMRS radios mine is on channel 7, it is under the seat and a PIA to change while riding.

see ya'll in the AM.

Mine is a small hot chocolate.....


Hi peoples, right now am at hotel 6 in San bernardino 111 w redland blvd room 214.

as side note no one told me it be almost 100 FOKING degrees out side. i left home with it about 62 so.

going order a pizza, am hungry right now, any one know any place neat/cool to hangout tonight?

if you got the SOCAL list i do have my cell phone with me and on. if you don't PM me
pm sent.

Big Bear the back way is always a scenic run.........count me in .............will bring my GMRS for fun........

and your staying a the shady acres area of san bernaghetto,be careful.if you need help 4 anything im only 8 miles away,call me,my number is on the list.actually if it gets to freaky you can crash at my casa.

I'am gonna head down to Chaparral motor sports and burn some time over there, if your close look me up. nav tells me its only 2.7 miles from where i sit typing this. lol
The key thing to remember when going to chaparral is to leave your money at home. Its like the toys r us for adults :D
NOOOOOO shit eh?

i would have taken more pictures but the batterys died ( i got more already)

Due to circumstances that will be apparent to all soon I am feel unable to make the ride today guys....


OK guys-

Sorry to say I just flat ran out of time last night so I couldn't get my new rubber under the feej

But it does leave me in good graces with the wife cause I will have time to attend to the "honey do" list today...

See yall next time

Due to circumstances that will be apparent to all soon I am feel unable to make the ride today guys....
I just got a phone call from Pegscraper. They are all at the Starbucks and he got the news. I told him to have everyone share "good memories", then take an extra 20 minutes and get their heads into the need for anyone to have an incident because their minds are wandering!

Due to circumstances that will be apparent to all soon I am feel unable to make the ride today guys....
I just got a phone call from Pegscraper. They are all at the Starbucks and he got the news. I told him to have everyone share "good memories", then take an extra 20 minutes and get their heads into the need for anyone to have an incident because their minds are wandering!

Thats why i am sitting here reading Tim's posts and drinking coffee.

really doesn't help when you find posts like this though.

From a post on wednesday.

If I can ride with Fairlaner ('ride with' is the wrong phrase, 'catch-up to eventually' is more like it), then I can ride with anyone!

Kidding aside, I find myself less and less inclined to ride with large groups of other riders. Meet them somewhere, then ride my own ride and meet again - no problem. Ride as a 20 mule team, then I'll prolly pass.

Too, riding on multi-day rides requires a really great and compatible riding/rooming/dining/adventure partner. My recent trip with MCML was prolly the epitome of having a great riding mate (though admittedly, I must have annoyed the bajebus out of him with my smoking and nocturnal nasal concerts - bless him, he never made mention!). If a riding partner was a level or two below his caliber, then I might pass on a multi-day ride.

I also really, really enjoy the solitude of a solo ride. Nothing better for my soul than being in the middle of nowhere, singing along with whatever is playing on the Zumo, enjoying the scenery and watching the telephone poles click by...


Hey local guys and gals, I am heading to applebees on 2046 Redlands BLVD around 7:00 Pm to honer TWN with some beers and nachos, all are more than welcome to come.

First rounds are one me (mostly cuz i lost a bet with TWN at Morro bay and owed him one)

Great ride Slappy, thanks for putting it together. :clapping: Fairlaner, we did miss you but understood well. :( We rode like TWN would have wanted us to, most like the wind, but safe and the rest just safe. ;) For Neil and Janet, I made it home safe and sound and should have turned with you, since I just got in at 8:30 pm. Looking forward to the next ride. B)
