The reality is this...
It's just really crappy that that bolt is just sitting there on the side of the FeeJeer screaming 'Use me for something'
I personally don't care, if it's an aluminum slider, or plastic. Either one has the potential with the right forces to do a **** load of damage to the frame on the left side. Certainly with aluminum the chances are higher, but it is what it is. That bolt is also a motor mount into aluminum.
There are better solutions to be engineered, like the no-cut solutions for prior year FJR's that would spread the impact forces through a bracket I just haven't seen one for an 06 yet.
Are the plastic ones better? probably.
(Warning Sarcasm On, some may be offended)
Sliders are no substitute for
Collision Insurance: Plenty of drops in the 10-30mph range have totaled bikes before with or without sliders. It doesn't have to involve a frame, you can get of the road, down a ditch and be just as bad off.
I know insurance varies state by state, zip by zip, rider by ride, and bike by bike, but collision is worth every penny on any bike worth $3000 or more to me. Because I don't have $3000 just laying around. Well, I might from time to time, but that's not the point.
That's to me is about the same as saying I'm not going to carry medical payments or liability because I'm probably going to be dead if I crash, and more often than not, someone is going to hit me anyway. I only carry it because I have too.
If the cost of collision insurance is truly a cost issue (and it may be for someone that's wrecked a few bikes, or has a crappy driving record) then, as they say, that, there is the price of admission. And so with it is the cost if you wreck your bike.
Sliders or no Sliders, Aluminum or Not.
Delrin, or plastic sliders are not the end all either. I've seen plenty of those catch a crack and flip a bike making a low side worse. Hell, I watched a guy tumble a CBR at the Dragon last year when he hooked a peg feeler in a crack. The fact is it doesn't take much, after all we're not riding on pristine race track here, so you're better off to be insured if it happens. Period.
So is it Skyway's fault you put those shiny new things' on your bike? Those aluminum frame wrecking time bombs?
Personally, I don't think so. You bought them and installed them, he didn't twist your arm. You've seen what they can do, in some circumstances and it's unfortunate. Take them off if you don't like it.
The fact that he's offered an upgrade/side-grade is good for him. The fact remains, it's a crappy place to mount a slider period and there are better ways yet to be created that in the future will show up.
If you're really scared wait until he or someone else comes up with that.