Bridgestone B21 tires and concerns

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I also had same problem at 2800 miles the dealer said i ran them too sofl i ran 40 lbs always they split the cost with me thats the best they would do. i also weight 300 lbs so i wrote it off but i will watch more info now and i will get my tire back from the steeler.

Ok, I don't get it. Why all the 'go to the dealer and get a replacement' shit. It's OBVIOUSLY a POS tire! If you get a replacement, you'll just be putting on a *brand new* POS tire. Life is too short for POS tires! Go get something else, that's NOT a POS tire!

SkooterG, I agree, but was told I needed to try another pair. Bridgestone is not admitting they have a POS tire yet. If my second set does the same I'll be wanting a different pair. If they won't do that I'll just purchase myself a non-POS tire. :)


Ok, I don't get it. Why all the 'go to the dealer and get a replacement' shit. It's OBVIOUSLY a POS tire! If you get a replacement, you'll just be putting on a *brand new* POS tire. Life is too short for POS tires! Go get something else, that's NOT a POS tire!
I'm with ya skoooot.
The tire is not all that bad IMO ...until you put a few miles on it and/or ride it spirited ...then it goes to shit real fast. The solution is not to put the same tire back on ...the solution is to run it into the ground and make a better tire decision next time.

I ran a bunch of these, did a bulk buy ...they're all used up and I've moved on. Too much drama getting the dealer involved IMO. I could regret using the tire, but the truth is they lasted as long as most other tires for me (4-5K) the first few thousand on each was great. When new, i'll rate these tires as good or better than anything out there if you really like to get spirited with the bike. But, then the front goes to shit.

Now I buy more expensive tires, seems to be worth it, 3rd set of PR2's so far, ..they are nice, but I hope the next tire is even nicer, if you don't try new stuff you never know.

For me the drama of getting a replacement tire (the same tire you're complaining about) from a dealer is just beyond the drama I need in my moto-bike life. Run the fucker into the ground, and make a better decision next time I say.

Ok, I don't get it. Why all the 'go to the dealer and get a replacement' shit. It's OBVIOUSLY a POS tire! If you get a replacement, you'll just be putting on a *brand new* POS tire. Life is too short for POS tires! Go get something else, that's NOT a POS tire!

Dayum people, now ya gone and done it. Ya agreed with Scooter! What's this world comming to?? :rolleyes:

Dangit, now I gotta agree with Scooter to :blink:

Ok, I don't get it. Why all the 'go to the dealer and get a replacement' shit. It's OBVIOUSLY a POS tire! If you get a replacement, you'll just be putting on a *brand new* POS tire. Life is too short for POS tires! Go get something else, that's NOT a POS tire!
I'm with ya skoooot.
When new, i'll rate these tires as good or better than anything out there if you really like to get spirited with the bike. But, then the front goes to shit.

For me the drama of getting a replacement tire (the same tire you're complaining about) from a dealer is just beyond the drama I need in my moto-bike life. Run the fucker into the ground, and make a better decision next time I say.
Yeah...what they said!!!

Since you know what experience you've had and that conclusion has been shared by others on the Forum, why go through this experience again? I wore a set out in 3500 miles on my WFO trip last year and that isn't acceptable. Suppose I'd wanted to ride 5,000 miles on my vacation trip?

By a different tire and try it, as I suggested earlier and RenoJohn has repeated: TRY THEM ALL! Then you'll know which you prefer rather than what the dealer is trying to sell you from their inventory.

I'm wildly disappointed with the BT021 I had to put on the front in an emergency (no Storm available). I'm back to a Storm ASAP. FWIW, my BT021 looks just like those pictured after 2k miles.

I'm back to a Storm ASAP.
May I recommend something else?

While not as bad as the BT021, I have been very disappointed in the Storms, particulary the front. I'll never have another on my FJR.

Why don't you try the RoadSmart, or Pilot Road 2?

Gunny that. I wouldn't put another pair of them on if Bridgestone was paying me to run them, never mind just getting another pair for free. Considering all the stuff I've bought over the years for bikes that was used for a short time and then shelved because it just wasn't for me, One crap set of tires is no biggie. Besides, it's not like they bailed out at 50 miles, I got some use out of them, learned my lesson, and won't be fooled again.

Ok, I don't get it. Why all the 'go to the dealer and get a replacement' shit. It's OBVIOUSLY a POS tire! If you get a replacement, you'll just be putting on a *brand new* POS tire. Life is too short for POS tires! Go get something else, that's NOT a POS tire!
That sounds like a good idea, but not all of us are rich like you. So for now I'd rather take my chances with the dealer so I can get a couple more thousand miles out of a new pos tire before I have to pay for a non pos new set.

I learned this lesson the hard way "do not skimp on MC tires". My truck, I drive them till there is no tread, but on two, I get the best and change them often. 680 miles on stock 08 metz. and I am looking to replace them with PR 2's now. even if I got to put them on credit.

I'm back to a Storm ASAP.
May I recommend something else?

While not as bad as the BT021, I have been very disappointed in the Storms, particulary the front. I'll never have another on my FJR.

Why don't you try the RoadSmart, or Pilot Road 2?
'Cause the Storms are a known good in my book. I love 'em.

I realize tires are terribly subjective but I've ridden a lot of miles on a lot of bikes using a lot of tires and the Storms are my personal favs on the FJR.

I spooned a set of BT021s on over the winter and had the same funky wear problem, and poor longevity. I know that mileage numbers vary a lot by riding style and road surfaces so i won't go into specific mileage. Storms were much better then the BTs, but still not nearly as good as the Azarros were. Now I have a set of PR2s on and they stick even better than the Storms, already have more miles on them than the BTs or Storms lasted for me, and only look about half used up.

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I just got 6,600 miles out of a PR2 front, that's over double the mileage that got from the BT-021.

I know, I'm hard on front tires. :)

Why don't you try the RoadSmart, or Pilot Road 2?
I got some not-so-good news for you, sparky... The RS's go all flooey around 2.5k. Looks just like the 021. Happened on mine and on MCML's departing NAFO. Tire pressures were fine, but they just started going the triangle route. Oddly, they came back and began to round off about 1k later. Now, they appear fine and should run another 2 - 3k.

My current problem is that they are not cooperating in the corners as they once did. Actually, it's a bit unnerving. I need to muck with the suspension and pressures before I pass a final judgment, but if these don't finish life well, then I'm off to the PR2's.

Well you can chalk up another victim to the 021 front ridge at just 3K miles. This is a shame because I was a fan of the 020 - not the stickiest tire, but a durable sport tourer for the money. Bridgestone just lost a longtime customer. Based on all I've read here, the Pilot Road 2 is next.

Thanks for the post. I am on my second front to one rear BT021's. I won't be getting a third front of the BT021. Much too fast of wearing. I am switching to PR's or Avons.

I just got both my front and real B21's replaced under warranty. At about 3000 miles I started to have a strange 1" high ridge in the center of the front tire. It basically looks like a flat spot and the sides wearing thinner. I took it into Desert Valley Powersports (Awesome people by the way) and had Glen took a look at them. He said it was very strange and has had no previous B21's wear concerns. He asked me the pressure I had been running and I told him 40/42. He said he would look into it. I guess on one of his calls he was told they should be set at 38/42 tire pressure. I'm not sure 2lbs would have mattered that much but for the next 1500 miles I ran them at 38/42 and it seemed to get worse.
Long story short, Glen made more calls and got Bridgestone to replace both the front and back (back tire was starting to do the same) under Warranty. I guess his main Rep. had the same issues with his BMW and B21's. From my research, I'm thinking the weight of the FJR and BMW is just too much for this new design. I didn't have any of these issues with my previous B20's. I was really happy to be getting new tires so didn't push the issue about just getting some new PR2 instead. So, I'll see if I have better luck with the new set. I'm thinking either way I'm moving to PR2 next time.

My point is, if you are seeing same issues with your B21's you might want to talk to your tire guy for a new set.


PS. I was going to post in never ending but it wouldn't allow me.
I got a little over 3000 miles on the Bridgeblowns before I couldn't stand it any more, and now have PR2's. The ridge made for interesting transitions from upright to lean, as in "yup, yup, WHOA!!!, yup" etc. Fewest miles I've ever gotten from a set of tires, with wear bars fully exposed on the front. The Mickeys, on the other hand, are working nicely, took 200 miles to wear the little mold nubs off...... ;)

I'm still working on getting something out of the dealer I bought from. Showed the mechanic-he talked to Yam, and they said I run too low of air pressure. If that's the case then Yam has the wrong tire pressure on the little sticker deally put on the frame, because I check pressure regurally, and set it to their specs. Now they have taken pics, and sent them to the Yam rep. I'll be calling them this week if I don't here back soon.

Would love to get a deeply discounted set of PR2s from them, but am probably dreaming.
