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wanting to slow down and moving from an FZ6 to an FJR1300 is an oxymoron.

lonesoldier84 - Thank you for visiting Oregon.... and LEAVING. Don't tell anyone, but it's nice the rest of the year, we just did that for you.

Once you have your FJR, take it apart and send the bits to GP Suspension.

After re-installing said bits, and adjusting for your weight and preferences, you'll be much happier.

wanting to slow down and moving from an FZ6 to an FJR1300 is an oxymoron.
Straight line speed is not really the most enjoyable way to enjoy a straight road in my opinion.

Cornering is fun though, and I figure it will be more fun to corner an FJR at 60% riding level at moderately safe speeds than it would be to corner an FZ6 @ 60% and unsafe speeds.

Same bike, same corner, same rider, same level of involvement, but lower speed.

I figure a comfortable cadillac of a bike will put me in my happy place and not be screaming at me to corner harder as the FZ6 does.

That is the way in which I plan on slowing down to an FJR. I have slowed down as much as I can on my FZ6. That thing was built to rev high, rev long, and corner. It hates being docile and the engine tone will let you know it.

lonesoldier84 - Thank you for visiting Oregon.... and LEAVING. Don't tell anyone, but it's nice the rest of the year, we just did that for you.
Once you have your FJR, take it apart and send the bits to GP Suspension.

After re-installing said bits, and adjusting for your weight and preferences, you'll be much happier.
Hey, the rest of Oregon inland was BEAUTIFUL. The coast which I had heard SO much about was a big let down as I was freezing my cajones off. I knew if I could warm myself up I would be fine but I was without my windscreen on the bike and all the warm weather gear in the world short of dressing up like an Inuit hunter wouldn't warm me up.

Why was I missing my windscreen?

Ride report to be posted later....


Thanks for the heads up on the suspension though.

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Anxiously awaiting the first hand comparison of the FZ6 and the FJR after you've got a few thousand miles on the new bike.

Give it to us in short installments though- some of us have short attention spans.

Wait how old are ya? I just turned 25 back in May.
26. So we probably get shafted for parking at the rider meets? Bunch of older blokes probably won't want to give up their spaces, eh. Ah well, hopefully a couple of them bring their daughters (or impossibly younger wives YEEEEOWWWWWW).
Actually, we're hoping you bring the young hotties so we have something to ogle at. If you fail at that primary task then yes, you're parking with the Harley's cause they are chick magnets and obviously you're not! :rofl:

Oh, I get your slower speed thing. Lots o peeps on this forum have never ridden a true sport bike, so their comparison base is way off.

i've ridden a lot of the younger faster models but find the slightly slower older models give me more satisfaction in the long haul









oh you meant sportbikes :p

Lots o peeps on this forum have never ridden a true sport bike, so their comparison base is way off.
+1 on that. Some of the folks here talk like they are hot shit. They don't understand what a sub 400 lb sport bike will do in the right hands. But you can't ride that hard on the street and not risk jail or someone dying.

The Feej will mimic a sport bike for a while, then wake you up when you over do it and realize again what a heavy pig you're riding.

Bust! I said PIG, not SHEEP. Relax. :rolleyes:

Anxiously awaiting the first hand comparison of the FZ6 and the FJR after you've got a few thousand miles on the new bike.
Give it to us in short installments though- some of us have short attention spans.
I rode an 2004 FZ6 for years before finally getting the FJR...night and day difference really. The FZ6 is probably one of the most versatile bikes around and it served me well on many a tour without fail (after getting the TPS recall done), but it was slightly cramped when my wife started going 2up with never noticed the weight of 2up though. Bike was extremely flickable in the corners and was an absolute joy in the mountains. If it weren't for wanting garage space, I would've probably kept it as a 2nd horse.


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Did someone say the FJR was slower or not as nimble as a sport bike?

Most of the riding I do is with the sport bike crew in my area. 80% Gixxers and it seems everytime I'm in the front group and right on the tail of the guy in front of me. Although it won't bring up the front end like a Gixxer 1000, the point at which a Gixxer is going to lose me, is beyond the capabilities of many of the guys driving them and way beyond what should be done on the street.

In short, unless you are really a top notch driver, FJR will give you all the thrills in the world and never leave you at the back of the pack.

Recents smile makers....

- Gixxer owner was a little upset that they couldn't keep up to the old guy on the FJR in the twisties.

- While leading a crew back to our home town, lost all but one of them on the back roads. Apparently more than 30 minutes at a time was too much and they had to have a break.

- Nice fast left hand turn break downhill. Ducatti behind felt it was better to drive off the side of the road and show off his recovery skills in the gravel. It apparently was a great recovery, but not great to be there in the first place.

I dont mean to crash on everyone's bewbie parade (but since it was brought up..once you see one pair, one must be oblicated to see nearly every pair of ta ta's)

....oh shit..back to what I was gonna say. Yes, now I am new to the FJ...SHUDDUP...I CALL IT AN FJ...GET OVER IT. I have only had mine for about 3 weeks or handles great on the long stuff, and very well on the long sweepers and long twisties...but in the tight have to get off the seat and jump around like a monkey fooking a football for the bike to feel like its safely leaning through a corner.

Now, I know I only have a few thousand miles on the FJ to date...but I could VERY easily do MUCH better on the same roads on my GS or even my little 650 DR than the FJ does.

or...maybe the bike is just so much smoother that I dont notice Im going so fast. IDK.... The FJ is great, dont get me wrong, but in the tight twisties I still say my Dual Sports would do MUCH better. Why...I dont know. What I do know is that 18 months ago many of the sport bikes I caught up with on my GS loved to rip in the straights, and were lost in the curves because they could not pick a line, and would have target fixation or were simply afraid to lean their bikes over.

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Did someone say the FJR was slower or not as nimble as a sport bike?
Most of the riding I do is with the sport bike crew in my area. 80% Gixxers and it seems everytime I'm in the front group and right on the tail of the guy in front of me. Although it won't bring up the front end like a Gixxer 1000, the point at which a Gixxer is going to lose me, is beyond the capabilities of many of the guys driving them and way beyond what should be done on the street.

In short, unless you are really a top notch driver, FJR will give you all the thrills in the world and never leave you at the back of the pack.

Recents smile makers....

- Gixxer owner was a little upset that they couldn't keep up to the old guy on the FJR in the twisties.

- While leading a crew back to our home town, lost all but one of them on the back roads. Apparently more than 30 minutes at a time was too much and they had to have a break.

- Nice fast left hand turn break downhill. Ducatti behind felt it was better to drive off the side of the road and show off his recovery skills in the gravel. It apparently was a great recovery, but not great to be there in the first place.
reassuring stuff

i know im getting the right machine the more time goes by. i was only worried it'd be tougher to corner than a K1300S or K1200S which was initially the biggest bike I thought I'd be willing to go for.

LOL @ everyone else

but about light nimble bikes vs FJR:

yeah, the light nimble ones like my FZ6 just demand to be ridden aggressively in corners. It was engineered for it. Like a fish near water it will want to get wet. And you have to really struggle to keep your throttle low and lean angle high. they really dont take a lot of effort to rail a corner.

I rode a ducati 848 once and holy hell that thing gobbles up corners like nothing else. You so much at look at a corner funny and without even breaking stride you've got your inside leg half a foot from the concrete. The smallest bit of effort and your knees within inches. If what I have come across is true, sure you can match the same pace on an FJR, you just need to work harder and the switchbacks will take more effort. The 848 literally prances through those bits. The FZ6 even. Its left, then right, then left, with the same ease you see a racehorse prancing around.

That's why supersport riders think they are such great riders. Their machines tell them they are better than they are.

And @ maddad sure you can blow past the nublets. But same rider same skill on FJR and on light nimble will be quicker on the light and nimble. Thats just true.


Same basketball player, same court, same ball........but once with proper basketball shoes and once with work boots. his game will suffer in the work boots though he will still beat a lesser player.

Obviously an FJR is not as far off from a light nimble bike as a workboot is from a sneaker, but you get the analogy.

I am just very reassured over the past few days that the FJR is not the lugging goldwing style bike I had pegged it to be in years gone by before I had done the research. Couple years ago the biggest touring bike I thought I'd ever buy was the Sprint ST until I was 45.

As long as I can get my ride on and hang off and get that man-machine-tarmac fix I am happy. Plus its about damn time I pamper myself with a new(ish) machine. Been rebuilding that FZ6 too often and telling myself I'll get a new bike next year and just rebuild/repaint this year. Well now FZ6 is just track only and plastic be damned.

@ the comments about the FZ6, I spam text so no doubt you will be getting an earful (or eyeful, whatever, no not nudity, I mean text, god damn it you know what i mean).

P.S. Boobies.

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Lone, it's really you over here on the FJR side? HA. You know me as Redwasp on the 6 forum.

First off people I gotten to know Lonesoldier only through his posts on the FZ6 forum for the last 3 years and he is one of a kind for sure. Not that that's a bad thing.

I know you would like the FJR for a bike that handles quite well while serving the long distance needs. Sometimes she can be like dancing with big Mama Thorton and she's the better dancer! Just remember when you get one to take it easy for a bit as she can also get you into trouble much faster.

This forum is not as touchy feeley as the FZ6 forum but the wealth of experience and knowledge from this great group of people will serve you well, even more so if you have sheep!.

A side note: I bought a new 07 FZ6 as a playmate to the FJR. It is quite the bike for fun and between 8 & 14k redline it was very impressive. Great on gas and not bad ergos as I did do 2 track days and put 12k miles on it. But I missed a simple twist of the wrist to go sooooo what do I do? Easy, sold the 6 and bought a used FZ1 that had all the right work done to let it breath. Oh Baby is it fun in the twisties but it is thirsty and loves to eat tires, chowed down a set of PR2's in 4 k miles since March.

350 miles on the 1 and I am done, 350 on the FJR and where are we stopping for lunch.

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Lone, it's really you over here on the FJR side? HA. You know me as Redwasp on the 6 forum.
First off people I gotten to know Lonesoldier only through his posts on the FZ6 forum for the last 3 years and he is one of a kind for sure. Not that that's a bad thing.

I know you would like the FJR for a bike that handles quite well while serving the long distance needs. Sometimes she can be like dancing with big Mama Thorton and she's the better dancer! Just remember when you get one to take it easy for a bit as she can also get you into trouble much faster.

This forum is not as touchy feeley as the FZ6 forum but the wealth of experience and knowledge from this great group of people will serve you well, even more so if you have sheep!.

A side note: I bought a new 07 FZ6 as a playmate to the FJR. It is quite the bike for fun and between 8 & 14k redline it was very impressive. Great on gas and not bad ergos as I did do 2 track days and put 12k miles on it. But I missed a simple twist of the wrist to go sooooo what do I do? Easy, sold the 6 and bought a used FZ1 that had all the right work done to let it breath. Oh Baby is it fun in the twisties but it is thirsty and loves to eat tires, chowed down a set of PR2's in 4 k miles since March.

350 miles on the 1 and I am done, 350 on the FJR and where are we stopping for lunch.

Ha! Awesome!

I missed out on linking up with you when the other guys split off east and north. Next summer I'll be by for sure! Laguna Seca anyone?!?!

and yeah I see what you mean about this crowd. They're pretty hilarious tbh. And I've been reading and reading the past week or so on here and yeah, with age does come knowledge.....wisdom and maturity maybe not..... :p But reams of knowldege, HELL YES.

I've found two used 2006 machines that when my finances are in order in a couple months I will check to see if they are unsold which they should be since bike-buying season up here is pretty much over. Not many people buy 11k bikes 1 month before winter.

Most of us are to old to care about maturity :dribble:

I still can't believe Dirk did 5 thousand miles on a FZ6- youth does have some advantages.

And that watch out for that OCFJR guy, Eric will have you riding on a car tire before you know it.

Most of us are to old to care about maturity :dribble:
I still can't believe Dirk did 5 thousand miles on a FZ6- youth does have some advantages.

And that watch out for that OCFJR guy, Eric will have you riding on a car tire before you know it.
You're on the FZ6 forum too? What's your login there?

If Dirk only did 5k miles then I would have done more than him. I did about 8500km IIRC. I think he did more than 5k miles though. He came from Missouri and I came from central Alberta. We met up in Vegas through to Laguna Seca.

ROFL @ car tire. I saw that thread. I had seen it on a GoldWing once before where the guy mounted a camera under his bike and it looks so bizarre seeing the bike lean on a car tire.

And I'm from Edmonton. B-r-r-r-r-r-r

Sweet, maybe being under 40 I'm considered young here.

I think I'll go ride the Cherohola and the Gap, maybe find a FZ6 to smoke. :devil:
