Bringing that average owner age down!

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I'm also doing my part. 25 year old here. Bought the FJR a little over two weeks ago. Had a DL650 before that. I moved from an older person's bike to any even older person's bike. ;)
Anyway...I think you all are forgetting the biggest contribution us youngin's are bringing to the forum. Our hot, younger wives/husbands for eye candy at the meetups. :lol:

Edited to be more gender-friendly.
I prefer the older hot wives myself ;)

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I'm also doing my part. 25 year old here. Bought the FJR a little over two weeks ago. Had a DL650 before that. I moved from an older person's bike to any even older person's bike. ;)
Anyway...I think you all are forgetting the biggest contribution us youngin's are bringing to the forum. Our hot, younger wives/husbands for eye candy at the meetups. :lol:

Edited to be more gender-friendly.

Too much PC group think in this world. <puke>

I'm also doing my part. 25 year old here. Bought the FJR a little over two weeks ago. Had a DL650 before that. I moved from an older person's bike to any even older person's bike. ;)
Anyway...I think you all are forgetting the biggest contribution us youngin's are bringing to the forum. Our hot, younger wives/husbands for eye candy at the meetups. :lol:

Edited to be more gender-friendly.

Too much PC group think in this world. <puke>
Down with that, Wheatie. And anybody bringing a hot younger husband to an FJR meet (anybody of either sex) need not attend. <_<

I'm also doing my part. 25 year old here. Bought the FJR a little over two weeks ago. Had a DL650 before that. I moved from an older person's bike to any even older person's bike. ;)
Anyway...I think you all are forgetting the biggest contribution us youngin's are bringing to the forum. Our hot, younger wives/husbands for eye candy at the meetups. :lol:

Edited to be more gender-friendly.

Too much PC group think in this world. <puke>
Down with that, Wheatie. And anybody bringing a hot younger husband to an FJR meet (anybody of either sex) need not attend. <_<
Just trying to be nice to the wimmins. They are the ones with the boobies, ya know.

And anybody bringing a hot younger husband to an FJR meet (anybody of either sex) need not attend. <_<
SacMike is only speaking for himself here. I would strongly encourage hot younger (even older) husbands to attend ANY FJR meet. :p
Tyler, wouldn't you REALLY prefer hot younger (even older) single guys? or are "husbands" safer? :p

And anybody bringing a hot younger husband to an FJR meet (anybody of either sex) need not attend. <_<
SacMike is only speaking for himself here. I would strongly encourage hot younger (even older) husbands to attend ANY FJR meet. :p
Tyler, wouldn't you REALLY prefer hot younger (even older) single guys? or are "husbands" safer? :p
Hell YES I'd prefer single guys but they seem to be few and far between these days... :(

I'm trying to pull the average age down too... I've had my FJR for a little over a month and will turn a crusty 28 in two weeks. <_<
I started at 20 on a 450-lb, 55hp Yx600. As my first mount, it seemed like an incredibly heavy bike to push around, but it had a low seat height (even though I'm 6'3 205) and was comfortable. I moved to a 450-lb, 85-hp Ducati ST2, that seemed like a goddam rocketship in comparison, but it was a maintenance nightmare. I blew my knee and couldn't fit on the ST2 anymore, so moved to the meanest cruiser i could find, a 650-lb, 93hp XV1700. That thing had so much torque it hurt my neck, and complained a lot less about carrying a passenger than the FJR does. I never worried about going into a corner too hot because the thing rode on rails and went where i wanted it to every time, and it got me BOOBIES. :eek: That said, I've never been able to notice bike weight once it was moving... except for the little 250 ninja i bought for a girlfriend that honestly felt like a hamster-powered bicycle.

And if you aren't moving around on the seat while cornering, well, go sit on your barcalounger for crissakes. :p

I too am having me mid-to-mid-life crisis at the moment (look it up, it's a documented phenomenon!). I'm 26 and going back to school to GRADUALLY work towards a bachelor's degree part time most of the time. I'll be ~32 when I come out. Every time I see that number and think I am going to BE that number it seriously makes me shit a little bit without knowing I'm shitting (VERY embarassing at dinner parties!).

Then I think about all the time I wasted in my early 20's being an idiot of the highest order and mucking about being utterly useless. Well, now I have to play catch-up.

So yeah, have no idea why I just wrote an auto-biography, but that bit about the mid-life crisis set me off.

I'm seriously genuinely uncomfortable thinking about it. I may overcompensate at times (I have shaved a mohawk into my scrotum), but in the end I can't reclaim the wreckless abandon and carefree bliss I used to take for granted. Is this what I'm doomed to? A life of chasing the dragon of youth? If so, I have made plans to give chase in a very intense manner. Moving to India for about 5 or 10 years to run around Asia and the middle east on a motorcycle strike me as a great way to spend numbers 32-40 (that'll be the window it's possible for me to do it). Having a work schedule of 3 months on, one month off, with some EPIC places to roam all within one-month-touring-range? Yes please.

In the end, when I return, I'll just take up a cocaine habit and find a whore to marry. I'm sure that'll make me feel plenty young.

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(I have shaved a mohawk into my scrotum)
Man, you SERIOUSLY need to PM Bustanut Joker. His son just left home to join the Marines and you'd be a PERFECT replace-proxy. :rofl:
Jesu Cristo, RadioHowie! What did lonesoldier84 ever do to you, for you to rat **** him like that? I wouldn't wish that old sheep fecker on my own worst enemy. Cut ls84 some slack!!!

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(I have shaved a mohawk into my scrotum)
Man, you SERIOUSLY need to PM Bustanut Joker. His son just left home to join the Marines and you'd be a PERFECT replace-proxy. :rofl:
Jesu Cristo, RadioHowie! What did lonesoldier84 ever do to you, for you to rat **** him like that? I wouldn't wish that old sheep fecker on my own worst enemy. Cut ls84 some slack!!!
He's already been sending me pictures of himself in seductive poses wearing nothing but olive oil and strategically placed fruit and vegetables.

Get your 5 a day
That's the caption for each picture.

What have I gotten myself into here?

*hides in closet*

Send help.

Boobies?, olive oil?, mohawk?, fruitbowl?, what the hell kind of forum did I join here. :dribble: That's it, I'm going back to the Harley forum where there is some mature motorcycle talk. :rolleyes:

Boobies?, olive oil?, mohawk?, fruitbowl?, what the hell kind of forum did I join here. :dribble: That's it, I'm going back to the Harley forum where there is some mature motorcycle talk. :rolleyes:
Ha ha! LOL!

