Bringing that average owner age down!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Sweet, maybe being under 40 I'm considered young here.I think I'll go ride the Cherohola and the Gap, maybe find a FZ6 to smoke. :devil:
Yeah....but inhaling the smoke from another bike's exhaust riding behind it isn't what most people would call smoking an FZ6.....


WOW, kind of like reading a bad novel with an occasional nipple-slip. I became bored after the second or third line, so I failed to read all of what lonelysoldier had to say. Was it about the reasons he would not want an FJR because most riders are old farts? When I first joined, I was amazed how good many of these old farts were at riding that fat-pig FJR.

I think the reason for the average age of FJR owners being above, say 40 & beyond, is because [we] have been there done that and now want a bike that offers the best of all worlds. What Lonelysolder doesn't realize is many of us old farts own several motorcycles, including BMW's, Harley's, Ducati's, FZ6's and just about any other bike you can come up with. And the ironic thing is, many of these older FJR owners would smoke your ass regardless of what you're on.

Just because someone goes out and buys a "Sport Bike" does in no way suddenly make them a great rider or even a mediocre rider. In fact, many of the "Clubs" that race around on their sport bikes are the riders that cause statistics to climb regarding accidents, annoyances among the general public and loss of rights and privileges of other motorcycle riders. This in turn causes insurance rates to climb, restrictions, loss of rights [or privileges] and the decline of how the general public and non-riders see motorcyclists.

One of the greatest things about riding an FJR is this Forum and the people that become members. Most of us, regardless of age have already matured to the point where great camaraderie between friends that enjoy all aspects of motorcycling take precedent over anything else. The need to prove something (i.e. being bigger, better, faster) has fallen way down on the list of priorities.

So the probability of you running into FJR's riders might be slim, simply because you won't be able to catch up and we will tire of having to slow down to wait up for you!!

Just saying!!

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WOW, kind of like reading a bad novel with an occasional nipple-slip. I became bored after the second or third line, so I failed to read all of what lonelysoldier had to say. Was it about the reasons he would not want an FJR because most riders are old farts? When I first joined, I was amazed how good many of these old farts were at riding that fat-pig FJR.
I think the reason for the average age of FJR owners being above, say 40 & beyond, is because [we] have been there done that and now want a bike that offers the best of all worlds. What Lonelysolder doesn't realize is many of us old farts own several motorcycles, including BMW's, Harley's, Ducati's, FZ6's and just about any other bike you can come up with. And the ironic thing is, many of these older FJR owners would smoke your ass regardless of what you're on.

Just because someone goes out and buys a "Sport Bike" does in no way suddenly make them a great rider or even a mediocre rider. In fact, many of the "Clubs" that race around on their sport bikes are the riders that cause statistics to climb regarding accidents, annoyances among the general public and loss of rights and privileges of other motorcycle riders. This in turn causes insurance rates to climb, restrictions, loss of rights [or privileges] and the decline of how the general public and non-riders see motorcyclists.

One of the greatest things about riding an FJR is this Forum and the people that become members. Most of us, regardless of age have already matured to the point where great camaraderie between friends that enjoy all aspects of motorcycling take precedent over anything else. The need to prove something (i.e. being bigger, better, faster) has fallen way down on the list of priorities.

So the probability of you running into FJR's riders might be slim, simply because you won't be able to catch up and we will tire of having to slow down to wait up for you!!

Just saying!!

So, back to the FJR. Think to myself, "frak it, even if you can't corner that hard and get your body off the behemoth, it'll still be a sporty experience and great ride." Plus itll be nice to have on 5 of those 7 months in Alberta over the sprint.
So decide on an FJR. As a practical decision. But missing some of the magic until I saw this thread:

Good. Great. I am a big guy at 6'3" and built up enough to handle the size. I fully expect to get the riding experience I want from this bike.

I am now content that I am getting the right bike and my misgivings and doubts are dispelled.

i know im getting the right machine the more time goes by. i was only worried it'd be tougher to corner than a K1300S or K1200S which was initially the biggest bike I thought I'd be willing to go for.

I am just very reassured over the past few days that the FJR is not the lugging goldwing style bike I had pegged it to be in years gone by before I had done the research. Couple years ago the biggest touring bike I thought I'd ever buy was the Sprint ST until I was 45.
As long as I can get my ride on and hang off and get that man-machine-tarmac fix I am happy.
Hooked on phonics works for me!!

I have every faith that I rank among the lesser skilled of the riders on this forum, in spite of my best efforts over the past few years. That being said, I am also very confident that my skills in the past 3-4 years have surpassed at least SOME of the old riders on here simply because I have always had a mind to go fast, while others may not.

I ride my own ride and understand every other man here rides his. I'm just being a jackass because it's fun, not because I really am out to prove anything. The only person I have anything to prove to is myself. Oh and the female members of this forum. Saw a picture of someone's ass.

*does sexy dance*

heyyyyyy ladieeeeeeeees.........

Hell, what's with this 25-26 year old stuff.

I didn't even start riding until I was 49.

Sure the Feej ain't as good in the twists as some of it's lighter cousins.

But you for damn sure will be in a lot better shape when you ride 200+ miles before you even hit those curves.

It's a compromise. One I'm willing to live with.

Now back to your regularly scheduled dirty old man programming.


Just a footnote/reminder here...just because people here have some graying hair, balding heads, and some claim they can remember the 60s......don't think for a moment that there is any sort of maturity level in this board.

Those people left...once they hung out here for awhile.
HEY! I remember the 60s. OH Wait! (thinking, thinking, thinking, Oh yeah, "If you remember the 60s you probably weren't there")

Never mind I don't remember the 60s... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I remember the 60's. It was warm, wet, and crowded. I was in my pop's jelly-sack. :p
Just to get back on topic...[SIZE=18pt]BOOBIES[/SIZE] can't bring the average age [SIZE=18pt]LOVE MUFFIN [/SIZE]of the owners down if you don't ACTUALLY buy an FJR....right?...I heard somewhere that you are a Sprint ST [SIZE=18pt]TITS...BIG ONES [/SIZE]kind of guy. SO FALSE ADVERTISING BUDDY. :D

Yeah lonesoldier84, Miss Tyler is right: That right there is just about as good as it gets here on our FJR Forum. If you want to send him a private message, just address it to Bustanut joker; Owosso, MI!!

Saw a picture of someone's ass.
*does sexy dance*

heyyyyyy ladieeeeeeeees.........
Dance with this... :D

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and yeah, I was pretty much locked into an FJR until I heard Triumph were doing such great things with the GT. I was only in favour of the FJR 55% over the 45% to the ST. I really wanted an ST but couldn't get over the sheer comfort and pampering I would get on an FJR and still retain a sporty ride. Then the GT bit into the comfort and pampering a little bit and all of a sudden the only qualms I had about the Sprints were addressed.

Only just realized the Sprint GT even exists yesterday. For the past couple years I kind of had a feeling the FJR would be my next bike.

I still know I will buy an FJR one day, just not yet. It is just such a great machine and fills a spot on the sport-touring spectrum that no other bike does.

But like I said, I'm still going to stick around here now and again checking in. Great group of riders here.

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Don't mind this photograph, it's just an ass-hat!!


After some careful thought and considering your young age, have you considered this powerful cycle. I understand this baby corners like crazy!!

But remember ATGATT!!


lonesoldier84, Good Luck with a new Triumph Sprint GT; don't be a stranger here, I enjoyed your posts. If you do PM Bust: He likes sunsets, beach walks, Oprah, lavender candles and the color mauve!!!

jes' sayin'

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lonesoldier84, Good Luck with a new Triumph Sprint GT; don't be a stranger here, I enjoyed your posts. If you do PM Bust: He likes sunsets, beach walks, Oprah, lavender candles and the color mauve!!!
jes' sayin'
...And the feel of warm wool against his nethers.

wanting to slow down and moving from an FZ6 to an FJR1300 is an oxymoron.
+3 on this one!! The IDEAL word for it!!

Slowing down on an FJR??!?

Buy one, ride it, stay shiny side up.

Pray to avoid the great Flashing Blue Lights that you are very likely to attract while travelling the countryside...


I'm trying to pull the average age down too... I've had my FJR for a little over a month and will turn a crusty 28 in two weeks. <_<

I started at 20 on a 450-lb, 55hp Yx600. As my first mount, it seemed like an incredibly heavy bike to push around, but it had a low seat height (even though I'm 6'3 205) and was comfortable. I moved to a 450-lb, 85-hp Ducati ST2, that seemed like a goddam rocketship in comparison, but it was a maintenance nightmare. I blew my knee and couldn't fit on the ST2 anymore, so moved to the meanest cruiser i could find, a 650-lb, 93hp XV1700. That thing had so much torque it hurt my neck, and complained a lot less about carrying a passenger than the FJR does. I never worried about going into a corner too hot because the thing rode on rails and went where i wanted it to every time, and it got me BOOBIES. :eek: That said, I've never been able to notice bike weight once it was moving... except for the little 250 ninja i bought for a girlfriend that honestly felt like a hamster-powered bicycle.

And if you aren't moving around on the seat while cornering, well, go sit on your barcalounger for crissakes. :p

I'm also doing my part. 25 year old here. Bought the FJR a little over two weeks ago. Had a DL650 before that. I moved from an older person's bike to any even older person's bike. ;)

Anyway...I think you all are forgetting the biggest contribution us youngin's are bringing to the forum. Our hot, younger wives/husbands for eye candy at the meetups. :lol:

Edited to be more gender-friendly.

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Yeah, I'm not helping at 42 years old, but I needed a cool bike to ride out this mid-life crisis! :eek: )

The FJR is a very cool, very fast, high performance machine!!! I love this forum because we all have a love for this bike. Being a FNG, I have learned so much and continue to learn from all of the members! Some are old (like me) and some are young! ha ha.

The only thing golden about the golden years, is the color of your P. :eek: )

Enjoy it while you can.

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