** BRODIE NEEDS OUR HELP ** Serious Collision **

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Just got home to this news. My prayers and well wishes to him and his family!

I see you guys have stuff all figured out as far as retrieving his bike and belongings, but if you need a helping hand loading or retrieving anything, please do give me a call.


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Glad to see things went in a better, rather than worse, direction! Recovery can be a bitch, but, hey, what else were you going to do with your summer :) .

"Brodie said, he saw a pumpkin size hole in the windshield of the truck"

I have to assume he saw the truck coming & decided to take the driver with him. Karma headed to you & your wife!

He hopes to be released tomorrow or the Wed. at the latest.
:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:

Then the REAL healing begins.....and the physical terror-py....

Be sure to include Mrs. Brodie in your thoughts and best wishes. I think this has been incredibly unsettling for her.
It's bad enough just being married to him....then he begins to exhibit this "death wish syndrome'.... :rolleyes:

As I said in an earlier post...peace to the whole family. Brodie has the injuries but their concern will also overwhelm them.

He asked that I mention one important point.
-The car tire had nothing to do with the accident. :D

So, there's that.
I didn't even think about that.... :unsure:

I've gotta say, (and if you know him or have spent any time with him, you'll concur) Brodie is just a helluva good guy.ALWAYS upbeat, endlessly patient, thoughtful, considerate, and just a remarkable individual.

I think we're all fortunate that he's come through this incident without far more serious injuries.

Collisions involving vehicles headed in opposite directions often involve fatalities.
Yep, he's one of the "old world" gentlemen like TurboDave. Always constant and ready with a kind word.

You're in our hearts, Brodie, and we're carrying you around.

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I thought I read somewhere that the Crash Club was no longer accepting applications this year...maybe Brodie didn't get that memo.

Best wishes to both Mr. and Mrs. Brodie. Heal quickly!

Just had 20 minute chat with Brodie!He's in GREAT spirits and in remarkably good condition, considering what happened.

I'll let him fill in the details about his injuries, when he's able. He hopes to be released tomorrow or the Wed. at the latest.
GREAT news and an extremely good sign of long term healing! Thanks for the news Michael

Be sure to include Mrs. Brodie in your thoughts and best wishes. I think this has been incredibly unsettling for her.
I can certainly understand and sending prayers and good juju her way.

He asked that I mention one important point.
-The car tire had nothing to do with the accident. :D

So, there's that.
Huh! Looking forward to that story.

I've gotta say, (and if you know him or have spent any time with him, you'll concur) Brodie is just a helluva good guy.ALWAYS upbeat, endlessly patient, thoughtful, considerate, and just a remarkable individual.
What the hell is he doing hanging around an ol' crotchety fart like you then? :rolleyes:

I think we're all fortunate that he's come through this incident without far more serious injuries. Collisions involving vehicles headed in opposite directions often involve fatalities.
Here here. Anything we can do collectively, let us know. I didn't call or bother him as I knew he was being well taken care of. Hope he hears the collective love from us all.

Just got back and this is NOT the first thing I see! Prayers, JUJU and MOJO sent to both MRS and Brodie.

Best wishes and heal up fast.


My best to Broodie, just got in from a ride so first I heard. Get well and heal fast. Don't like hearing this, to many folks are healing from stuff they couldn't avoid. Sucks.

Sorry to hear of the pain and injuries...but glad this head-on collision didn't have the typical results. :clapping:

Someone send him a Brodie switch...he's gonna need one on his new bike. :rolleyes:

Wow, Brodie and elk last year and a truck this year. Here's hoping the bike took the worst of it. Can't imaging the guy saying he didn't see you with all that color.

Get well fast and back on a new bike!

Good toughts and prayers to you and your family.

Dammit, Brodie, knock this crap off. You appear to be, like me, shall we say, on the North side of thirty. Not too many of us on this Forum. Get well soon, kid.
