Brunch ride possible???

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OOPs I think I have a overnight ride thing planned second weekend of May also. But that may be negotiable.

How bout third Saturdays. Then this month and next are cool.

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One more try.... May thing is third weekend. So whatever Works for everyone else.

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My scheduals are semi open for now... just have to install a roof on a house cut down a few trees and lay some toungue and grouve flooring in 6 or 7 rooms but most of that is when i get a call nothing schedualed

Thats five. '04 '05 '06 '07 from Tulsa area and an '05 from Springfield. Colorful parking lot. Any SE Kansas Or Nw Arky People out there? How bout an all years FJR Brunch?

Thats five. '04 '05 '06 '07 from Tulsa area and an '05 from Springfield. Colorful parking lot. Any SE Kansas Or Nw Arky People out there? How bout an all years FJR Brunch?
Looks like you could use an '08. My schedule changes everyday, but I'll circle it and try to work it in.

Thats five. '04 '05 '06 '07 from Tulsa area and an '05 from Springfield. Colorful parking lot. Any SE Kansas Or Nw Arky People out there? How bout an all years FJR Brunch?
Looks like you could use an '08. My schedule changes everyday, but I'll circle it and try to work it in.
This is starting to come together nicely! :)

Now, Should we all meet there at like 0800 and then plan a touring ride though the best of SWMO,NWAR? Me thinks so! :clapping:

Now, Should we all meet there at like 0800 and then plan a touring ride though the best of SWMO,NWAR? Me thinks so! :clapping:
:thumbsup: Sounds like a plan!
Man :angry: that means me and the Wife will have to leave in the dark, :ph34r: and will be gone the entire Day... Possibly having to get a motel and stay away from whinning kids and Stinking dogs.... All weekend. CRAP :yahoo:

I just called the Blue Plate Cafe. They said Not before 0800 because they only have one Waitress before that. But anytime after 0800 is good. And if the the "thing" Grows over the next month and the number coming goes up. I should call and Warn.

The place is here.

So there you Have it. May 10, 0800 Blue Plate Cafe. If you wanna do a tour.... Plan a route. I hate leading people around the wilderness. But I follow pretty well. As Long as I end up home or In Eureka Springs by Nightfall I am cool.

Two weeks. Everyone still in? Any objections to 9am instead of 8? I guess I can force myself awake, to be there by 8 but it'll be pushin it.

Two weeks. Everyone still in? Any objections to 9am instead of 8? I guess I can force myself awake, to be there by 8 but it'll be pushin it.
I'm out unless something changes. A buddy from Atlanta is coming through that weekend and needs a place to stay.

(Non-riding buddy)

You still thinking about trying every 2nd. Sat?

Two weeks. Everyone still in? Any objections to 9am instead of 8? I guess I can force myself awake, to be there by 8 but it'll be pushin it.
I'm out unless something changes. A buddy from Atlanta is coming through that weekend and needs a place to stay.

(Non-riding buddy)

You still thinking about trying every 2nd. Sat?
I'm good with a second Sat. thing if there is enough interest?

Dang those non-riding buddies. Of course keepin an extra bike around for the riding ones when they fly in... is a bit much to ask!

Not so sure i can make this one... I am still on my trip to California!

Then i gotta make the money to play more!
