Brunch ride possible???

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9 works better for me too when we get exact dates set.. that would let me do my riding in the daylight.

Just thought of something... the new guy from eureka ( habachi ) Might be up to joinging us too... we just need to make sure we have a good time and spot set first with at least 3 of us showing up i think.

Ok right now it looks like we have 4 schedualed for the ride on the 10th.. with an 8 am or 9 am start time... not quite sure how long to get there but i am voting for the 9 am start time.

Issue number 2 is that the weather once again is trying to rain on our parade.

I personally think 4 to 8 people would be about right. I like more but that makes more work too.

And I don't want that responsibility either.

Rik6417, Timalan, Vandy, and Panayoti.. Looks like Rushes and Galaxy Blue have plans for that day.

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um, I'd have to read back through the posts but I think Breakfast was at 8/9 That would put us leaving around 6/7.

I saw the 30 percent chance for rain. And weather permitting. after breakfast, the wife and I are going to ride till early evening seeing some sites and finding a cheap motel in Eureka. Or Jasper. IDK? text talk

But then again if the Arkansas guys are still coming??? pipe in and tell us when you'd like to meet at the Blue Plate.

Or southeast Kansas southwest MO guys?

So Vandy, What is the final plan and routes?
Well I vote for the latest start possible... so if its a 9 meet we could leave claremore around 7:15 and be around the right time.

I think who ever originaly said 8 for breakfast wasnt planning a 2 hour ride to get there.

It definatly looks like the weather is finally starting to cooperate a little.

So Vandy, What is the final plan and routes?
Well I vote for the latest start possible... so if its a 9 meet we could leave claremore around 7:15 and be around the right time.

I think who ever originaly said 8 for breakfast wasnt planning a 2 hour ride to get there.

It definatly looks like the weather is finally starting to cooperate a little.

So Vandy, What is the final plan and routes?
Well I vote for the latest start possible... so if its a 9 meet we could leave claremore around 7:15 and be around the right time.

I think who ever originaly said 8 for breakfast wasnt planning a 2 hour ride to get there.

It definatly looks like the weather is finally starting to cooperate a little.
I think the 8am plan,,,guy bailed and isn't coming this time. So what ever anyone wants to do. My plan was shot in the ass when I found out sunday was mothers day. So what ever is cool by me. I won't be stayin over there for the weekend.

Ok I vote that we leave Claremore area at around 8 at the earliest... that will give us time to get there and have a late breakfast.. ride most of the day eat again then head back this way.

I was wondering how I was going to get my wife up early like that on a Saturday.

When we did Eureka Springs her alergys kicked in so bad she could hardly sleep at night..

And we thought this area was bad.

How bout KSU @ 9am, Claremore QuikTrip, We'll have a Brunch like the title implies and Ride all Day or head home the long way or what ever.

If your in..... Pipe in. If your not there by 9am Saturday we'll leave without you unless we know your coming. Or meet us over at the Blue plate just why of 11am.

Sound Good?

if you enter claremore from the south on hyw 66 you will run right into it at about the 3rd stoplight.

weather forecast is not looking good.
UM? I am OK with a postponement till next month. Maybe more of us Can go.

I saw 50% chance for Saturday evening with probability for severe! Light rain Ok. 20 inch hail and twisters I don't consider enjoyable.
