Brunch ride possible???

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Edit: weather report for Rogers is less promising than our own. Although the ride over, the company, and the food will be good. I fear the road home would be strangely dangerous.

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Ok I am still up for the ride after seeing all the reports..

Here is the way I see it.

Morning is a touch cool but not too bad.

Ride over to Brunch nice and warming up.

Ride most of the day in Arkansaw all good weather.

Time for heading back to Oklahoma there are storms out there that we can stop and check a weather map and locate them for dodging purposes.

Worst case they are a solid line of storms so we stop and eat while they pass over.

See ya at the QT. I probably will just ride home after we eat, but, it's all good.

I'll double check the weather and post again befor i leave but all should be good if the weathermen werent off by too much.

Bummer.. its down to just 2 or 3 of us now. Im thinking we are ok depending on how big the storm grows

I have sunday available if anyone want to do it again! :)
Let me know

If it wasn't for mothers day I'd be stayin in eureka to ride a full day sunday before coming home.

too bad we're gonna miss ya this time.
Yeah, Well i think i am going to ride all day anyway tomorrow to clear my mind a bit. I lost my mother last august.

Have a safe ride!

I have sunday available if anyone want to do it again! :)
Let me know

If it wasn't for mothers day I'd be stayin in eureka to ride a full day sunday before coming home.

too bad we're gonna miss ya this time.
Yeah, Well i think i am going to ride all day anyway tomorrow to clear my mind a bit. I lost my mother last august.

Have a safe ride!
We had a great ride. Dodged T storms all day. It only rained while we ate.

The place we were to meet. Was CLOSED. ( No Blue Plate diner) We just rode on to Eureka. Ate. And rode back home.

Fun Full Day.

Off Subject:

BTW I lost my mother Three years ago, but, because she just quit talking to me For religious reasons. She is still alive somewhere. I guess I made the wrong life choices. So her and My Sis "Cut Me Off"

I have a question;

Who was the Squid on the 06-07 AE riding west on I-44 through Tulsa wearing SHORTS this evening(5:30-ish)? :haha:

I was still headed home and spotted this guy! Just razzin' ya! :)

I guess I'm still not in the riding zone...

A little over 300 miles of riding in a day on a sargent seat and my seat is sore.

I'm going to try the stock seat one time to see if that helps..

I have a question;
Who was the Squid on the 06-07 AE riding west on I-44 through Tulsa wearing SHORTS this evening(5:30-ish)? :haha:

I was still headed home and spotted this guy! Just razzin' ya! :)
Um, I don't know but I regular see a guy riding an FJR in town with "nuthin" on.
