Can't wait until Tuesday

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Active member
May 10, 2008
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Boise, ID
Thanks in part to this forum and all the great discussions and information, Tuesday I will be going in to finalize the deal on a 2007 FJR1300AE. :yahoo:

Several factors have gone into my decision making process, including 1) Though the '08 A Raven color is a beautiful bike, black is not for me. 2) '08 AE Galactic Grey - too close to black and both would be a nightmare to keep clean (IMHO) 3) I love the Cerulean Silver of the 2007 AE, 4) After test riding the '08 AE, I liked the auto clutch much more than I expected (only complaint as has been mentioned by others is location of that damn horn button).

I also looked at the BMW R1200RT and K1200GT, the Connie, and Honda ST1300, but after looking at the bikes in person and sitting on them, they did not measure up to the FJR, I am sure they are great bikes, but not for me.

Thought about purchasing 48month of Y.E.S., but have decided that money would be better spent on necessary farkles: Cee-Bailey's reverse contour windshield (+4+3), frame sliders (before leaving the dealer), and passenger backrest.

For those that have installed Kouba lower links, have you noticed any difference in handling? I can touch fine with balls of both feet on ground, but am a bit concerned with manouvering bike in parking lots, etc. Coming from a cruise, not sure I would notice much difference and don't expect that I would be dragging pegs anytime soon, but I don't want to disrupt the handling of the bike. If it comes to installing lowering links, do you also recommend dropping the front to keep handling dynamics inline?

Thanks, Sawanny

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I would buy the 48 month yes if I were you, after all I did. I'm not much on extended warranties but how can you go wrong for only $400.00. Enjoy the new ride !!!

Just got my 08 in Feb. and I too was concerned about parking lot manuvers since I came from a VTX 1800. BTW, I'm 5'10" with a 30" inseam. I did put on a Corbin seat that put me a little lower, but it was more for comfort than seat height. Anyway, my concerns were unfounded. After a short time, I realized that ANY manuvers with the FJR were much easier than with the VTX! You will get used to the seat height quickly, and after a while, it won't even be an issue any more.

I also got the Cee Baileys reverse flip +4+2 and I love it. In the lower position you get just a little wind around the helmet, and with it all the way up there is NO wind, and no backpressure. If I was to do it again though, I think I would go with a +2 and standard width so I could have a little more air in the warmer months. Hell, I might just order one and switch windshields according to the season!

Good luck with the new bike. If you haven't already finalized the deal the 4 yr YES and a larger windshield could be part of the negotiations. If the deal is already done D&H will sell you a 4 year YES at slightly less than $400. Either way enjoy the new bike and good thinking on the sliders.

If it is a "new" bike, it does come with a one year warrenty...and the extended 4 year YES plan can be purchased ANYTIME before that first year expires. So if you don't have the 400 bucks got one whole year to save up for it.

Congrats on the new ride and welcome to the collective.


As others have mentioned, the YES warranty is available up to 12 months after purchase. Although there don't seem to be any additional issues with the AE yet, the added electronics make the YES plan a must have in my book.

Easy fix for the horn button is not to use your thumb for the downshifts. Use the nail part of your forefinger to flick forward the same part of the paddle that you use for upshifts. (Sounds harder than it is). That way when you add the PTT button, (Which you will), right beside the horn button, you wont accidentally downshift instead of chatting. Don't ask me how I know...

Welcome to the forum and enjoy the new ride.

Thanks to all for your replies.

Deal has not been finalized so I will push to get dealer to include 48 mo of Y.E.S. If not, I will hold off and purchase later from D&H as others have done (bike is brand new still in the crate); will also give some time to see how things workout for those that are getting more miles on the auto clutch and whether or not additional warranty is necessary. Thought about having them include the Yammie touring windshield, but think I would like the Cee-Bailey's better (mostly due to others comments) though on second thought maybe having them include the touring windshield to get me by at least for an evaluation of it before purchasing another one.

I am 5'6 (5'7 on a good day) with 29" inseam. With my riding boots on, I could touch balls of feet on both sides comfortably. Even on the Shadow, I am realatively cautious in parking lots as the thing handles like a pig a low speed. I was amazed at the relative ease the FJR handled in doing some figure eights and close circles in an empty parking lot with my wife on the back.

Again thanks for the comments. I look forward to getting the bike home and some miles on it.

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Congrats...only one more day to go!! Post some pics when you can. :)



Thanks to all for your replies.

I am 5'6 (5'7 on a good day) with 29" inseam. With my riding boots on, I could touch balls of feet on both sides comfortably. Even on the Shadow, I am realatively cautious in parking lots as the thing handles like a pig a low speed. I was amazed at the relative ease the FJR handled in doing some figure eights and close circles in an empty parking lot with my wife on the back.

Im 5'7 30 inseam. You'll get used to it. I actually step up on the left peg with my left foot then swing my right leg over the bike to mount. I find I dont kick the side bags that way. Backing the bike out of parking spaces sucks if there is any incline at all so just be aware of where you park. Enjoy your AE, I love mine

Today's the day!!! Sleep much last night?? ;)



Today's the day!!! Sleep much last night?? ;)

I'll tell tell ya, the bike already has +1000 dream miles on it...

Just talked to the dealer and will be going over after work to finalize the deal. Since bike is still in crate, I will take delivery on Thursday (my banker (wife) is superstitious and says Thursday or Friday is a good day to take ownership). I am exptremely anxious to get the bike home :dribble: , but have waited this long so a couple days wont kill me ( :angry: ), though I will have +10,000 dream miles on it by then...

Tough luck on the delay. I hope the weather cooperates with you. Of course you could turn it into a long weekend if you picked it up on Friday. I wonder how far you could go in 3 days? <_<

Deal has been completed. Take delivery Thursday at noon. I wont want to return to work from my lunch break.

I am now the proud owner of a 2007 FJR1300AE!!! :yahoo: Thursday can't come soon enough, but it gives me a couple days to make peace with my wife, before the feejer comes home.

Pics will be posted Thursday as I know this board requires proof of ownership (lol)...

p.s. how do I edit the title to say "Bought an '07 AE"?

Deal has been completed. Take delivery Thursday at noon. I wont want to return to work from my lunch break.
Outstanding...this will give you the opportunity to put on a few thousand more "dream miles". :) I think your banker/wife is right. I've always had my best luck picking up a vehicle on a Friday afternoon. Only one more day to go!!


