Canyon Cages for 2013, development input.......

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I like the rounded corners better, this looks like it can do some damage on your leg if you hit the corner, walking it back or pushing back.


I prefer the curved corners as well. It would be very helpful if you are able to post a picture from the front of the bike to see how far the bar sticks out past the fairing. thank you.

It looks like it can be installed without removing the fairing, which is a plus.

If I were to make one suggestion, it would be to try to incorporate a tab to mount lights or highway pegs. It could be in the form of a gusset with a hole in the middle, much like SW Motech adds to engine guards for adventure touring bikes.

Thank you for volunteering your bike!

I mentioned that to Ryan yesterday...the only problem with that is that different people want them in different places.....

there are some nice 1 inch mounts out there for highway pegs and also for the GoPro's.


here is an update......from Ryan and FYI these are 1 inch bars NOT 7/8ths.

Alrighty here's an update for you guys! We got the rear guard almost perfect now with regards to style and positioning. The guard sticks out just enough to protect the bags but not so far out as to worry you when squeezing through traffic. Also, as stated earlier, the rear peg will be able to fold up and down with these rear guards so that's another plus! We're about to lay the bike over now that we have the guards situated so I'll be sure to get some photos of that and update again in a bit.




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Thanks for the update... I'm not crazy about the look of the lower brace of the panniers guards...

Will the finished products be produced with stainless steel tubing?

I just spoke to Richard about this. Y'know, we started using flat stock there originally because the sets for the old KZ1000 had flat stock and we just continued suit. However, I do agree that using tubing might be a better option. On top of that, we can weld a tiny bracket to the tubing so people have another spot to mount auxiliary lighting or a GoPro. We'll mock up a set with tubing in place of that flat stock and see how it looks. Of course, I'll snap a few photos once it done!
However, for the time being, I have some pictures of the bike on its side for you guys to check out. We've finally got the two sets of guards (front and rear) nearly finished so we tipped the bike over to see how they look in relation to the ground and things are looking good! Both guards hit at nearly the same exact time which is our intention so the force can be evenly distributed between both accessories. As you can see in the photos, the peg definitely touches first (we make it that way on purpose because the peg acts as a sort of alarm when you're tipped over to let you know you're getting close) then the guards come in contact and hold everything else up off the ground including the pipes.


My understanding is that the finished product will be black or chrome (your choice). but i may be wrong.


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Yikes! The only thing I would be concerned about is how much does the peg hit before the bars? If it's not much, the thought of those bars hitting while ripping up some twisties would be kind of scary.

I mean the stock suspension on the FJR is known to be a little soft and not giving the best of ground clearance.

Thanks for the update... I'm not crazy about the look of the lower brace of the panniers guards...
There's no way to make those pannier guards look good and still work. We have seen a few that were powder coated the colors of the bikes and that helped but ...

Richard, good karma to you for stepping up with a test bike.

Thanks for the update... I'm not crazy about the look of the lower brace of the panniers guards...
There's no way to make those pannier guards look good and still work. We have seen a few that were powder coated the colors of the bikes and that helped but ...

Richard, good karma to you for stepping up with a test bike.

I understand what you're saying.. some things are easier said than done... If you look at the saddle bag guards on the GL1800 Goldwing, they are of a similar design but the hoop is horizontal, instead of vertical, as with the above design. Visually, the horizontal hoop is not as "heavy" looking, especially that some of us will ride most of the time without saddle bags.

Skooter brings up a valid concern as well.

If the bike were to be laid on its side without the rear guards, would the exhaust pipe contact the ground, or would the engine guards still keep it off the ground?

Thanks Richard for the continued updates and spearheading this project.

Greg and Mingo, THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!

If you have just the Canyon Cage on the '13 FJR, it will hold everything up off the ground without the help of the Saddle Bag Guards. This is because we make the Saddle Bag Guards and Canyon Cage hit the ground at exactly the same time. The only reason the Saddle Bag Guards alone can't hold the entire bike off the ground is because of the way the weight is distributed on the bike. The forward portion of the bike is much heavier than the rear due to the position of the engine. So, the Canyon Cage alone will protect the bike fine but the Saddle Bag Guards alone will not, if that makes sense.

Also, if you wanted to answer the other guy that's asking about HOW much the peg hits before the cage does, you can tell him that the peg is at nearly a 45 degree upward angle before the Canyon Cage hits. So, that's a pretty large "warning" gap from when the peg hits until the Canyon Cage contacts the ground.

Thanks Ryan.



Okay, we've replaced the flat stock with round tubing on the Saddle Bag Guards! What do you guys think? I personally like the look but I never really minded the flat stock, either.



A little bit ago there was a request to get some shots showing how far these guards stick out from the fairing. Here they are! They're very, VERY close in. From the front view it almost seems as though the fronts guards don't stick out enough to protect the bike but I promise you they do. It has to do with how skinny the underside of the bike is and the way it tips over. It'll be easier to see what I mean once I get a wider shot of the bike on its side. Once we lay the bike over again, I'll be sure to get photos. Anyway, check out how low profile these things are!



I like them....


here is an update (and improvement IMHO).....

I just came up with a good idea I think you guys will like! I was just out back toying around with the rear guards and the horizontal doesn't quite look right. However, the guards at a 45 degree angle look pretty bad ass! I had Donnell hold the guard up in an approximated position just to see what you guys think. If you like it, we'll work on getting a set mounted. The only thing about doing it this way is it would slightly interfere with the opening of the bag. Normally you can open the bag so the lid is horizontal to the ground, this guard would limit its opening roughly 4 or 5 inches. So, even though it would limit it slightly, it would still open enough to easily remove anything you keep in there save for maybe a full size helmet or something (if that'll even fit in the bags!).



Looks great and seems to meet all the protection regs.

but.... I know my passenger gets cramped after a short while and wants to move the legs around. My suggestion has been to move the feet on the pegs... on the heel, on the ball of the foot, etc. Dose'nt look like there's much back and forth room on the rear peg unless you're a size 2 shoe. Minor point but maybe worth considering.

I really like the 45 degree angle. Looks sharp! Except......... how scratched up are the sidebag lids going to get from hitting it most times when opened?

Just borrowing an idea from the Benelux sliders, have a vertical 1/4" stainless steel plate mounted to the upper part of the rear peg stay (need longer bolt plus ~25 mm spacer), second point behind the peg, third point at the rear muffler mount, then have a horizontal tube come out behind the peg, an inch or so past the outer part of the bags, then back in to the plate. The sliders I have don't stick out that much but they are low enough to keep the bags from touching down....... don't have any pictures right now, but can get you some in the near future.
