Cautionary Tales about Seth Laam!

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Good news bad news. I talked to him yesterday and today. Bad news- I did not mention your seats. Good luck.

After all of the good and bad reviews I've read all Spring/Summer, and with the tons of advanced notice you gave, this is pretty riveting.

Our Laam seats were supposed to have shipped yesterday.
No notification from Laam that the seats were completed. No notification from Laam that the seats have shipped. No shipping information.

Trust. Faith. Confidence. You silly boy.

I like my LAAM seat, but I didn't care when I got it, no long trips planned.

I think LAAM's new tagline will need to read, "Great seats, when you don't give a shit when you get it."

Sorry Alan for your troubles...this is pissing me off!

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Our Laam seats were supposed to have shipped yesterday. No notification from Laam that the seats were completed. No notification from Laam that the seats have shipped. No shipping information. Trust. Faith. Confidence. You silly boy.
FOCK!I like my LAAM seat, but I didn't care when I got it, no long trips planned.I think LAAM's new tagline will need to read, "Great seats, when you don't give a shit when you get it."Sorry Alan for your troubles...this is pissing me off!
Initially, relax a little there Wheaties. You're burning the witch without a trial. Let's see if Alan's seats show up on time. It sounded like Seth's assistant had it down pat, so I don't see why they'd drop the ball now.

Personally I'm giving Seth the benefit of the doubt. IF he falls through, I'll simply say that I'm very disappointed. I REALLY hope he comes through Alan!! Good luck man!!!

I'm giving Laam the benefit of the doubt, I haven't poked 'em yet for an update. It's only 3:00 CA time, I may yet get a notification. Kaarin and I did discuss a specific calendar date on which the seats are to be delivered, I'll trust them to be as good as their word. When the deal is done, I am going to suggest that they should work on their customer communications.

I'm guessing like a painter, he's an artist type. You can't rush a masterpiece.

I bet yer shickled titless when you finally get it..

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With the title of this thread what it is,

"Cautionary Tale about Seth Laam!",

why would anyone expect that eight months later it would be different than it appears to be?

It's pretty clear that when you order from Laam, you're rolling the dice. You will probably get a seat.

You will probably get a good seat.

But there's no reason to expect either of these outcomes on any particular time frame.

So .... why not just let Seth be Seth? When the seat comes, you'll have it. Until then, you won't.

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I sent my seats out to Redding last week. They arrived there yesterday. I am unlucky enough to not have any trips planned in the near future. There's a ride to eat mid-October, but I can handle that day trip on my Sargent seats without issue.

I threw a wrench into my own build. I sent in the order form, and then after I got my build date, I asked to add heat. I was told that the heat pads are on back order. I'll wait for them.

I'm of the mind that he's an artist. He's doing a piece of artwork for me. I will wait.

But like I said, I have a Sargent seat on the bike, and his build time is not cutting in to my riding at all.

I'm pulling for you, Mr. Ionbeam.

On a side note, there will be a set of Sargent heated seats hitting the "for sale" section the day my heated Laam seats make it to my door.

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I do feel Ionbeam's pain. I hate it when people don't do what they promise. I think this is the Scandinavian in me. We don't promise much ... but if we do promise, it will be done, Lord willin' 'n the creek don't rise.


I am waiting with baited breath to hear that the seats made it in time for the trip.

During my Saudi Arabian work episode, I became very familiar with the Arab term "Inshalla". It means, literally, "when Allah wills it to be." Not a cool term if you're the project manager and these tasks need to be finished by a certain date. I was quickly tagged as the impatient American.

Your anxiety is shared here, ionbeam, because many of us also think Seth's seats are the bomb. We're closely watching your cautionary tale and hoping for a good outcome.

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Following. Hopeful thoughts. I empathize with someone dealing with inshalla, as I've been dealing with Allahu Akbar. Good luck.

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Back-handed good news. Pillion has just been laid off and is home all day to wait for the package. It ain't here yet..... 1:44 Eastern DST.
