Center Stand

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I can do it in bare feet. But I'm 250lbs, with no back injuries. I can see how a messed up back and age issues could make lifting this thing a bear. I think the wood idea works well. That's how I change tires.

Here you go non-believers!

most important to have good traction when standing on the centerstand tang..once when putting my FJ1200 on the stand my wet shoe slipped off just as the bike was topping out on the stand...threw the bike over against my truck....many impure thoughts..

Sounds like ya still got the stock suspension. (Springs.) Unless you weigh 120 lbs or less, you should have stiffer springs. Get you sum aftermarket (Or gen III?) suspension bits.

In the summer I jack my bike up to keep the hard parts off the ground when corner'in, 'n the bike pops right up on the C stand. (Like that guy in the video.)

I've put mine up (gen III) barefoot. Not something to be done lightly.
I suppose I could if I wanted to badly enough, but I can get a stone bruise if I walk across my gravel driveway in tennis shoes and step on a pointy rock.
Yer way better than me! I get the bruise, then a sharp pain so I twist my ankle, then I fall down. At 185-ish I generally just lift me onto the center stand and the bike looks at me like one of the dogs who just farted, "What?"

OK, I watched some of these videos and unbelievable is all I can say. I think my problem with the FJR is when I stand facing the bike with my right foot on the CS lifting lever my body bends forward and to the right. When in this position I haven't got much strength then add to that my slightly herniated disk in the lower lumbar and I just can't lift the dam thing. Now, on my R1100RSL my body is straight with no need to lean right just a very comfortable position and the bike goes right up on the CS. Of course the beemer is over 100 lbs lighter than the FJR. In other words I think the FJR puts my body in a, for me, awkward un-natural position for lifting then add to that some age related issues and I'm screwed. In other words the FJR has not so great center stand ergonomics for me and it would be hard for me to put on CS even with a normal back. In fact if I had no back issues I might develop problems by putting this bike on the CS.

OK, I watched some of these videos and unbelievable is all I can say. I think my problem with the FJR is when I stand facing the bike with my right foot on the CS lifting lever my body bends forward and to the right. When in this position I haven't got much strength then add to that my slightly herniated disk in the lower lumbar and I just can't lift the dam thing. Now, on my R1100RSL my body is straight with no need to lean right just a very comfortable position and the bike goes right up on the CS. Of course the beemer is over 100 lbs lighter than the FJR. In other words I think the FJR puts my body in a, for me, awkward un-natural position for lifting then add to that some age related issues and I'm screwed. In other words the FJR has not so great center stand ergonomics for me and it would be hard for me to put on CS even with a normal back. In fact if I had no back issues I might develop problems by putting this bike on the CS.
It's an odd position for me as well. My near-900-pound Goldwing was easier -- for me. I could stand upright, and though I was pushing down harder it was just more comfortable.

On the FJR, my weight alone won't do it. I think about spreading my hand and foot. With my hand under the handle and my foot on the lever, I push them apart. When my rotator cuff allows it, this works fine. It doesn't affect my back, but we're all built different.

How much do you weigh? With the right technique you are using your weight on the stand to lever it up, so the heavier you are the better. As mentioned, the 190 tire helps, although it also raises the bike all the time, so if you have a long inseam, not a problem, but if you just reach the ground maybe not the best option. Also, taking a few minutes to pop off the side cases helps some as they are sort of heavy and their weight is where you're lifting. If I recall there was a video of a guy putting an FJR up barefoot, so yeah it's all in the technique.
Barefoot???... My arse!! Show me said video!
Oh ye of little wisdom.... you underestimated the incredible amount of time I've wasted over the years surfing FJR info...

At the first WFO in Moscow Idaho there was a guy from MN. That would put his FJR on the center stand while sitting on the bike. Don't let the back problems win. I have herniated discs, scoliosis, stenosis and arthritis from my neck to my ass and putting it on the stand is easy. The Spyder is tough but only cause I can't find the damn thing.:) :)
Saw a 70 yo guy put his Ultra up while sitting on his bike. He had a lever attached to the stand that made it possible. My ultra went up easily as long as my son-in-law was around to tug and lift.

For me, the problem was in the contact angle for the center stand left me lifting the weight of the bike of the bike rear straight up. Wasn't going to happen. Shortening the stand by 3/4" would have fixed it but I got an FJR instead. Works every time now and I don't even have to have my son-in-law with me. ...Don

... or get a Gen 3 ...
I swear to god my mind is shot! I was over at my neighbors installing a 7.5KW shop heater this am. After we got done I asked him if I could, by myself, put his '15 gen3 on the center stand and he said OK. If I hadn't done it I wouldn't have believed it, the dam thing went right up with the bags on easy peasey. I can't figure this out! Maybe it's not too early for a shot of whiskey.
I don't get it at all why do I have to use a board on my gen2?? I measured the distance from the center stand pivot to the back axle and the height above ground of the back tire and everything is the same as far as I can see??? WTF?

... or get a Gen 3 ...
I swear to god my mind is shot! I was over at my neighbors installing a 7.5KW shop heater this am. After we got done I asked him if I could, by myself, put his '15 gen3 on the center stand and he said OK. If I hadn't done it I wouldn't have believed it, the dam thing went right up with the bags on easy peasey. I can't figure this out! Maybe it's not too early for a shot of whiskey.
I don't get it at all why do I have to use a board on my gen2?? I measured the distance from the center stand pivot to the back axle and the height above ground of the back tire and everything is the same as far as I can see??? WTF?
I had a '78 Yamaha 750 triple that I couldn't centerstand, and it finally turned out that the centerstand lever was bent slightly. Can you park yours side by side with is and compare very carefully?

... or get a Gen 3 ...
I swear to god my mind is shot! I was over at my neighbors installing a 7.5KW shop heater this am. After we got done I asked him if I could, by myself, put his '15 gen3 on the center stand and he said OK. If I hadn't done it I wouldn't have believed it, the dam thing went right up with the bags on easy peasey. I can't figure this out! Maybe it's not too early for a shot of whiskey.
I don't get it at all why do I have to use a board on my gen2?? I measured the distance from the center stand pivot to the back axle and the height above ground of the back tire and everything is the same as far as I can see??? WTF?
I thought everybody knew. Yamaha made the Gen 3 significantly easier to put on its centre stand. There has been some discussion on whether it's part of the frame design or simply better leverage on the Gen 3's stand, and possibly the Gen 3 stand could be fitted to a Gen 2. I don't remember what outcome (if any) there was from this discussion.

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