Central Coast Romp & Get together

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Thanks to Toe, Khuana for the set up and lead! Special thanks to Speedy Bob for proving, once again, what a piece of shit the Metzelers are! :haha: 'Course, just wish you hadn't went and proved it at a ton an'a half! :eek:
Jeez, TWN, thanks for the teaser! I'm assuming nothing entirely serious happened to T.C. and Eve....... :unsure: And, yep, like you, I'm glad I shed my Metz tires. I know some like them but for my riding style they didn't cut it. Mikey likes confidence inspiring tires!

A great day, some great roads, good riders, not too much traffic and excellent company! What more can a Motorcyclist ask for ( stop that, I heard what you were thinking :blink: )? The day was slightly overcast but nary a drop of rain fell and the pavement was dry! A few wayward squirrels and a turkey made safe crossings over 25 without being bagged by the squadron of nine FJR'S. Highway 1 South from Carmel to Morro Bay was gravelly and broken in some areas, so caution was excersized. The Chatterbox FRS radios came in handy to keep the line of bikes from being broken up.

Robert Van Houtte's Z6 front, got a tear right in the center after he blazed past the lead riders like a bullett on his way to show us a turn-off near Los Paicines. After safely slowing and pulling over, his tire (which only had 3,000 miles on it) had a hole right in the center of the tread the size of a nail, but there was No nail. According to Robert The FJR wasn't unstable at all as long as he reamined straight up. Apparently however, he reported that a flat in the front doesn't want to steer. The tire got plugged by Mark of Visalia reminding us how important it is to carry a tire plug kit and a small diaphram compressor, especially on group rides where 20 + tires are being scrubbed by half as many bikes over fairly remote rural pavement!

343 + miles on my ODO for the day, by the time I pulled into the barn. :D

How many miles did you have Brian/Tim?


343 + miles on my ODO for the day, by the time I pulled into the barn. :D
How many miles did you have Brian/Tim?
I wound up with 702 grinned-filled miles when I pulled into the garage at 10:45pm. TWN and I had 75 miles or so of rain from Santa Maria to Carpinteria to make things interesting, and the gravel traps on Hwy 1 weren't all that fun, but those were minor items in an otherwise fantastic day.

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Aha! So it wasn't T.C., but my old speeding buddy, 100mph Bob (w/o Linda, I assume) who enjoyed a little Metz fun. ;)

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Bob did have the misfortune of finding a sharp stone at FJR nominal speeds on Hwy. 25, but Mark from Visalia produced his plug kit and compressor, and roadside repairs were completed quickly.

We stopped to regroup just before Hearst Castle, and got a great, sunny view of the coastal hills.


I dunno how many miles... 6 hunnert or so, I'd imagine. I'm running behind on downloading piccies. Mabybe tonight. But, I'll start another thread in 'Images' or if someone else beats me to posting first, I'll just add on, then. Time to go ogle all of the cars parked on State Street for the show!

Seems all of you-ins rode in iffy weather.If it rained you rode, if it was iffy you road, and had way to much fun. Yep got to agree about tire repair stuff " DO NOT LEAVE HOME WITH OUT IT". Glad no one had any mishap because of tire problems and were able fix and go, ( good job tire repair crew).

The pic that is posted is beautiful, can't wait till more reports and pics are posted.

:D :clap: :D

Lisa and I want to thank everyone for a great ride. We peeled off at San Juan Bautista to visit family in San Jose, but thoroughly enjoyed the ride on 198 and 25.

Special thanks to Toecutter for putting the event together and to everyone who led and coordinated the ride and made it so enjoyable. The route through the hills at this time of year was a great idea. The scenery was beautiful, the pace was fun, and the company excellent.

Thanks also to everyone that participated. We enjoyed meeting all of you and had a great time talking with you at the stops. This ride was the first chance I've had to be near an FJR that wasn't my lonely own, so sincere thanks also to all of you that showed me how you'd set up yours. I came away with more solutions and ideas than I have funds.

Hope to see you all again soon.

This ride was the first chance I've had to be near an FJR that wasn't my lonely own, so sincere thanks also to all of you that showed me how you'd set up yours. I came away with more solutions and ideas than I have funds.
Yeah, that's definately a problem... "Oooh! Lookit dat farkle! Howmuchitcostcha? Wheredjagitit? Oooh, put dat on da list, too!"

Good meeting the both of you! Check in for furture fun!

Well, 889.8 miles of great fun and fantastic riding. TWN, I have eyed Naciemento Road (Hunter Ligett) before, but only on the map. Riding it was incredeible! Thanks for reminding me about this one, we are so glad we took it.

It was great to meet everyone! We got rained on a few times on the way home today. As we crossed I-5 while on 33 today, the highway Northbound was stopped and there was a line of traffic as far as the eye could see.

We stayed on 33 and made our way over to 99 and went North from there.

The rain was hard sometimes, but leaning on the tank bag kept us dry and the storm didn't last too long.

I'll write a lot more when I post pics.

Who cares... I'm so jealous I don't want to see 'em, and I'm not posting on this thread! Oh wait I just did :beee:

Oy, They're coming... Check out Images, shortly. Next time, work days or pop a Doan's insteada bitchin'! ;) :D
Naaahh ya don't wana see me riding on drugs, my right wrist has a major problem already ! :p

Well, finally a chance to take a breath and visit the forum. Wow, what a blast that was!

Even though I was having one of "those" days, things worked out for the ride very well. No rain until the riders broke up and headed for home (we got some Sunday as well), and only one minor incident. My camera never came out of the tank bag, but we had the official forum photojournalism team along so no worries! Can't wait to see some of those pictures.

It sure was ccol to see 8 other FJR's waiting when I rolled into the Harris Ranch gas station. And I think I was the rider who came from the closest distance to the start point. So why was I last to show up? (see the previous "those" days comment). It was great to meet some new faces and see some old friends. I think everybody had a pretty good time, so I'll call it a successful experience.

I won't be making any more La Nina winter runs on Hwy 1 though. Damn, that road was torn up.

Did anybody else see the Wild Turkey that crossed in front of us in Carmel? I guess I noticed it better 'cause I had my head turned left so Eve could plug my intercom cable back in as it had fallen out. I made sure to be in charge of plugging cables together after that. Lucky it didn't get into the rear wheel.

Thank you all for showing up, Khunajawdge for the great lead, and the gods for keeping us all safe and dry during this outing. Of course, the Iron Butt Award goes out to TCFJR for his near SS1K performance. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Thank you all for showing up, Khunajawdge for the great lead, and the gods for keeping us all safe and dry during this outing. Of course, the Iron Butt Award goes out to TCFJR for his near SS1K performance. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Joyfulgirl gets honorable mention for being such a cool pillion for somewhere around 900 miles. My trip meter reset (and I really really didn't touch it) so I lost some miles :-( Not sure how far we went.

Joyfulgirl gets honorable mention for being such a cool pillion for somewhere around 900 miles.
Oh sure, a little salt for my (HP*) wound. Thanks. What do you mean by "cool"? if it's temperature-wise, I'm sure Eve had her beat.

* Hostile Pillion
