CFR 2009 Registration is Open!

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Toe - if you have ALL the tupperware in place, *and* fitting correctly, I'll be the first to buy you a drink.. I just don't think it's a goin' to happen.. just sayin' :rolleyes: :****:
Oh, it's on!!! I'll even install my CC to boot. Two drinks?

And I know you'll come through with that drink, so it's worth the trouble!


CFR is a sell-out!! Only six days on the market and we are out of inventory - can't handle any more folks.

We are suspending paid registrations at the 100 level - at least for now, but likely for good. If you wish to join a numbered waiting list, please complete the registration form, but exit when you are led to the PayPal screens. We don't want your money - when did you ever hear that before?

Thanks so much for your outstanding response. As a sold-out event, the Committee can now turn its attention to refining all the many details and ensuring that this is a wonderful experience for all.

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If I stay in Canada I have a little over 6000Kms each way. If we see and do everything we want to it will add another 2000Kms or so. We are in no rush, I have 6 weeks and Ann Marie will probably hand in her resignation before we leave because they don't want to give her the time off. She is looking forward to this as much as I am.
I figure about 3 oil changes and a second set of tires before your are done. Maybe you should plan for somebody west of you to set up some sort of tire change/ tire storage. Just thinking...

hmmm That has got me to thinking...

I may need to have the oil changed once, maybe twice in the bike as well. Any ideas?

Registered, paid, and have a room booked at the Selkirk Inn. Thanks to all, especially the two of you who gave me just enough of a "heads up" to get in under the wire.

Looking forward to carrying on an old tradition (redundant?) and starting a new one - although maybe they are one and the same. I can still picture the Canadian contingent arriving in Santa Rosa, California. If I remember correctly, they then headed south to clean out California Sport Touring's inventory.

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Richard, I was in Colorado for a couple of weeks and I did nearly miss out but the gods smiled on me this time and covered my ass.

I have some logistical issues to work out but, with more than five months to do so, I am pretty sure I will be there. If not, I have an economic model to follow and I'll sell my reservation(s) for more than I paid - :winksmiley02: !

It looks like the Golden State is going to be well represented. Anyone got a large flag?

... a Union Jack, no doubt!





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i am sure we can find a flag to fly..
Good idea. I'll bring my "Pole".
Careful, Toe. Highlander and Bluestreek will undoubtedly get drunk one night and attach a rainbow flag to your pole. Mike and I spotted them from a second floor window in Fortuna this last October: drunk, giggling and even rolling around together out behind the bikes. Only in this thread did I finally discover that they had posted their "No on 8" signs on our bikes. I'm sure they'll be similarly "prepared" with rainbow flags to fly as the group rolls north. :rolleyes:

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Careful, Toe. Highlander and Bluestreek will undoubtedly get drunk one night and attach a rainbow flag to your pole...Only in this thread did I finally discover that they had posted their "No on 8" signs on our bikes.
It's OK. Eve (closet lipsticker) will love the new flag I brought home, and I already have a "No on 8" sticker on the bike.

I don't mind guys/girls marrying guys/girls, as long as they're of the same race....

Careful, Toe. Highlander and Bluestreek will undoubtedly get drunk one night and attach a rainbow flag to your pole.
First thought - Ow, Ow, OW! Be careful with those zip ties!

Second though - Dayam, if they can attach a flag to his "pole", now that's some impressive length or a pretty small flag.


Congrats on the sell-out! and thank you very much for all your time and efforts organizing.

Has anyone advised the hotel that perhaps the 'on-site' liquor store might wish to stock up on Alberta Premium?

Not naming any names, but... :dntknw:

Dayam, if they can attach a flag to his "pole", now that's some impressive length or a pretty small flag.
It'll support a 3x5, depending on which unit of measurement is selected....
Here in Canada, we're on the metric system. You pick a unit, we'll prepare a response...*L*

Yeah, Tom/huron52 filled me in the the uniqueness of the Canadian metric system as it applies to building material measurements (2x boards) although you've gone metric (or SI) havn't gone ALL THE WAY SI yet. :p

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