CFR 2009 Registration is Open!

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One little old business trip to Cabo and I nearly miss out on the whole thing. Colleen and I are in: registered and paid. Now the trip planning...and all with the new suspension just completed today. Thanks for the effort in putting this together, the site looked and worked great.

- David

Wasn't there someone in Great Falls last summer that had the two confused... or conflicted, or sumpin? Of course, some of us were not in attendance, and rely on heresay.
But you were there in spirit, my friend ;) And I don't recal there being any pasties of any sort to be seen anywhere...!

At [SIZE=14pt]54 FJR Riders[/SIZE], [SIZE=14pt]2 Non-FJR Riders [/SIZE]and [SIZE=14pt]14 Pillions [/SIZE]for [SIZE=36pt]70 Confirmed Registrations[/SIZE]

in the first 48hrs of Registration, we are overwelmed by the amazing response. :yahoo:

Thank you all for the amazing response! It reinforces that our efforts are worthwhile!
It's the LOCATION....can't wait to get back up there. :eek: :D
Yah..the location....and the people, eh!

[SIZE=14pt]I just got a roomie (he is yet to register).[/SIZE]

Sorry, Barb! :rolleyes:
I heard you and the Exskibum are getting the honeymoon suite. LOL

IIRC you two were pretty tight in Fortuna. The management was so impressed with the both of you they left flowers at your door. :p

I learned all this from Highlander :D
Hey I'd forgotton all about that ! They were such a cute couple that the front desk sent them a present.......




Approved, authorized, registered, reserved, booked, confirmed, authenticated, sanctioned, allowed, endorsed, enabled, facilitated, countenanced, enrolled, scheduled, slated, I even got a room for this. Now if I can just get the wife to sign off I should be there.

Almost waited to long but it looks like you may have put up with me. A good friend started the little mexican resturant dowm the road in Roseberry so I can stop and say hi. Some of the best riding on the planet up there.
Good Thing, lookin forward to seeing ya Ray!

At [SIZE=14pt]54 FJR Riders[/SIZE], [SIZE=14pt]2 Non-FJR Riders [/SIZE]and [SIZE=14pt]14 Pillions [/SIZE]for [SIZE=36pt]70 Confirmed Registrations[/SIZE]

in the first 48hrs of Registration, we are overwelmed by the amazing response. :yahoo:

Thank you all for the amazing response! It reinforces that our efforts are worthwhile!
It's the LOCATION....can't wait to get back up there. :eek: :D
Yah..the location....and the people, eh!

[SIZE=14pt]I just got a roomie (he is yet to register).[/SIZE]

Sorry, Barb! :rolleyes:
I heard you and the Exskibum are getting the honeymoon suite. LOL

IIRC you two were pretty tight in Fortuna. The management was so impressed with the both of you they left flowers at your door. :p

I learned all this from Highlander :D
Hey I'd forgotton all about that ! They were such a cute couple that the front desk sent them a present.......



I forgot about the signs that were on their bikes :lol2: :lol2:

Hey ! it worked this time. Here's yer Canadian Back Bacon boys sans pasties ! ;)


We're in !!!Registered and PayPal'd :yahoo: --- awaiting hotel code.

Looking forward to this one

Rog n Debs
:yahoo: :yahoo: looking forward to seeing you !

Ditto - ditto .... :) been too long.. We'll be at the Selkirk Inn, a couple of blocks up from the Kuskanax

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Would you people hurry up and sell this thing out so I can start regretting....
Just 11 spots left as of this AM Bob, and I have your name on one of them! Lots of your Kali friends are on board, so no problem finding some friends to blitz North with. If your (much) better half wants to fly, Sylvia can pick her up in Kelowna and bring her over, or if it's easier for her to fly to Calgary, I think WebMaster Jeff may have a van load coming from there.

Just say Yes to a great rally!

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Would you people hurry up and sell this thing out so I can start regretting....
Just 11 spots left as of this AM Bob, and I have your name on one of them! Lots of your Kali friends are on board, so no problem finding some friends to blitz North with. If your (much) better half wants to fly, Sylvia can pick her up in Kelowna and bring her over, or if it's easier for her to fly to Calgary, I think WebMaster Jeff may have a van load coming from there.

Just say Yes to a great rally!
+1 on what Dave said. It looks like half of the Kalifornicators are signed already. :D

Would you people hurry up and sell this thing out so I can start regretting....

Hell Bob, You can always swing in here. Who needs to go see all them guys anyway...

I mean Bearly and Mike H is enough reason to avoid that fiasco :blink:

Jus sayin'


...just to change the subject a little..did you happen to notice the last line of the description of Ride #2?... "Obviously the author has yet to encounter a red-lining CBRXX Blackbird blowing by."

.... the XX rider coulda been Warchild, eh?.... you will be dropping by, won't you, eh? :rolleyes:


Finally got it all sorted out, It's the Selkirk Inn for me. Reading in their website about local attractions, noticed the Nakusp Hot Springs offers a SENIOR rate. How about that, Vintage Riders?

I heard you and the Exskibum are getting the honeymoon suite. LOL

IIRC you two were pretty tight in Fortuna. The management was so impressed with the both of you they left flowers at your door. :p

I learned all this from Highlander :D
Hey I'd forgotton all about that ! They were such a cute couple that the front desk sent them a present.......

I forgot about the signs that were on their bikes :lol2: :lol2:
Except the handwriting looks suspiciously like Highlander's. Are you two jealous...or afraid to "come out"...or insecure in your manhood?

Isn't misdirection a ploy of those who occupy closets?

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