What would DoG do?
You gotta be careful with that stuff. I heard a guy once actually had his FJR turn itself into a Harley one night. He went out to the garage the next morning, and there it was. Imagine the horror. :bigeyes:
WOW what a responseIs this true?
I hope so, because cleaning a bike beyond removing bugs, dirt grease/oil & debris is wasting precious riding time in my little feeble mind.
Er, most of the ancillary chromed parts come from China...I don't know where you all might buy your chrome.
My neighbor has a '98 Road King and he is single handedly keeping Mugabe and Putin in power in Zimbabwe and Russia, respectively, what with the chrome mines there. After my neighbor is done, there simply isn't any chrome left in the U S of A.
This from the guy with the most chrome and cruiser grips to boot....You would be correct. Please save the chrome for the HD crowd.
I don't have anything against Suzuki. That 1985 Madura at least got me up on 2 wheels, and is a testament to what could be...but compared to the '05 FJR the thing is a piece of crap except for the auto cancelling turn signals and the gear indicator and the comfy stock seatHey, BBIII, Whatchu got against Suzuski?
I had to take anathema before my colonoscopy.Jeez, what's next? If you don't wear the gear I think you should you become anathema ?