Could I change my Screen name?

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How about PW? Well that can for something else too. Then again it might fit.


OK, gonna close this out. Y'all have been generous, magnanamus, and properly sarcastic in my stupid (but important to me) search for a name change. It's just a name change, not sumthin more serious and I ain't no Olympic Gold decathlete, so I'm not wasting anymore of our time on this.

But i DO appreciate your insults interest! But like the Dodger quoted: "Do or Do Not".

As requested, I'm gonna PM Ignacio and do the deed and move on. I do promise you fine folk that I will do my best to be a Contributor and share what miniscule knowledge or valid (according to me) opinions I may have on actual FJR subjects, and not just be a lurker. After meeting some pretty great people at YFO in Mariposa, the path forward is clear: Have fun, share your jonesing for FJR's, and don't be a dick. Toward that end, my name will NOT be MotorPecker (yeah, that was a dumb one) so you'll just have to figger it out when I post. See ya round the Forum!

And to FJR4ME, I guess I MAY be PW'd, but she also says "Go, ride that bike, be with your buds. Just come home and do the dishes!" Whatta Gal!

"Love is the feeling you get when you like something as much as your Motorcycle" -HS Thompson

FJRunnin, Good luck with the name change. I would like to thank you and HotRodZilla with his urban dictionary post for wasting the last hour of my life researching the term Peckerwood. Peckerwood has been a common term that i've heard and used all my life and never new it had much meaning.

Zilla left out one of the meanings of the term Peckerwood that I thought was sort of funny. I'm just hope that you didn't earn the new forum name while attending and hanging out with the other inmates at YFO.

From the Urban dictionary "At some point, peckerwood evolved into a term used to describe white prison inmates. In prison slang, a peckerwood or "wood" was a white inmate who was willing to fight to avoid being raped or robbed. Over time, white inmates appropriated the term peckerwood and made it a source of pride."

In rural Tennessee, for as long back as I can remember, a peckerwood was any woodpecker that was not a yallow hammah (yellow hammer, aka northern flicker).

I'm not sure when it transitioned to a derogatory or insulting term, but it did.

In my neck of the woods, someone who sought out the appellation "peckerwood" or similar would be looked on as a fool. Yallow Hammah's not offensive as far as I know.

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