D&H deliveries

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I will be at D&H first thing in the morning to pick-up mine on May 4th. Plan to do a short 30-40 mile break-in run and back to change oil before chasing the sun west.


I am also picking up my unit on the 4th. Luke and I have made plans to ride together back to OK City, where he lives. I will continue on from there solo to Seattle. We have 500 mile oil change appointments at Tony's in Texarkana already scheduled for Saturday. If you want to ride with us that would be awesome, but as you will be heading more northerly maybe it doesn't work for you. At any rate the offer is open.

I can just see it, we'll all be coming out of a restaurant, walk up to our three shiny Blue mounts and going 'OK, who's bike is who's?'

Probably not.

i picked mine up on 4/27...

david picked me up at the airport...

nick put the bike together, and helped with a few farkles i brought with me...

renna and jerrold are as awsome in person as on the phone...

they have to great dogs on the property, one a bostson terrier, the other a boxer...

renna's mom, vivian?, is way cool and a great parts sales person...

i'm midway home to palm beach as i type...



I got the call from Gerald today. He said I could pick mine up anytime next week. It will probably be Saturday before I can get there though.

Hey Dana... you made it back? I sent an email response per your Email, but only after you had left for D&H, I think. Did you get around the storms? Do you still have a grin on your face? My first ride on my '05 was in the rain. Ride report man!!!

Hello Aldrichster and Luke,

Thanks for the offer of riding together, but I have already made plans to head over to Deal's Gap and ride the Dragon Friday and Saturday and also meet some friends from the MINI club as they are having MINI on the Dragon that weekend. I arrive in Huntsville at 12:20 the 4th so if your going to be around D&H that afternoon I look forward to meeting you.
