dark matter, missing pieces of the universe, etc...

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Thats some heavy **** dude. PFFFFFFFTTT. Hey man, if your on like a space ship traveling the speed of light and you turn on the headlights, would any light be able to come out ?
I was sitting here explaining to my fiancee how back in the 70s with the help of apricot flavored brandy and some wicked green smokeable "stuff" we would sit around discussing how "if your in a car going the speed of light and you turned on the lights would they work as usual?" then I read your post...toophunny!!!!!

The answer is of course "yes" because the light is still traveling at the speed of light (twice as fast as the car)

Time to "wake and bake" - where's my bowl??
Car/spaceship can't travel at speed of light, since car has mass, and it's mass (read mass as inertia or resistance to accelleration) will be increasing as it approaches the speed of light. So, let's postulate that this spaceship is traveling at 0.9c and turns on the headlights. The light, as measured by the people in the spaceship, travels away from the spaceship at the speed of light, 1.0c. The light as measured by an observer watching the spaceship speed past his position is also the speed of light, 1.0c

....and I want to know, if the universe is a expanding plain, such as the surface of a balloon, where does matter go after being sucked into a tear/leak-black hole--does it sucked in or sucked out (see how I moved this subject over to sex! :lol: ) and don't tell me it gets compressed/atomized, I aint buy'n that at least not completely. So what did that matter move into? or out of? and where does it go? what's on the inside? what's on the outside? is it a vacuum? is it a space? a solid? a liquid? a gas?--I'm conscious again so I need to go get another beer B)
The center of a black hole is thought to contain an ULTRA dense peice of matter from everything that is sucked in. At an atomic level, all mater in a natural state is 99.9999999999% empty space. At the center of a black hole, the gravity is so dense that the matter is compacted to an infinatly small area, which makes the gravity infantitly stroger, and it's a never-ending vicious cycle.

Think of a grain of sand that weights as much as our solar system!

What will happen when the black hole fills up with too much matter. Does it become visible ? :D

It's what we call an "astral burp". Sends heavy matter crashing through the galaxy.

....and I want to know, if the universe is a expanding plain, such as the surface of a balloon, where does matter go after being sucked into a tear/leak-black hole--does it sucked in or sucked out (see how I moved this subject over to sex! :lol: ) and don't tell me it gets compressed/atomized, I aint buy'n that at least not completely. So what did that matter move into? or out of? and where does it go? what's on the inside? what's on the outside? is it a vacuum? is it a space? a solid? a liquid? a gas?--I'm conscious again so I need to go get another beer B)
re:black hole. Matter which goes through the event horizon, will eventually end up being deposited as part of the black hole, but it's not like it heads straight "down", matter can orbit for a while. Crossing the event horizon isn't "extrordinary" from the point of view of a doomed astronaut. Of course, from outside the event horizon you can't see the doomed astronaut, because the light can't escape. Also note that the typical view of a black hole is true only for a non-rotating black hole. Rotating black holes are significantly more complicated because they drag the surounding space-time around with them. The black hole itself is (IIRC) torus shaped so matter can actually fall through (as opposed to "into") it (still can't escape the event horizon, of course).

One interesting piece, though, is that light (radiation) can "escape" from a black hole in the form of hawking radiation (named for Steven Hawking). Because of this, smaller blackholes can actually completely evaporate.

You didn't like "astral burp" theory? It's also known as the dot theory.

Backing up the space truck for a second, lets say I'm on my new ion drive powered FJR and I'm speeding through space at a slug like .5c. Now I know thats a mere 93,000 miles per second but the knuter valve is ticking and I want to get it to the nearest 5 star base so the dealer can look at it.

Anyway, I'm going 93,000 miles per second when I decide to turn on my new phids so everyone on the 5 star base knows I'm coming. The phids generate photons that leave the bike at what speed?

Now to make things interesting, an observer at 5 star base is waiting for me to arive. He expects me to be pushing that ion drive to the edge and has gotten a speed detector that not only measures how fast I am going but how fast the light from my headlights are going.

He measures me at .5c. How fast is the light from my headlights and why?

Backing up the space truck for a second, lets say I'm on my new ion drive powered FJR and I'm speeding through space at a slug like .5c. Now I know thats a mere 93,000 miles per second but the knuter valve is ticking and I want to get it to the nearest 5 star base so the dealer can look at it.
Yup, good idea, I assume it's still under warentee?

Anyway, I'm going 93,000 miles per second when I decide to turn on my new phids so everyone on the 5 star base knows I'm coming. The phids generate photons that leave the bike at what speed?
1.0c, as measured by you, the rider.

Now to make things interesting, an observer at 5 star base is waiting for me to arive. He expects me to be pushing that ion drive to the edge and has gotten a speed detector that not only measures how fast I am going but how fast the light from my headlights are going.
He measures me at .5c. How fast is the light from my headlights...
1.0c, as measured by the "stationary" observer on 5 star base.

...and why?
The "why" is because the speed of light is a contstant, but I understand that's an unsatisfactory answer.

This is where it gets a little more interesting, because both time, and distance get measured differently. From the standpoint of 5 star base, your clock runs slower. Also, you measure distance (in the direction that you're traveling) as smaller (shorter). I can try and write something else up which gives a little bit more detail of the examples with some of the math, if you're interested.

Could be the observer wouldn’t be able to visually detect the phid’s photons because their energy would be exponentially decreasing as they are damped/destroyed during ionization by the “Compton effect”. Therefore, you might slip by the observer undetected. Nah, he’d see ya. Phid photon wavelengths are long enough on the EMS so as not to be fully ionized. :unsure:

Think of the shock-diamonds that Feejer would make! B)

Anyway, one shouldn’t get hung up on speed when making imaginary travels; magnitude and direction that’s the key to a pleasant trip. :p

Aint' it amazing what a person can learn on a motorcycle forum...

this time it's light and time and distance confounded......

as long as understanding doesnt' involve math or logic, I'm good!

Ok, I admit I went frorm beer to Tequila..... makes understanding this stuff much easier!<G>

On another forum a few months ago, the discussion was string theory, but eventually two of the posters descended into the "mine's bigger than yours" posts....but there were 39 interesting pagess of discussion before that happened....<LOL>

I love biker forums!


So, if the universe is expanding, and they have measuered that at 3/4ths the speed of light in all directions, how can we see objects expanding away from us in the opposite direction? Or can we? They are going 1.5 times the speed of light away from us so I wouldn't think we'd be able to see them at all.

I just hear all of these shows talking about dark matter and how there should be more than they can see and just wonder if they have thought about that.

It also raises the question about traveling faster than light. If object A is moving away from some point at 3/4ths the speed of light and and object B is moving 3/4ths the speed of light in the opposite direction then niether are moving faster than light, but to observers on both objects, both would appear to be speeding away from each other at 1.5 times the speed of light. That means the whole light speed barrier is ******** because once you are traveling at a certain speed you are stationary as far as you the observer are concerned.
Um. I can actually explain quite a bit of this, but over a web-forum is a little bit difficult. There are really (at least) two questions you bring up. First, if you have 2 objects next to each other, and they each move away from the inital starting point at >0.5c, their relative velocities with respect to one another is still <1.0c.

The second, unverse expansion needs to be thought of a bit differently. Instead of thinknig about a baloon expanding and the universe as "inside" the balloon (where you have a universe boundry of the balloon itself), think of the univserse as the surface of an expanding balloon. So, there is no boundry, everything just gets further from each other.

If you're actually interested, and going to be at WFO, we can sit down with a couple of sheets of paper over a couple of beers.

Then we can talk about star lifetime, and things like the PP and CNO sequences for H to He fusion and why He fusion is so difficult, requiring high energies. Hint: Look for a stable atomic mass 5 or 8 nuclei - there aren't any, best case is a very short-half-life Berrilium-8 nuclei.

"Instead of thinknig about a baloon expanding and the universe as "inside" the balloon (where you have a universe boundry of the balloon itself), think of the univserse as the surface of an expanding balloon. So, there is no boundry, everything just gets further from each other."

that' not good either... everyonething would be on one plane...

How about comparing it to bread dough rising.... <G>


Ok, too much Tequila....<LOL>

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Aint' it amazing what a person can learn on a motorcycle forum...
On another forum a few months ago, the discussion was string theory, but eventually two of the posters descended into the "mine's bigger than yours" posts....but there were 39 interesting pagess of discussion before that happened....<LOL>

I love biker forums!

Welp, maybe on "another forum" you learn about string theories which eventually lead into "mine's bigger than yours" which is only natural given the advanced educated enzyt level of "other" motorcycle forums, however, here and only here on this forum will you learn that Groo prefers to eat a creamy white filled Danica Kilpatrick cupcake! and that the g forces associated w/long term effects of FJR's result in the need of a man bra. Now you tell me zakery where can you obtain a possible better education and higher knowledge--for free? Now where'd I put my melba toast, budweiser and remaining roach!

Well, I picked up a couple of 1.75 liter bottles of Jack Daniels at Costco today, so I'm ready for this posting to continue.

Anyone care to comment of doppler effect and the color of light waves? My head has to hurt before I take a drink. :D

And I, also, think the answer is 42. :huh:

ok, what the hell is this thread about?? dad is getting drunk (again i think) and odot is burping out of one end or the other? and what is melba toast? i'm so cornfused. dad, pass the sauce!
