dark matter, missing pieces of the universe, etc...

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This is where it gets a little more interesting, because both time, and distance get measured differently. From the standpoint of 5 star base, your clock runs slower. Also, you measure distance (in the direction that you're traveling) as smaller (shorter). I can try and write something else up which gives a little bit more detail of the examples with some of the math, if you're interested.
Now we're getting to the meaty goodness. A little time gravy. So what you are saying then for this example, because the speed of light is the constant, then time has to bend, warp, dialate, whatever to compensate because we have said that C is constant.

In my first post in this topic, I muddied the water by mentioning the fact that the universe is expanding. Thanks to this discussion I'm now thinking of it differently. Instead of some boundry layer getting further from some center with the objects inside staying the same but just getting further apart from each other, the matter inside the universe is also expanding along with it, (at least the matter immediately surrounding my skeloton).

Still, I'm having trouble with the whole two bodies traveling away from each other thing. Isn't time relative to the observer? By that I mean whether I'm stationary or going 99.99999% C, when I do something like type on a keyboard I experience it the same. Only an outside observer would see me as typing very fast or very slow?

So if we have two bodies traveling away from each other at .6C from some center point:


Regardless of how observers experience time, after all they are traveling at the same velocity, would the observers still be able to see each other if:

1. they each have their own light source

2. they don't have their own light source and must be illuminated by some powerful spotlight on the other object thats powerfull enought to shine across the universe bla bla bla.
I'm not sure what you mean about the light sources illuminating things, but in the case of your example,

observers on A and B see each other moving away from each other at ~.882c

Assuming A moves at velocity a, and B moves at velocity b in the opposite direction, the combined velocity is:

( a + b ) / ( 1 + ( ( a * b ) / ( c^2 ) ) )

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Assuming A moves at velocity a, and B moves at velocity b in the opposite direction, the combined velocity is:
( a + b ) / ( 1 + ( ( a * b ) / ( c^2 ) ) )
Therefore, ( a + b ) / ( 1 + ( ( a * b ) / ( c^2 ) ) ) = Melba Toast, which is what I've been saying all along... Mahatma knows. ;)

Got cow?

I believe the question is....."got gerbil?" lolol

Huh....playing with my av....Seems I am taking up a lot of space for what little content I am contributing to this.....oh, well....give them fishheads?

Wonky? Did you say wonky? Oh, christ on bike....some one ...just shoot me. Are we going to add "wonky" to our dictionary? SHOOT ME
Sure, if I say fucked up nobody notices. Wonky, now there is a word that gets noticed :D

Therefore, ( a + b ) / ( 1 + ( ( a * b ) / ( c^2 ) ) ) = Melba Toast, which is what I've been saying all along... Mahatma knows.
Were you not paying attention in home ec? ( a + b ) / ( 1 + ( ( a * b ) / ( c^2 ) ) ) = You're Toast,

pi*( a + b ) / ( 1 + ( ( a * b ) / ( c^2 ) ) )=Melba Toast

The term "wonky" has morphed from a name to a verb and to an adjective. I like it...wonkiness will take over the world.

I have had 2 nasty divorces that were easier than this read.

Pass the Melba Toast, please.

Holy crap. I just read this thread from start to finish this evening and understood much of it. Damn you guys have too much time on your hands. Great discussion though.

Holy crap. I just read this thread from start to finish this evening and understood much of it. Damn you guys have too much time on your hands. Great discussion though.
We can next talk about how everything you learned about the twin paradox was BS. (Not that the twin coming back would be younger (s/he would), but the "why")

Is this another case where mom should have swallowed,....or is this the after effects of crashing without a skid lid :blink: ....

I have had 2 nasty divorces that were easier than this read.
of course it was, it's alabama...

hers: truck on blocks in side yard.

his: bench seat on porch that came from truck on blocks in side yard.


Is this another case where mom should have swallowed,....or is this the after effects of crashing without a skid lid :blink: ....
no, it's a case of the better part of them sliding down moms thigh... 'tho, my hat is off to anyone that can describe the fluid loss in a quantum physics formula....

:p :p :p :p

no, it's a case of the better part of them sliding down moms thigh... 'tho, my hat is off to anyone that can describe the fluid loss in a quantum physics formula....
At the quantum level the only way to be sure its there is to observe it :blink: Not a pretty picture you've painted - no thanks :lol:

this is by far the best thread I've ever read on this forum :)

Holy crap. I just read this thread from start to finish this evening and understood much of it. Damn you guys have too much time on your hands. Great discussion though.
We can next talk about how everything you learned about the twin paradox was BS. (Not that the twin coming back would be younger (s/he would), but the "why")

In the Positive Universe, at the point of creation, a hot point source existed in only a few very high-energy eigenstates, the system is highly ordered (large negative entropy). To conserve symmetry, the Negative Universe is highly disordered (large positive entropy); the negative energy occupies almost every possible energy eigenstates in the Negative Universe at the point of creation.

The negative energy-mass contained in the Negative Universe produces gravitational repulsion that causes the space-time volume to expand. Because both universes occupy the same space-time (energy-entropy) volume, the Positive Universe experiences the same universal expansion.


In the Positive Universe, at the point of creation, a hot point source existed in only a few very high-energy eigenstates, the system is highly ordered (large negative entropy). To conserve symmetry, the Negative Universe is highly disordered (large positive entropy); the negative energy occupies almost every possible energy eigenstates in the Negative Universe at the point of creation.
The negative energy-mass contained in the Negative Universe produces gravitational repulsion that causes the space-time volume to expand. Because both universes occupy the same space-time (energy-entropy) volume, the Positive Universe experiences the same universal expansion.

Oh, okay, Venkman. :blink: :D
